Dear Alan,
I'm writing to apologize about last Thursday. I am terribly sorry that I didn't go to see you, for I lost my wallet. Anyway, I found it. But it was too late for the train. I had to take the bus. What a pity that I took a wrong one. It went to Milford. There, I waited for half an hour for a bus to Driffield. It was much worse that on the way to your home, the bus broke down. So I just went back home to Pigston. I really do apologize because I didn't speak to you on the phone, but it wasn't my fault. I tried several times, but there was no answer.
Anyway, how about next Thursday?
Dear Lee,
Excuse me for my long delay in returning to you your Understanding and Using English Grammar which I read through with great interest. I had finished reading the book and wa about to return it when a friend of mine came to see me.
Never having seen the book, he was so interested in it that I had to retain it longer.
However, I hope that in view of the additional delight thus afforded by your book, you will overlook my negligence in not returning it sooner. Thanking you for the loan.
Yours truly,
会怪我做的无情。说句实话我不想伤害你至太深,所以我不得不把我的这一抉择告诉,希望你能够理解同时能够谅解我的抉择。 不知道这些话该不该这样说,但事实确实是如此,我想还是说了比较好一点,让你的心里能够明白。在我的心里你只能占取一个同学的位置,当然了我们也只能保持同学的关系。
很感谢在过去的学习生活中你曾给予我那些鼓励和帮助,我会铭记着你的好处。因为我根本就无法把你当作一位特殊的朋友来看待,同时除了他(一位来自河南的在包头求学的学生)没有哪个人再可以走进我的心房。 我并没有觉得他到底有什么地方值得我那样深爱,也许爱一个人就是这样么有理由,这是我自己的观点而已。虽然我和他只是通过网络相遇直到相识相知,但是我确定自己是真正的爱上了他。
或许这是缘分使我和他走到一起,这分缘对于我来说是来之不易的,我不会轻易放弃的,同时我还要精心地去呵护它直到永远。希望你能够理解我的心情! 我和他虽然只是通过电话和QQ的保持着联系,但是我可以确定他是一位很真诚的值得我这样去深爱的人。
我和他之间的这份爱情并没有什么金钱和利益的掺杂,是一份很纯真的爱,希望你能够祝福我和他的这份真正的爱情。 最后祝你的前途光明,天天有个好心情!谢谢你能支持我和他之间的这份情感!
Dear Selma,
My face has been red all morning! How can I apologize for missing our luncheon date yesterday? You know my mind has been on Margie’s wedding. I was so absorbed in the details of the reception that I completely forgot about our date.
Please forgive me. Let’s make it next Tuesday. I promise to tie a string around my finger so I won’t forget.
Li Ming