


1.Itis reported that those who were caught________ in the NMET in Jilin Provincewill be punished.

A.cheating  B.cheated

C.tocheat  D.cheat

2.Peoplethink that ________ opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games were ________great success.

A.an;a  B.the;a  C.the;the  D.the;/

3.Thesentence the little boy made________ everybody present.

A.didpuzzle  B.to puzzle

C.puzzling  D.puzzle

4.—Isthis Mr.Black’s office,Joan?


A.that’sall right  B.it doesn’t matter

C.afteryou  D.please yourself

5.Thereare________ of people in the dining hall.

A.lot  B.many

C.few  D.masses

6.Inthe global financial crisis some US firms plan to________ workers by thethousand.

A.layin  B.lay off

C.laydown  D.lay aside

7.WhenI answer questions in English,I do feel a bit nervous________.

A.intime  B.at times

C.ontime  D.for time

8.Unfortunately,wewere prevented________ the project on time by the terrible weather.

A.tocomplete  B.completed

C.completing  D.fromcompleting

9.________wild animals when you go up the hills.

A.Becareful  B.Take care  C.Look out  D.Watch out for

10.Thenew bridge is ________ the one built last year.

A.threetimes as wider as

B.threetimes the width of

C.threetimes the width

D.asthree times as

11.________hashelped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.

A.Who  B.Theone  C.Anyone  D.Whoever

12.I’msorry you’ve been waiting so long,but it’ll be some time________ Brian getsback.

A.where  B.since  C.till  D.before

13.Itis reported that the United States uses________ energy as the whole ofEurope.

A.astwice  B.twice much

C.twicemuch as  D.twice as much

14.It’s________for the Shenzhou Ⅶ spaceship that every Chinese feels cheerful and proud.

A.soa successful flight

B.sosuccessful a flight

C.suchsuccessful a flight

D.asuch successful flight

15.It’sno longer a question now________ man can land on the moon.

A.that  B.which

C.whether  D.what


Billy,ahard?working student,is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade.He has apart?time job that __16__ him up every morning at five o’clock,when most peopleare still __17__ asleep.He is a newspaper boy.

Eachmorning,Billy leaves the house at 5∶15 to go to the __18__ where the newspapersalways are.The newspapers were __19__ to the corner by truck at midnight.Healways takes a wagon to __20__ them.

Inthe winter it is still dark __21__ he gets up every day,but during the rest ofthe year it is __22__.Billy must send the newspapers to the houses of people onhis __23__ in all kinds of weather.He tries to put each paper on the porch(门廊)where it will be __24__ from wind,rain or snow.Sometimes his customers give himtips,__25__ him very excited.

Billyearns about $70 per month through hard __26__,and he is saving some of the moneyto go to __27__,where he has always been longing to go.Besides that,he __28__the rest of the earnings on records and clothes.Once a month,he has to collectthe __29__ at night since many of them work during the day.That is when he is__30__ so that he is full of excitement.Luckily,he gets __31__ supported by hisfamily.Sometimes,when Billy is sick,his brother offers to deliver the newspapersfor him.Once,his father was too __32__ to help.

Billyhas seventy customers now,but he doesn’t feel __33__ about the number.

Hedreams that he will get __34__ customers as possible some day.__35__,he mightwin a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy.He wants to win a trip toEurope,but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.

16.A.wakes  B.takes  C.gets  D.picks

17.A.sound  B.falling

C.fall  D.soundly

18.A.corner  B.street

C.room  D.department

19.A.given  B.addressed

C.handed  D.delivered

20.A.carry  B.bring

C.send  D.load

21.A.atwhich  B.while

C.that  D.when

22.A.short  B.black  C.light  D.long

23.A.road  B.way  C.route  D.path

24.A.protected  B.stopped  C.kept  D.prevented

25.A.making  B.letting  C.leading  D.causing

26.A.attempt  B.job  C.work  D.struggle

27.A.abroad  B.school  C.college  D.hospital

28.A.costs  B.spends  C.pays  D.uses

29.A.paper  B.money  C.newspapers  D.records

30.A.depressed  B.energetic  C.fulfilled  D.moved

31.A.very  B.great  C.greatly  D.alot of

32.A.likely  B.reluctant  C.tried  D.willing

33.A.satisfied  B.pleasant  C.contented  D.happy

34.A.manymore  B.as much  C.as many  D.much more

35.A.Ifthat  B.If so  C.Besides  D.What’s more Ⅲ.阅读理解

TeensGo Online

Some13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for schoolwork,games andmusic according to a research done by Nielsen’s “Net?rating”.The study coveredBritain,Germany,France,Italy and Spain.Experts advised parents to limit the timetheir kids spend online and keep them away from chat rooms.

Chatto the Magic Mum

Britishauthor J.K.Rowling,mother of the magic boy Harry Potter,will do an Internetinterview with fans on June 26.Before the event,children are invited to sendtheir questions about Harry Potter to the website.


Russianschool students will have to do basic military training in their final year ofschool,the government has decided.The lesson will include learning to fireguns,marching drills and learning how to deal with a chemical,nuclear orbiological attack.The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the educationof their love for their country.


Isit hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes?Some students atWinter Park High School just roll out of bed in their pajamas (睡衣) and go toclass in their own bedrooms.Of course,their teachers and classmates do not seethem because all their classwork is on the computer.

TheFlorida High School

Thestate’s only online school has 250 students who are taking classes at home bycomputer.Students in this first online program take classes in algebra,Americangovernment,chemistry,computer,economics,and web page design.They also have to goto regular school to attend other classes.

36.Inthe first news item,which country is NOT covered in the research?

A.Britain.  B.France.

C.Sweden.  D.Spain.

37.Whywill Russian school students have basic military training?

A.Toget ready for a military parade.

B.Tolearn to protect themselves.

C.Togain some military knowledge.

D.Todevelop their love for the country.

38.Thenews from Orlando can be given a title “________”.

A.GetUp Late  B.Online School

C.MagicalComputers  D.No Teachers

39.Aboutthe Florida High School,which of these statements is TRUE?

A.Someof the students have to attend classes at home instead of in the school.

B.Thereare altogether 250 students who take classes in the classrooms.

C.Asthe state’s only online school,it has 250 students who take classes bycomputer.

D.Studentscan’t take classes in algebra,American government,chemistry,computer and soon.

40.Whatis the second news item mainly about?

A.J.K.Rowlingwill have an Internet interview.

B.Childrenwill meet Harry Potter’s mother.

C.Fanswon’t ask J.K.Rowling questions on the Internet.

D.J.K.Rowlingwill invite Children to her website.



16.C17.A 18.A 19.D 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.C 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.C 31.C32.D33.D34.C35.B












