


1. a theme park主题公园

amusement park游乐园

2. provide sb with sth提供

provide sth for sb

3. amuse oneself自娱自乐,消遣

4. escape their busy life for a while暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活

5. share this basic purpose有着共同的基本目的

6. various ways各种方式 a variety of各种各样,种类繁多

7. meet this need满足这种需要

8. relax a bit稍微放松一下

9. have fun together一起玩得高兴

10. in other ways用别的方式

11. in recent decades在最近几十年里

12. more than不仅仅

13. get around四处走动,四处传开

14. charge money for adimission 收取门票费

15. make a profit挣钱

16. not just…but also不仅…而且…

17. sell souvenirs卖纪念品

18. advertiste them on television在电视上做广告

19.have a certain idea某种特定的思想

20. be based on以…为基础

21. involve… in…使…参与…(介入)

22. athletic competition运动竞赛

23. the challenge for…..的挑战

24. a brand of sports equipment某种品牌的运动装备

25. along with sneakers随同运动鞋一起

26. come to life活跃起来

27. go for rides去玩…

28. have our pictures taken让人替我们拍照

(have sth done)

29. in the clothing of minority people 穿着少数民族人的服装

30. name …after…以…命名



1. should +动词原形(有时省略should)

(1)用在动词如advise, command, demand, desire, insist, order, propose, recommend,request, require, suggest, urge等后的宾语从句中。例如:

1)They requested that we (should) send a delegation to their country.

2)She urged that he write and accept the post.

(2)用在it is suggested, it is desired, it is required, it was ordered, it wasproposed, it has been decided, it is necessary (essential, imperative,important, desirable) that等引出的.主语从句中。例如:

1)It is desired that we (should) get everything ready by tonight.

2)It is necessary that the teacher (should) have a thorough knowledge ofthe subject he teaches.

(3)用在suggestion, motion, proposal, order, recommendation, plan, idea,requirement等引起的表语从句和同位语从句

例如:He put his coat over the child lest he should catch cold.


1) first of all 首先 (强调顺序)

2) in all (=in total=altogether) 总共

3) after all 毕竟,终究

4) at all 到底,根本

5) above all 最重要的是 (强调重要性)

6) not (...) at all (= not (...) in the least) 根本不,一点也不

7) all the time 始终,一直

8) all of a sudden (=suddenly) 突然,冷不防

9) all right 行,可以

10) all at once 立刘,马上

11) all day and all night 日日夜夜

12) all over 遍及

13) all alone 独个儿,独立地

14) all but 几乎,差一点

15) all in all 总的说来

16) all together 一道,同时,总共

17) for all 尽管

