

财务主管简历自我评价 篇1

Financial accounting is a practical and highly disciplined subject, as a financial officer, I am very eager to learn a rare opportunity, has been "a multi-functional, comprehensive development" strict demands on themselves, through three years of hard work , So that both in their thinking, or in terms of learning have made a qualitative leap.

In the political and ideological aspects: I actively request progress, support the party's line, principles, policies, law-abiding, clean self-discipline, has a good social public morality and professional ethics; have a strong sense of collective honor and team spirit, respectTeachers, unite students, helping others. We should attach importance to strengthening political and ideological studies, earnestly study Deng Xiaoping Theory, Jiang Zemin's important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, as well as relevant financial policies, policies and financial accounting rules and regulations, and improve our own policy level. Ability.

Through three years of financial accounting professional learning, I not only in the ideological realm, knowledge structure and business level has been greatly improved, but also to develop a certain self-learning ability, innovation and team spirit. In this will be waving goodbye to the school, I will be full of enthusiasm, firm confidence, better knowledge will be applied to the work

财务主管简历自我评价 篇2




我的座右铭是:志存高远,脚踏实地、埋头苦干。 刚从学校迈出的我具有很强的可塑性和再学习的能力,我愿意从最基本的工作做起,以谦虚的态度不断学习,先适应环境、熟悉业务,再在工作中逐渐探索自己的职业定位,抓住工作变化中的每一次机会,向自己最想要得到的职位迈进。



财务主管简历自我评价 篇3

我是一个对外界事物充满好奇心的人,凡事都喜欢探个究竟,我不喜欢凭空去接受人云亦云的解释,对各种事情我都希望能够用自己的眼睛去观察,然后用自己的mental software 来分析,这种周而复始的学习过程让我知道一个人的认知和掌握的分析工具总是有限的,因此我也很喜欢和来自不同的地方以及不同的文化背景的人打交道,与不同的人交谈会会启发我用更多不同的角度和方法去观察事物和分析事物,并且在这个过程中我学会了根据不同的人的性格来调整自己与人沟通的方式,更重要的是,我觉得,这是我在人际交往中学到的最宝贵的东西


对于要做的事情,我喜欢贯注全部的努力和热情的人,我有很好的执行力,但是对于完美的追求又使得我在执行的同时不忘记take initiatives,让任务完成的更接近完满


财务主管简历自我评价 篇4

Work in the Finance Section has six months, and in the past six months, I have been in constant hard work. I am confident that I will be able to work better in the second half of the year! Now, I would like to point out that the work is as follows:

First, do a good job of financial analysis, for the leadership to provide an effective basis for reference;

I know that a reasonable and efficient financial analysis ideas and methods, management and decision-making level is an important way to improve, and will make my work more with less, in the company cost analysis to Shen Ke learning, learning to the workshop master, , For the company's production and sales, do a good job with the scale and efficiency, sales pricing analysis, etc., quantitative analysis of specific financial data, combined with the company's overall strategy for the company's decision-making and management to provide strong financial information support.

Second, actively cooperate with the accounting firm to carry out the project financial accounts;

On the basis of financial infrastructure, engineering, final accounts of the work carried out a more detailed review, proofreading, scheduled by the end of October will be reported to the engineering financial accounting financial center. According to the requirements of the project financial information collection and management work, according to the contents of the project classification of the contract for the construction of 10 volumes for the completion of the overall acceptance of the financial work to do the basic work.

Third, earnestly complete the work;

1, conscientiously implement the unified leadership of the deployment.

2, and actively carry out daily financial management.

3, to further strengthen the daily financial management, improve the financial rules and regulations and job responsibilities. In fiscal year, we increased the construction of basic financial work, from the paste paper, binding vouchers and other basic work, carefully review the original notes, detailed financial reimbursement process. In accordance with the spirit of the central financial inspection notice, we have elaborated the "bank deposit management system", "the management system of bills and financial seal", "accounting file storage system", etc., the internal control and internal audit combination, Self-examination, self-inspection work, and gradually improve my financial management system.

4, the expenditure in the special funds, earnestly understand the relevant policies of the center, strictly enforce the budget, do not squeeze, do not embezzle, security is earmarked. Monthly, quarterly, medium-term preparation of special accounts for the final statement of financial statements for the leadership to make relevant decisions in a timely manner to provide financial information.

5, earnestly and timely completion of the Central Planning and Finance Department issued the work tasks. Which completed the annual state-owned fixed assets reporting work, fill in the fixed asset management card, improve the management of fixed assets in Chinese Taiwan; combined with the annual financial accounts , carefully compiled a special system of my special funds budget, With the increasing use of funds for our staff, we have focused on the budget for staffing in years, and have prepared the budget statement in an objective and detailed manner.

In the future work, I will work harder and constantly explore, actively adapt to the new requirements of accounting work in the development of market economy, conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, and take this opportunity to do all year round work , For greater progress.

财务主管简历自我评价 篇5







本人从事财务工作十多年,7年以上主管的工作经验,具备全面的财务管理专业知识和丰富的账务处理经验;精通财务及税务相关法律法规;精通财务分析和财务规划管理,以及财务预算与成本控制体系的建立;熟悉资金调度流程和公司财务运作,多年一般纳税人与进、出口企业一般纳税人全盘账务处理的工作经验 ,精通出口退税申报及其相关政策与网上核销业务。熟练掌握高级财务管理软件和办公软件。
