


When I was small, I fell in love with tennis, so I like to watch tennismatch so much. Today, the tennis players have extended their career time,before, most of them will retire around 30 years old, because it is old enoughfor an athlete. But now, we can see many tennis players still continue theircareer after they are 30 years old, such as Roger Federer and Serena Williams.Both of them are keeping the top situation, they are not young enough, but theystill the best ones. The age is not the excuse for people to stop moving on,some may say he can’t do well because he is not young enough, in my opinion, itis bullshit. It is never too late to learn, the horrible thing is people havegiven up the chance to try. So let’s take action, no more excuse.


In China, people treat the family as a very important union, families gettogether now and then, even the kids get married, they still treat their parentsin the first place. So the family means so much to everyone, family has greatinfluence on them. When the family gets on well, people can focus their mind towork, they don’t need to worry about other issues. It is reported that thepeople live in a harmonious environment are more easy to get succeed, whichreflects the importance of the family. While people who live in a unharmoniousfamily are easily distracted from work, because besides the work issues, theyalso have family annoyance. So the family is very important, we should keep intouch with family members often, even though we are busy, we should go homeoften, never let the work occupancies you.


Before the June came, it was raining all the time. I thought the summerwould not be hot this year, but it turned out to be wrong. After a week, I feltthe sun was stronger and even I stayed indoors, my mind couldn’t think, becausethe stuffy weather made me annoyed. The news reported that the weather washotter during the last fifty years. I was shocked, it was the human being thatmade the weather becoming hotter. To pursue the larger profit as more aspossible, people polluted the environment and destroyed the nature. Then thenature punished human being, she punished them with the disaster such tsunami,tornado and so on. We need to protect our environment, because the nature is ourfriend, if we hurt her, she will be angry. For the better climate, let’s protectthe environment.


It has been admitted that beautiful outlook can bring people a lot ofattention, the beautiful person always win the chances to be successful. Butwhat is the standard of a beauty, different times have different standard. Inour parents’ generation, it was believed that a girl should be a little fatter,because it meant that she lived the better life, while the thin girl would bethought to be lacking of happiness. In today, the standard of beauty haschanged, the most important standard of a beauty is to be thin, the thinner, thebetter. When we look at the commercial ads, all of the models are skinny, withthe beautiful dress, they look so gorgeous. When I see my friends work so hardto lose weight, I feel worried about them. They don’t have to do it, thebeauty’s standard will change any time. We should stay the way we are.


The First Rainbow Tunnel

Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is saidthat the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our country. I have seen manytunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel,it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space.But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks socomfortable. It is so sweet for the workers to build such lovely tunnel, itbrings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve thebig praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will beless tired in their journey.


When my friends ask me to take pictures of them, they will take a lot ofpictures and then only keep a few of them. Because they are not satisfied withmost pictures, they think they are not perfect. Actually, when I look at thepictures, there is nothing serious in my eyes, everyone in the pictures look asthey are. People chase for the perfect side, that’s why more and more peoplechoose to have the plastic surgery. Take the celebrities for example, they lookbeautiful enough, but to make themselves look perfect, most of them take theplastic surgery, which makes them look unnatural. People have to cost the greatprice for chasing the perfect side, while no one is perfect. If we accept ourimperfect side, we will live in the easy way and can enjoy the life.


Boys and girls ,

Today I’ll talk about our English club . Our English club was set up twomonths ago . Now we have members of 25 . We meet once a week on Saturdayafternoon. So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning, such as watching English films , holding a Christmas party and gettingtogether with foreign students .

Last week we held an English story-telling competition . We required thatthe entries be original and interesting and be presented in English within fiveminutes . Every member took an active part in the activity . Two foreign Englishteachers were invited to act as judges . At last Li Ping won the first place .Many members said the activity benefited them in many ways . Not only did itimprove their spoken English ,but also it brought them much fun . They hope manysuch activities can be held .

That’s all. Thank you.


Film or book, which do you prefer?

Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book inthe original.

Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book inthe original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the wholestory. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier tofollow.

Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can getmore detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the bookis possibly more lively and beautiful.

Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons forit. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, andwhats more, I am able to better understand the authors ideas. In a word, to readthe original work is better than to see the film based on it.


In 2014, the slogan of tree-planting day is Embrace the spring, Sow theGreen. Trees are so important to our planet. The naturalists compare the treesto human beings lungs. It’s true that trees take in the carbon dioxide and othertoxic gas and give off oxygen which living beings lives on it. If trees were allcut down, the earth would be a disaster. First of it, the temperature willraising then the glaciers will melt. Thus the cities near the ocean will beflooded. Second, the trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut downtrees, we not only destroy animals’ habitats but also ourselves’. We justgradually destroy natural links. Last but not least, trees can prevent waterloss and soil erosion; it’s the key to maintain the balance.


When it comes to the tree-planting day, everybody knows it’s a day thatcall on people to plant more trees and stop cutting down trees blindly, but fewpeople know the story behind tree-planting day. The tree-planting day wasdedicated in the memory of Sun Yat-sen. Mr. Sun had always pay great attentionto trees planting. In the year of 1914, he promulgated the first Forest Law inhistory. Then the government and the ordinary people started to plant trees inthe spring. On March 12th, 1925, Mr. Sun passed away, in order to memorializethe great contribution he had make to our country, the government decided everyyear of this day is the tree-planting day.

