


I. 单项选择

1. Lily goes to school _______ bus every day.

A. on B. at C. by D. in

2. Mum, my bike is too old. Please buy me a_____ one.

A. new B. big C. small D.long

3. On the table we see lots of fruit _____ applesand bananas.

A. like B.for C.about D. with

4. —______ does Tony get to school?

—He takes the subway.

A. What B. How C.When D. Why

5. —What’s forty and fifty?

—It’s ________.

A. sixty B. seventy C. eighty D. ninety

6. It’s my ______ to be an English teacher.

A. dream B. job C. work D. habit

7. Every evening it _______ me half an hourto do my homework.

A. gets B. asks C.takes D. knows

8. —Where’s the music club?

—It’s_________ the art club ______ the chess club.

A. either; or B. from; to C. between; and D. from; and

9. —______ is it from your home to school?

—It’s about two kilometers.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How far

10. —What does Jenny _________ our school?

—She likes it. She says it’s very nice.

A. play with B. get to C. think of D. look at

11. I know my English teacher has an________ daughter.

A. eight-year-old B. eight years old C. eight-years-old D. eight yearold

12. —There’s no bridge or boat. How do we ______the river?

—Let’s go on a ropeway.

A. clean B. run C. walk D. cross

13. —Every morning I _______ home at seven thirty and get to school atsevenfifty.

—Oh, it takes you twenty minutes to get toschool.

A. get B. leave C.go D. come

14. The library is not far from here. Wecan ______ our bikes there.

A. buy B. ride C. take D. drive

15. —Jack, do you know _______?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where does Mike live B. where do Mike live

C. where Mike lives D. where Mike live

Ⅱ. 完形填空

Mr. Brown is my uncle. He is 36 ___1___old. He works in a sportsclub. Hisjob is to ___2___ the students how to play basketball. He ___3___ farfrom theclub. He has a car, but he doesn’t ___4____ his car to work. Usually,he goes towork ___5___ bike. He thinks it is good ____6____ and he can get tothe clubearly when many buses and cars are in the street. Every morning, Mr.Brown getsup at 6:30. Then he takes a shower and has ___7____ good breakfast.At 7:40, he___8____ his bike to the club. The bike ride usually ___9____ anhour. “I neverfeel tired (累的). I think the ride is ___10____ and interesting,” saysMr.Brown.

1. A. days B. weeks C.months D. years

2. A. ask B. join C. teach D. think

3. A. lives B.gets C.makes D.watches

4. A. buy B.find C. play D. drive

5. A. by B. on C.in D. with

6. A. subject B.exercise C. food D.dream

7. A. a B. an C. the D. /

8. A. takes B. gets C.rides D. sees

9. A. sells B.finishes C. wants D.takes

10. A. boring B. relaxing C. difficult D.busy

Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (20分)


Sonia: Hey, Simon. I see two cars in frontof (在……前面) yourhouse. Are theyyour parents’?

Simon: Yes. The black one is my father’sand the red one is my mother’s.

Sonia: Do your parents go to work by carevery day?

Simon: No. My father usually walks to hisclub and my mother usually ridesher bike to her store.

Sonia: When do they drive their cars?

Simon: Ha, every weekend when we go to seemy grandparents. They live in thevillage and it

usually takes us two hours to drive there.


1. What color is Simon’s mother’s car?

A. White. B. Red. C.Black. D.Purple.

2. Where does Simon’s father work?

A. In a school. B. In a store. C. In a library. D. In a club.

3. How does Simon’s mother go to work?

A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By subway. D. By car.

4. When do they go to see Simon’s grandparents?

A. Every weekend. B. Every Monday. C. Every Wednesday. D. Every Friday.

5. How long does it take them to get toSimon’s grandparents’ home?

A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. Two hours. D. Three hours.


Hi, I’m Judy. I’m a middle school student. Inmy class, there arethirty-eight students. How do they go to school every day?Seventeen of them takebuses because they live far from the school. Six students walk. They thinkwalking is goodexercise. Fifteen students ride their bikes to school becausethey like ridingbikes very much and their homes are not far from the school. Noone goes toschool by car. How do I go to school? Ha, I’m one of the fifteen.

6. There are _______ students in Judy’s class.

A. 29 B. 30 C. 38 D. 45

7. Six students think ________ is good exercise.

A. running B. walking C. swimming D.riding

8. ______ students ride their bikes to school.

A. 17 B. 6 C.10 D. 15

9. Judy goes to school ________.

A. on foot B. bybike C. by bus D. by car

10. No one gets to school ______.

A. by car B. bybike C. on foot D. by bus

Ⅳ. 词汇运用


1. —Is your grandmother with you?

—No, she l________ with my aunt in Shanghai.

2. I think his dream can come t_________one day.

3. —Can we swim in the r_______?

—Yes, you can.

4. There are twelve months in a y_________.

5. There is no bus stop b________ my home andthe school.

B). 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. It takes me forty minutes__________(walk) to school every day.

7. My father usually____________ (leave)home at seven o’clock in themorning.

8. There are five _________ (hundred)students in our school.

9. In the picture we see many old__________ (bus).

10. I want to know what he _________(think) of the school show.



1. Sonia usually takes the bus to school. (改为同义句)

Soniausually goes to school ________ ____________.

2. His father gets to the library by bike.(对划线部分提问)

__________does his father __________ to the library?

3. My sister walks to school every day. (改为一般疑问句)

_________your sister _________ to school every day?

4. It takes me an hour to clean the room. (对划线部分提问)

____________________ does it take you to clean the room?

5. Tony lives far from the trainstation. (改为否定句)


I. 1-5 CAABD 6-10 ACCDC 11-15 ADBBC

Ⅱ. 1-5DCADA 6-10 BACDB

Ⅲ. 1-5BDAAC 6-10 CBDBA

Ⅳ. 1.lives 2. true 3. river 4. year 5. between 6. to walk

7. leaves 8. hundred 9. buses 10. thinks

Ⅴ. 1.by bus 2. How; get 3. Does; walk 4. Howlong 5. doesn’t live

