

设计师转正自我评价经典范文 篇1

Work a year, combined with my own talk about the importance of UI design. Now the mainstream've station program has two Phpwind and Discuz (Phpwind acquired by Alibaba Discuz Tencent acquired two forums are open source free program), the following is the UI designer personal rating:

I use these two programs were established through the forum, the first time I was using the Phpwind then I switch to the Discuz (I was just a little knowledge of HTML and CSS), forced me to renounce the use of Phpwind Forum program is mainly due to Phpwind forum interface does not look good (now phpwind design team seems to have made improvements in this regard), and the second is that many features are very difficult to get a clear idea, plug-in installation is very cumbersome. In fact Phpwind features a little bit stronger than now we've found that most of them will access the site are based on Discuz established. Why Phpwind Discuz than the market depends critically on interface design and user experience design.

Also Apple's iPhone sold very popular, iPhone hardly high-end hardware, but also what a powerful phone features no R & D (Apple hand some basic pieces of software features intelligent machines can be installed) but Apple is selling good! Everyone know because iPhone industrial design interface design and user experience design well done!

Combined with various examples, we will find people to improve the cultural quality, application software can not merely meet the functional needs.

Also you need to have aesthetic and cultural connotation of the demand. Now the main force of China's labor force is 70 80 (decade after 8090) and most of these people have received a good education is not had it tough, these people know how to aesthetic has its own personality, more selective. This requires us to work in software interface design and user experience design. This will cater to the various needs of users. Customer satisfaction, get a good lop a broader market.

设计师转正自我评价经典范文 篇2

Professional skills: the system studied the vi corporate image planning, advertising copywriting, graphic design, poster design, packaging design, book binding design, photography and other professional knowledge; familiar with graphic design software Photoshop, CorelDRAW, InDesign; graphics software CAD; In the study, I pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, has a considerable practical ability to operate independently for advertising planning, print design work. Professional skills: Proficiency in Word, Excel and other office software, dedication and sense of responsibility so that I can face any difficulties and challenges.

In the process of internship, be able to do a flexible communication with customers and make corporate image publicity work; to adapt and be able to do a good job in children's basic education. Social skills: have a certain social skills, with excellent organization and coordination; warm and easy-going, with entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit, have a strong practical ability. Good coordination and communication skills, adaptability, strict requirements and can improve themselves to meet the needs of the work.

设计师转正自我评价经典范文 篇3

时间一晃而过,转眼间到公司已经三个多月了。这是我人生中弥足珍贵的一段经历,在这段时间里领导及同事在工作上给予了我极大的帮助,在生活上给予了我极大的关心,让我充分感受到了领导“海纳百川”的胸襟,感觉到了公司“敢于拼搏,敢为人先”的企业精神,在肃然起敬的同时,也为我有机会成为公司的一份子而自豪。 在这三个多月的时间里,在领导和同事们的悉心关怀和指导下,通过自身的努力,各方面均取得了一定的进步,现将我的工作情况作如下汇报。


二、遵守各项规章制度,认真工作,使自己素养不断得到提高。 爱岗敬业的职业道德素质是每一项工作顺利开展并最终取得成功的保障。在这三个多月的时间里,我能遵守公司的各项规章制度,兢兢业业做好本职工作,三个月从未迟到早退,用满腔热情积极、认真地完成好每一项任务,认真履行岗位职责,平时生活中团结同事、不断提升自己的团队合作精神。渴望有所突破的我,将会在以后的工作和生活中时时提醒自己,努力实干,多学多问,在公司这个大舞台上,使自己以后的人生道路越走越精彩。

三、认真学习岗位职能,工作能力得到了一定的提高。 根据目前工作分工,我的主要工作任务是水电设计。在领导和同事的指导下,顺利完成10几个项目的设计工作。学的越深,知道的越多,但发现需要学习的东西更多。大家知道,室内装饰工程是一项比较复杂的综合性建设工程,必然涉及到多种行业的许多专业。就拿我做的水电设计来讲吧,你只懂水电是做不好的,你还需要掌握装饰,暖通,消防等专业知识,这就需要自己不断的学习。我相信凭借我的高度责任心和自信心,努力学习,不断进取,一定会把工作做的更精更细更好,让领导放心,让客户满意。 来到公司工作虽然不长,但我在责任心,思想境界,业务素质,工作能力上都得到了很大的提高,感谢公司给了我这个舞台,我一定会珍惜这次来之不易的机会,不断提升自己,多向周围的同事学习,不断提升自己的综合素质,为公司的发展竭尽全力。
