

简历中英文自我介绍 篇1






I'm (name), from Hospital, and I'm in a certain department nurse now

When I grew up on the dream of nurses in School of nursing college graduate, graduated a few years, how many years now, I most often good to what what college what.

My specific performance: what, what had participated in the game, too. What ranking Awards (these best with your program, said some related)

I hope you will be able to help and supervision, well I will do, to help colleagues. I hope to help in the work, I deeply feel with leaders, colleagues work together to benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. Grandparents taught I work hard, responsible, kind-hearted, honest; Renmin University of China trained me to seek truth from facts, pioneering and enterprising style.

I love my career, and I look forward to being able to build blocks for this glorious cause under your leadership. I will continue to learn and make progress in practice

简历中英文自我介绍 篇2



思想上,我积极要求上进,以党员为目标严格要求自己.我还利用课余时间深入了解各系团总支、学生分会和学生社团的日常职责及工作情况,协助各学生团体之间开展联谊活动,增进了各学生团体之间的交流。通过这些活动,不仅营造了良好的学习氛围,还丰富了校园文化,充实了新同学们的业余文化生活,还增强同学们的集体荣誉感、团队精神. 在可贵的四年大学生活里,我经历了人生不曾有过的许多东西,我只能说四年助就了我成功的一半,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。

I am * * *, the international politics major, four years of university life is the key point in my life. The campus life career and social practice, I constantly challenge themselves, to enrich themselves, a solid foundation for the realization of the value of life lay.

I am learning, down-to-earth, realistic and innovative. Have been efforts to learn professional knowledge, master the analysis method of social science and natural science. Combining the understanding of China's foreign policies, regulations and international political theory and political science, the dynamic development of the world economy. In order to improve their social contacts and other aspects the ability of using knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. These experiences not only strengthened my hard-working, self-supporting ability, but also improve my ability to cooperate with others and contacts.

I thought, positive progress requirements, to the party is strict with myself. I also used the spare time to understand the Department of youth daily responsibilities and work of student branch and student organizations, to assist each student organizations to carry out activities, enhance the communication between each student groups. Through these activities, not only to create a good learning atmosphere, but also enrich the campus culture, enrich the new students amateur cultural life, but also enhance the collective sense of honor students, team spirit. In the precious four years of university life, I have experienced many things in life don't have, I can only say that four years will help half I succeed, I am confident of their own abilities and knowledge in the work after graduation and overcome various difficulties in life, realize their value of life and the pursuit of the goal.

简历中英文自我介绍 篇3






I love basketball and table tennis, served as the University of the school basketball team. The basketball team realized that beat achievements in our joint efforts!

A passionate love for computers, although the master software has a special liking for many, but programming! Every time to solve the problem after all had a sense of achievement! I love this feeling, so I can indulge in my code in the world!

I love programming, I like to develop my own small products, pursue technical satisfaction, stable architecture, strong code, and united cooperation, which is my unremitting pursuit

Good programming habits, as well as bug control and resolution skills. I love the post of programmer. It's fun to knock code and listen to music every day

Hard work, hard life! I may not be the best, the most appropriate, I think I was the most promising 20xx together!
