


Frankly speaking,the great majority of chinese are a bit gluttonous,whileunfortunately they have to be trapped in a terrible situation where they couldhardly find safe food.They are unable to choose a reassuring milk powder fortheir baby,and they can’t find a cookshop without using gutter oil,and yes—theyare worried about the food safety problems.

Why are they so anxious about the food safety problems?Absolutely answer isthe problems concern their physical health.Most importantly,inability ofregulatory authorities to solve the problems makes them more fearful.In myopinion,food safety problem has a significant effect on the socialstability.

To figure out this matter,government and masses ought to be together in aneffort to find ways out.First of all,there must be effective regulations toblock the source of profit of the operator like tightening inspection ofaccounts and taxes.Secondly,treat the masses as a smart inspector.Clean offobstacles and accept the complaints of consumers.At last,the government shouldhold a press conference periodically to release the progress of governanceactivities.

For above reasons, the food safety problem is a long-term undertaking whichneeds everyone’s striving.And we must move right now!


Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have beendisclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot buttonacross society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted publichealth, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the onlineedition of the People Daily.

There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirabletide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moraleducation, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, thelack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforcesthe trend.

As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strictmeasures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government shouldlaunch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher lawsto crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them fromentering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through ourcombined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the daysahead.


The electric door guard has replaced the traditional "door lady" in adormitory at Shanghai Songjiang University City, within the range of manyuniversities.

In the future, more electric door guards will take the place of "doorladies."

The electric door guard operates under an IC card system, with students usingIC cards to enter. Each resident student is issued an IC card with his/herpersonal information stored on it. Information like the card-holding student'sname, major, grade, and even time of entry will be stored on their IC card. Thedoor has also been equipped with a "digital eye" to take video 24 hours a day 7days a week.

With the new "door guard" already on duty, students began to discuss the prosand cons of the latest renovation to their dorm in community forums.

Some complained that having to take their IC card everywhere is inconvenient,adding that the system is not always reliable. They noted times when the systemfailed to recognize them and they had to call repair workers to fix it.

Others say the former "door lady" was more flexible and gave them a sense of"home." Sometimes when a student had to stay out late, to study or for otherbusiness, the door lady would wait for them and let them in if they told herbeforehand. Or when students' parents came to visit, the door lady would letthem in. But now, all of these conveniences seem impossible.

Still, students admit that the electric door guard is much safer, as itprevents thieves as well as unwelcome salesmen from entering their dorm. In thisway, the electric door guard has its own advantages.

The school's authorities say the new system needs some time to improve andthat students need time to get used to it. The school has said it will considerthe inconveniences brought along with the new door guard and attempt to solvethem by other means. On the whole, the new system seems to be good for studentsliving in the dorm building.


Do you know our school life could be dangerous if we are not carefulenough.For example,Last month,my friend Tom fight with a classmate. And Tomchase the classmate.By the time he run into the classroom, the classmate hadalready closed the door,so Tom hit the door,and then he send to the hospitalsoon, and he stay in hospital about two weeks. So,we should know the importantof the safe in school.Here are my suggistions.We can't fight with others.And weshould get on well with our classmates.

What's more, we should be carefully in our school life. Let's keep safe inschool,and have a better life!


This picture tells us the attitude of some people towards safety problems.Since they have the one-sided view towards the safety problems, they ignorethese problems in our real life. They are just like the blind men in the storyof "The Blind Men and the Elephant." In fact, safety problems are everywherearound us.

So the picture shows some people are much worried about their safetyproblems. But they do not think about the problems in a wise way. They do notwant to work out some effective ways to solve these problems. They just onlycare about their own problems blindly. But, in fact, what they are doing is verydangerous to their safety because, as the picture tells us, coconuts on thecoconut tree may fall down anytime and hurt them.

In my opinion, they are very near-sighted and their behavior is foolish. Weshould take everything into account when we are thinking and doing. We shouldlearn how to analyze the concrete problems in a concrete way. At the same time,we should do something to make our environment safe. When something bad happens,we should take some effective measures to reduce the harm or damage to theminimum. Also we should launch some campaigns to raise people's awareness tosafety. We should make some laws to protect people and their property from theharm and loss.


Security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security,we have to take it seriously. Nearly every day, there are reports to thesecurity office on campus that valuable things are stolen away. A surroundingwith stealing and mugging can’t be worse for studying. In such cases, whatmeasures should be taken to improve the campus security?

On one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. Once wesmell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guardimmediately. On the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should beinstalled on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible. Besides, aproper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus.

In my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are madeon campus. Therefore, colleges and universities should try their best to makeeveryone on campus safe and sound。 

