


There are certain films that can heavily shock your soul, then elicit your thinking, and finally change your life. No doubt Dead Poets Society is one of these infrequent films. It is a film about a teacher and his students. It is a film about perseverance and change. It is a film about love and cruelty.

The film is set in the United States in 1959. It shows us a series of things which happened to Mr.Keating and the young boys in Wilton Preparatory School.

Mr.John Keating is certainly the main character of this film. He is a respectable teacher with a high self-cultivation. He has an advanced conception which is different from tranditional educatin. The other two main characters are Neil, a boy who is keen on performing, and Todd, a boy with a little shyness. From Todd, I see how a boy grows into a man.

The film starts with the opening ceremony of Wilton Preparatory School. Todd, a shy boy, starts his school life with his roommate, Neil. On the first lesson, their taecher, Mr.Keating, just told them ‘Seize the day, make your life extraordinary’. He reads Whitman’s poet Oh Captain! My Captain. He taught the students to swim against the steam and to be themselves but not to perform. Students regard Mr.Keating as a different teacher.

Neil rebuilds the ‘Dead Poets Society’. The menbers fall in love with poets, as well as Todd. When Mr.Keating asks students to try writing a poem, Todd has no idea. Mr.Keating is quite angry. With Mr.Keating’s stimulation, the youngster first time shows great talent, reading his own poem loudly.

On the evening of Todd’s birthday, he talks about his birthday present which is the same every year and his brother ,who is so excellent that makes him feel inferior, with Neil, with sadness and a little self-mockery on his face. Neil encourages him a lot. Finally, Todd breaks up the disgusting present. Todd smiles to Neil, from the bottom of his heart.

Neil has a sading ending. After performing on the stage, Neil’s father takes him home and warns him again. He just wants his son to be a doctor. Feeling despairing, in the midmight, Neil commits suicide with a gun. Both Neil’s parents and the school think that Mr.Keating is the only reason for Neil’s death and decide to fire him. A second before Mr.Keating leaves the classroom, Todd stands up on the desk for his captain, with the menbers of Dead Poets Society followed. At that time, Todd throws out his recreance and becomes a real man.

That is the end of this film. I have to say that Neil’s death is a certain event, whether there is a ‘John Keating’ or not. It is not hard to see the long distance between ideality and reality. What Mr.Keating said and taught just strengthens the conflict between Neil’s heart and traditional conception. Neil despairs, but Todd doesn’t. We can see that Todd learns a lot from Neil and Mr.Keating, such as optimist, perseverance, courage and many other qualities which he doesn’t have before. So he stands up, and dares to shout what he thinks.

I love the boy named Todd and his growth. I love the teacher called Captain and his freedom. I love the beauty of dream, as well as the cruelty of reality. The film is not only a profound story but also a sincere advice. Seize the day, make your life extraodinary. We just need to be ourselves and grow up step by step, with a clear conscience and a tenacious spirit, like a boy grows into a man.


The movie is one of the most wonderful films I have

ever watched.To be honest,I finished the film with tears.When the boys stood on the desks one by one,and shouted:"Oh, Captain, my Captain."I could not help crying. It was really touching my heart.

The story happened in a school which had 4 pillars----Tradition,Honor,Discipline,excellence.Mr Keating,a new teacher who wanted to change the way in teaching.He told his students

to do what they like to do and to enjoy themselves;to do thingsnot just obey the books,but to look at some-thing in another

way,to consider own their minds and find new ground. With the

fluence of Mr Keating, some of his students founded their own "dead poet society".

Neil came to stage to do what he liked to do without his

father's agreement,for his father do not allow him to act.

Tod told the girl who had boyfriend that he loved her so much,and wrote her a poet.

They did what they liked to do, and they were happy.But other teachers and students' parents were not happy about that,exspecially Neil's father. When he found his son went to act a buffoonwithout his agreement, he was so angry. He wanted Neil to

transfer to another school,for he thought it was Mr Keating's

fault. But, Neil didn't want to. Then, one night, Neil killed

himself. Neil died. Mr Keating became the one to be blame. And he was fired. Before he was leaving, he smailed. Because he

knew his students imbeded his mind deeply into their thoughts. That's worth it!

"Poetry, beauty, romance and love,these are what we stay

live for", yes, we are just a person,not a product. We live on the earth with our own passion. Without do what we like to do, I perfer I have never lived. So, Neil choose to die. Neil was

not born to be a doctor as his father thought, he like acting. He killed himself in the end, in fact, it's his father killed

him. Just like the actor's lines in the 3 Idiots:"It's not

suicide, it's murdered". Parents regarded the school as heaven,but to the students, it's hell. Parents always think things usetheir own minds. They never think for their chindren: Are they like it? what they like to do? They always think that become a

doctor or engineer will be much honour. They never consider

that their children might be not like it. They just know that

become a doctor or engineer will earn a lot of money and have agood life. They always think they are right.

But, sometimes,they are wrong. Absolutely wrong!

Mr keating, the captain,who wanted to change the

eduation system of the school and change the mind of

parents, but failed. For me,I think he did not.I think it will come true one day, also in my conutry.

It is a valuable moive for us to watch, and to learn.


First of all, this is movie is my all-time favorite, out of all the hundreds of films I have seen. However, every time I mention this film, I have to answer most people's quizzical looks with “It's a beautiful little 80s film that stayed in the 80s.” After seeing it for the 24th time since I first saw it 5 years ago, on my 13th birthday, I can gladly say that this movie went far and beyond the 80s, and the power and inspiration of the message can be felt every day.

Dead Poets Society is a most underrated film by a most underrated director whose inspiring, uplifting and moral tales firmly grounded in reality are not nearly as appreciated as they should be. Here, we see one of his very personal and cradled projects, and he shows the visual style and concentration on characters in which he is so affluent. His control of the camera and the characters are very strong and very smooth. The cinematography is near perfect, with every shot, along with the editing, seamless. Also very compelling are the color-tones in every scene, perfectly matching the mood and events of the scene. Could you say this is art? Absolutely.

Then we have the performances. Robin Williams continues in stride as one who has to-date remained the most touching, heart-wrenching, awe-inspiring comedians with inarguable acting talent (he still remains my most favorite performer on the film screen)。 His Professor John Keating is a man who embodies every professor who you thought was cool and respectable, every person who taught or enlightened you in something out of the ordinary. In fact - dare I say it? - he teaches something EXTRAORDINARY! We have the tragically underrated Robert Sean Leonard in his role as the free-thinking catalyst student Neil. Why is this man not a household name/Hollywood heavyweight? His roles are always full of inspiration, energy, and tragic emotion that never fail to move an audience. His role in this movie is fresh, unhindered, and never pretentious as the cautionary tale of the movie. And then we have Ethan Hawke in one of his earliest roles as the point-of-view character. The entire supporting cast is very strong, also, providing the foundation and serve as the various emotional ties that further involve us in the story. Josh Charles's role as Knox Overstreet is a role that almost all guys can relate to wholeheartedly. And of course, all the actors who are in that Dead Poets Society do a fine job.

And lastly, the story. I won't summarize it since it's been summarized many times here, but I will say that it is one of the best coming of age stories for not only adolescents, but anyone. I have personally heard from nine-to-fivers who were inspired by this movie to change the situations of their jobs, careers, relationships for the better. I first saw this movie when I was 13, and immediately stamped, crowned and elevated this movie as my all-time favorite. Now that I am 18 and living on my own, with very different concerns than back then, I turn back to this movie over and over again, to find inspiration, solace and of course, entertainment. It is still my all-time favorite, and it still inspires me to seize the day and make my life extraordinary.


Is Mr. Keating a good teacher? Frankly speaking, I am not sure about the answer this time. Before the movie started, I thought it’s easy to answer, because I had watched it twice in recent years.

I believe that most of us, have taken Mr. Keating as a hero of freedom, a warrior against conservatism and a romantic with hope and enthusiasm. So it’s needless to say that I was inspired and convulsed again, but at the same time, which is different from the former, I felt sad and frustrated without rhyme or reason, and in the end of the movie I can’t help sobbing and feeling awful in some sense because I’m not familiar with the others and after all I’m a man and most of all, an adult.

All of these bad moods make me feel that Mr. Keating is not a good teacher, although he is a good person, an excellent poet and a brilliant ideologist. He succeeded in evoking the original sensation to freedom, individuality and love not only of most of the students in the WALE? School, but also of most of us, but the costs are tremendous, which are already out of his control and even some of which are out of his imagination. Kick lost his life, Nowanda lost his future and Keating lost his career, his favorite career, maybe his confidence and happiness were taken away together, and I lost my former position, which made me realized that I am not better than the headmaster. He and I are birds of a feather flock together, which really made me feel pathetic and helpless.

I don’t know when it happened, that I got used to living in tradition and discipline, which I still believe can bring me safety and a bright future. I really want to “Yawp” together with Anderson and walk my own steps, taking the road of life as my own courtyard, even though Mr. Keating is Mr. Cheating or Mr. Kidding. After all, he helped us enjoy a scene of movement, which is in a powerful and unconstrained style. It is paradoxical that I love the progress and hate the end.


Daed Poets Society

There are certain films that can heavily shock your soul, then elicit your thinking, and finally change your life. No doubt Dead Poets Society is one of these infrequent films. It is a film about a teacher and his students. It is a film about perseverance and change. It is a film about love and cruelty.

The film is set in the United States in 1959. It shows us a series of things which happened to Mr.Keating and the young boys in Wilton Preparatory School.

Mr.John Keating is certainly the main character of this film. He is a respectable teacher with a high self-cultivation. He has an advanced conception which is different from tranditional educatin. The other two main characters are Neil, a boy who is keen on performing, and Todd, a boy with a little shyness. From Todd, I see how a boy grows into a man.

The film starts with the opening ceremony of Wilton Preparatory School. Todd, a shy boy, starts his school life with his roommate, Neil. On the first lesson, their taecher, Mr.Keating, just told them ‘Seize the day, make your life extraordinary’. He reads Whitman’s poet Oh Captain! My Captain. He taught the students to swim against the steam and to be themselves but not to perform. Students regard Mr.Keating as a different teacher.

Neil rebuilds the ‘Dead Poets Society’. The menbers fall in love with poets, as well as Todd. When Mr.Keating asks students to try writing a poem, Todd has no idea. Mr.Keating is quite angry. With Mr.Keating’s stimulation, the youngster first time shows great talent, reading his own poem loudly.

On the evening of Todd’s birthday, he talks about his birthday present which is the same every year and his brother ,who is so excellent that makes him feel inferior, with Neil, with sadness and a little self-mockery on his face. Neil encourages him a lot. Finally, Todd breaks up the disgusting present. Todd smiles to Neil, from the bottom of his heart.

Neil has a sading ending. After performing on the stage, Neil’s father takes him home and warns him again. He just wants his son to be a doctor. Feeling despairing, in the midmight, Neil commits suicide with a gun. Both Neil’s parents and the school think that Mr.Keating is the only reason for Neil’s death and decide to fire him. A second before Mr.Keating leaves the classroom, Todd stands up on the desk for his captain, with the menbers of Dead Poets Society followed. At that time, Todd throws out his recreance and becomes a real man.

That is the end of this film. I have to say that Neil’s death is a certain event, whether there is a ‘John Keating’ or not. It is not hard to see the long distance between ideality and reality. What Mr.Keating said and taught just strengthens the conflict between Neil’s heart and traditional conception. Neil despairs, but Todd doesn’t. We can see that Todd learns a lot from Neil and Mr.Keating, such as optimist, perseverance, courage and many other qualities which he doesn’t have before. So he stands up, and dares to shout what he thinks.

I love the boy named Todd and his growth. I love the teacher called Captain and his freedom. I love the beauty of dream, as well as the cruelty of reality. The film is not only a profound story but also a sincere advice. Seize the day, make your life extraodinary. We just need to be ourselves and grow up step by step, with a clear conscience and a tenacious spirit, like a boy grows into a man.
