


Time is important. Everyone has 24 hours in a day. There are 365 days in ayear. Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back again. If we loveour lives, we shouldn’t waste time. We must control time. The best way to usetime is to plan it well.

When making the study plan, we should remember two things. First, berealistic. Don’t try to do too many things. Second, a good study plan should beflexible. We may make some small changes on a weekly basis but follow the samepattern.

Let’s be the master of time, start out plan now.






One day, the father lets eight year-old son send a letter, the son took theletter , the father then remembered didn't write the address and addressee'sname on the envelope.

After the son comes back, the father asks him: "You have thrown the letterin the mail box?"


"You have not seen on the envelope not to write the address and theaddressee name?"

"I certainly saw nothing written on the envelope."

"Then why you didn't take it back?"

"I also thought that you do not write the address and the addressee, is fordoes not want to let me know that you do send the letter to who!"


儿子回来后,父亲问他:“你把信丢进邮筒了吗?” “当然”“你没看见信封上没有写地址和收信人名字吗?”





Alexander the Great acquired his warhorse Bucephalus when he was in histeens. The story is that a horse dealer brought the horse to Alexander's father,King Philip of Macedonia. The horse was spirited but totally unmanageable.However, Alexander argued that he could tame him.

He took hold of the bridle, and turned the horse directly towards the sun,having observed that he was disturbed at the motion of his own shadow. Hestroked the horse gently when he began to grow fiery. Then, with one nimbleleap, he securely mounted him. Presently, when he found the horse free from allrebelliousness, he let him go at full speed without striking or spurringhim.


King Philip kissed his son as he came down from the horse, saying, "O myson, look thee out a kingdom worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little forthee."



Look for a Friend

Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants tohave a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish haseight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. Hewants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs awayquickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a roundfish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Ofcourse! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are bothfishes.”

Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s be friends.” They become goodfriends.








Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man,how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning inorder to protect themselves from him.

The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack himnonetheless."

"I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrowmorning, and I will show you one."

The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which thehuntsman used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by.

"Is that a man?" asked the wolf.

"No," answered the fox. "He has been one."

Afterwards came a little boy on his way to school.

"Is that a man?"

"No, he will yet become one."

Finally a huntsman came by with his double-barreled gun on his back, and asword at his side.

The fox said to the wolf, "Look, there comes a man. He is the one you mustattack, but I am going back to my den."

The wolf then charged at the man.

When the huntsman saw him he said, "Too bad that I have not loaded with abullet." Then he aimed and fired a load of shot into his face.

The wolf pulled an awful face, but did not let himself be frightened, andattacked him again, on which the huntsman gave him the second barrel. The wolfswallowed his pain and charged at the huntsman again, who in turn drew out hisnaked sword, and ggave him a few blows with it left and right, so that, bleedingall over, he ran howling back to the fox.

"Well," Brother Wolf, said the fox, "how did you get along with man?"

"Oh," replied the wolf, "I never imagined the strength of man to be what itis. First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and thensomething flew into my face which tickled me terribly. Then he breathed oncemore into the stick, and it flew up my nose like lightning and hail. Then when Igot next to him, he drew a naked rib out of his body, and he beat me so with itthat he almost killed me."

"See what a braggart you are," said the fox. "You throw your hatchet so farthat you cannot get it back again."










