

学生会主席面试自我介绍 篇1



我是来自xx学院xx班的。很荣幸参加此次竞选。 此次来竞选校学生会主席一职。 我校对于学生会的定义是:“自我服务、自我管理、自我教育”的学生组织。基于这样的定义,我的理解是,学生会是代表本校学生的维护学生权益、引领学生思潮、组织学生活动的群众性组织。校学生会更是协调全校各二级学院的中心。 因此,我认为作为校会主席团成员,一定要具备优秀的学习成绩和良好的管理能力。 在大学的两年工作生活,我曾担任班长、党支部助理、商学院艺术团主持队队长等职务。

目前担任商学院学生会实创部部长,和xx级班级导生。 在担任各种不同职务期间,作为组织者,我先后组织过商学院达人秀、两次校园跳蚤市场等活动。去年6月下旬,作为志愿者的总负责人,我带领一百多名志愿者参加城运会羽毛球预选赛的志愿活动,得到广泛好评。最近的校十佳歌手大赛等一系列的艺术节的活动中,我作为艺术团的一份子也尽了绵薄之力。 作为活动的参与者,一些演讲比赛、朗诵比赛、营销大赛中都能见到我的身影,我也获得过很多的奖项。作为主持人,我主持过大大小小有十几次活动或比赛,极大加强了语言方面的锻炼,并获得了宝贵的经验。通过这一系列活动的组织、参与,我的管理能力得到培养,主要在沟通方面、决策方面和团队建设上,都有很大的提高。同时,积累的方方面面的经验,比如组织一个活动,从产生idea,到筹办,再到总结优缺点、完善文件档案,都是价值所在。 另外,我的学习能力较强,曾获得过一次单项,两次二等奖学金。在不断学习不断进步的过程中,也能够很好的管理自己的时间和控制自己的情绪。 以上就是我的自我介绍。谢谢。注意:声音洪亮,为什么竞选副主席而不是正主席? 首先要明确的是,不论是正主席还是副主席,都是为了同学们服务,都是为了校会这个团队的建设。其次,我有一个观点:正主席最需要的个人能力是协调各方、做好团队建设,副主席最需要的是与上下的沟通、工作的决策能力,这是我所具备的。如果当上副主席,有什么计划。有。要从几个方面说。


第二,加强与其他学生组织以及各二级学院学生分会的交流、合作,各学生组织通力合作、集思广益,充分调动各方面优势,共同成为活动的组织者,使活动有更广泛的参与。 第三,加强学生的维权工作。我们学校的学生维权方面起步较晚,但目前看来已经取得相当好的成绩。不过距离我们的目标还有很长的路要走。因此,维护学生权益这方面,我们要继续加强。着重在人身安全、宿舍财产安全等各个切合学生切身利益的方向开展工作。同时要在全校营造出注重维权的氛围,可以通过举办一些活动扩大影响力。 第四,提供创业平台。学校里有很多有着创业梦想的学生,校方社会也都是提倡毕业生走上创业道路的。即使不在学校过分宣传创业思想,我们也应该为有着创业梦想的学生提供平台。我曾今组织的校园跳蚤市场就是个创业平台的雏形。

学生会主席面试自我介绍 篇2
















学生会主席面试自我介绍 篇3

Dear every leader, teacher, dear students:

Good afternoon, everyone! I'm from institute of professional level X class. Thank you very much for the school and the student will be able to give me this opportunity to let I stand here for the position of the school, the presidium of student union.

The student union is a group exercise people, is also a link and bridge between teachers and classmates. School students are the center of the entire school student activities, and as a leader of the presidium are more should be the most famous of these.

Holding the feeling aggressive spirit. Today, I ran for the position of the presidium, I think people have some advantages:

First of all, I have rich experience in the activities. Since freshman year, I will take an active part in various activities, speech competitions, recitation contests, host competition, students debate, singer contest, crosstalk essay contest, the contests as well as the social practice and so on are active to me. So many participants experience, can make me more for the sake of players, the audience, the event is more attractive.

In addition to participate in activities, in college, vice President of the student union and school star club captain and year I also accumulated a variety of experience to improve the ability. Activities such as organization ability and the ability to handle emergencies, strong communication skills, tenacious perseverance and good psychological quality, etc.

Moreover, I have the spirit of innovation. As a contemporary college students, we have to have the spirit of innovation into our student activities, can be more easily to success!

* 20 years of the student work in our school teachers, school students under the joint efforts of all members of the admirable achievements have been achieved. But the new academic year is coming, we will still have a lot of work to do. The next thing I'd like to start work, the presidium of the future students talk about my opinion.

First, based on their own tradition, innovation development. School students after so many years, have a lot of traditional activities is of great significance, we will in the original on the basis of these, make these activities each generation of students and teachers in Shared memory. In addition, we also need to keep pace with The Times and innovate. * 20 years, for example, everyone call in China, not only because China will host the Olympic Games, more because the unexpected accident. I think we can do a lot of publicity system, will be located in activities in China, to show the world our China. In addition, can also carry out a series of disaster, the publicity of activities. In addition, in our country at the time of the wave of energy saving and emission reduction atmosphere, I think we can also do some meaningful activities.

Second, strengthen with local colleges and universities, each college students and other student organization communication. Each student organization work together, brainstorming, and fully mobilize all aspects of advantage, common become organizers of activities, make the activity has a wider range of participation.

Third, to strengthen the management of school students for school students. Repeat on each college students have a lot of activities. To solve this situation, we should each student work together, systematic management and guidance, which makes the resources to maximum extent, configuration, to save time, let us have more experience on other important activities. At the same time also should encourage colleges according to their characteristics of the college has some traditional brand activities.

Fourth, to go out and introduced to. To strengthen the enterprise in Qingdao area. Whether we want to exercise ability, gain experience during the university, or want to have more advantages in the future job, I think enterprise closer cooperation with Qingdao area is very necessary and meaningful. Imagine we have scholarship, but why can't we will work with school adjacent to the X, Y, and so on a number of world famous enterprises, creating \"X scholarship\", \"Y cup\"?

Above these are my own some views and Suggestions for school students work, please trust me, I will be able to let * 20 years students work on the basis of the original, let our students work for a good harvest!
