

关于梦想英语演讲稿3分钟 篇1

i don’t know what that dream is that you have, i don’t care howdisappointing it might have been as you’ve been working toward that dream, butthat dream that you’re holding in your mind, that it’s possible!

some of you already know, that it’s hard, it’s not easy, it’s hard changingyour life. that in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incura lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. there are moments thatyou are going to doubt yourself. you said, god why is this happening to me? i’mjust trying to take care of my family, trying to give them a good life, i’m nottrying to steal o-r rob from anybody. why does this have to happen to me. fo-rthose of you that have experienced some hardships – don’t give up on yourdream.

the rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they havecome to pass. greatness, is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, god likefeature that only the special among can achieve. it’s something that trulyexists, in all of us. it’s very important for you to believe that you are theone!

most people they raise a family, they earn a living a-n-d then they die.they stop growing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, thestop pushing themselves. then a lot of people like to complain but they don’twanna do anything about their situation. a-n-d most people don’t work on theirdreams – why?

1. is because of fear, fear of failure “what if things don’t work out“?

2. is fair of success “what if they do a-n-d i can’t handle it?”

these are not risk takers

you have spent so much time with other people, you have spent so much timetrying to get people to like you, you know other people mo-re than you knowyourself. you’ve studied them, you know about them, you want to hang out withthem, you want to be just like them. you’ve invested so much time on them, youdon’t know who you are. i challenge you to spend time by yourself.

it’s necessary, that you get the losers out of your life, if you want tolive your dream. but people who are running towards their dreams, life has aspecial kind of meaning. when you become the ‘right-person’, what you do is youstart separating yourself from other people you begin to have a certainuniqueness, as long as you follow other people, as long as you are being a‘copy-cat’, you will never ever be the best copy-cat in the world but you willbe the best you can be!

i challenge you to define your value.

everybody won’t see it, everybody won’t join you, everybody won’t have thevision…it’s necessary to know that you are an uncommon breed. it’s necessarythat you align yourself with people a-n-d attract people into your business, whoare hungry, people who are unstoppable a-n-d unreasonable, people who arerefusing to live life just as it is a-n-d who want mo-re!

the people that are living their dreams are parting with winners, to attachthemselves to the a-n-d the people who are living their dreams are the peoplethat know that if it’s going to happen it’s up to them!

if you want to be mo-re successful, if you want to have a-n-d do stuff younever done before then i’m asking you to invest in you! someone’s opinion of youdoes not have to become your reality. you don’t have to go through life being avictim. a-n-d even though you face disappointments, you have to know withinyourself that ‘i can do this, even if no one else sees it for me, i must see itfor myself!’

no matter how bad it is, how hard it gets, say to yourself, i’m going tomake it!

i wanna represent an idea. i wanna represent possibilities. some of youright now, you wanna go to the next level. you wanna be a civil engineer, youwanna council, you wanna be a doctor.

listen to me: you can’t get to that level. you can’t get to that leveluntil you start to invest in your mind.

i dare you to invest in your mind.

i dare you to invest time. i dare you to be alone. i dare you to spend anhour alone to get to know yourself. i challenge you to get to a place wherepeople do not like o-r do not even bother you anymore. why? because you’re notconcerned with making them happy anyway. because you’re trying to blow up.you’re trying to get to the next level. because you’re investing in yourmind.

if you’re still talking about your dream a-n-d your goals but you have notdone anything just take the first step.

you can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud you cantouch millions of people’s lives a-n-d the world will never be the same againbecause you came this way. don’t let anybody steal your dream!

after we face a rejection a-n-d a “no” o-r we have a meeting a-n-d no oneshows up, o-r somebody says “you can count on me” a-n-d they don’t come through,what if we have that kind of attitude that cause reposes, nobody believes inyou, you’ve lost again, a-n-d again, the lights are cut off but you are stilllooking at your dream, reviewing it everyday a-n-d saying to yourself: it’s notover until i win!

you can live your dream!










如果你想取得更大的成功,拥有或者从事前所未有的事业,那么我建议你对自己投资! 旁人对你的看法不能成为你迁就的理由。




关于梦想英语演讲稿3分钟 篇2

On the night of March 1, the 76th Annual Academy Awards was shown on television. After watching it, I had a dream, a sudden wish, that some day, I could receive an Oscar award, or a nomination, for a movie I've made.

While I was schooling in Australia, my friends from school andI received a n assignment one day, "To make a ten to twenty minute movie on the topic of your choice." At the time, the trend was based around the popular Matrix movie trilogy, so that became our obvious choice.

Because our schedule was very tight, and it was a first time experience, we found it all very hard work, but when we released our production at school, it was worth it. After my friends and I showed the movie, we could not get from one end of the school to the other without getting congratulated about five or six times. We, especially I, were proud. We made a school-wide sensation.

From then on, I became obsessed with how to make movies and how filming is done. I just wanted to know about everyone and everything that has something to do with movies. I would watch a movie four to five times, just to find out how one camera angle, or

special effect was produced. I found everything I watched quite amazing. I sometimes admired directors and producers of these films because the techniques they use are so smart. Their cleverness inspired me to make and act in movies.

When I become little bit older, I would like to attend a movie academy in Beijing or Shanghai, then America, or England, after some training and experience, I would like to make a movie, which will most likely be an action movie, which is my favorite kind of movie to watch.. If I am lucky, I hope I would get an Oscar Award for this movie. I think that would be quite a challenge, but it’s not impossible. For now, it’s back to watching movies over and over again for me!

关于梦想英语演讲稿3分钟 篇3

My mother is a doctor. She always has to work extra hours and comes home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little and still in primary school, I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. She answered with a smile, “Yes I am sometimes very tired but seeing my patients getting better and better makes me happy from the bottom of my heart.”

As I grow up, I gradually come to understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I made up my mind to be a doctor when I was in junior school and this has never changed since then.

I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffering from illness. But this is only a fantasy. What about the reality? There are still many many people who are faced with disastrous disease and suffering from constant pain. There are still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still many many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those things make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick and reduce their pain as much as I can. I want to bring a healthy body to the patients and save their lives as many as I can. I want to see people cured ,living happily with their families and friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white.

When I become a doctor, I will cherish each life regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positions and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable.

I already have a dream in my heart,so I have to make every effort to realize it.As a high school student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself with knowledge, prepare myself for the future and strive for my dreams. I will be determined, face the reality bravely and not surrender to any problems I meet.

Is’s like Gothe says,“The important thing in life is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”Being a doctor is my dream. I think it is simple but meanful.
