

英文导游词 篇1

Fellow friends:

Hello! Sincerely welcome you to come to Taishan, today I and everybodywill mount the summit together from the Taishan east road.

This big, ancient Taishan has contained the rich nature and culturalaccumulating, has been included by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization the world nature and the culturalheritage name list. Now, we still had such to ask " like ancient;Dai Zong husband how " Then, marches into together with me themountain, understands Taishan's charm.

Here is daimiao. From daimiao the start, after the Dai Zong work place,a fontanel, the red gate, center the fontanel, rises the immortal workplace to the south fontanel, is the road which ancient times emperorancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan passed through, now iscalled by the well-known person " Ascends to heaven scenic area" Also calls the east road, is in the present Taishanmountaineering 6 roads most ancient. We will mount from this roadGoes against Extremely.

Everybody noted has been palatial daimiao front, but also some smallertemple, this was " Remote senate pavilion " Was same yearemperor the ancient rite of making sacrifices Taishan's initialstation. Same year the king came when Taishan held the ancient rite ofmaking sacrifices Standard Offers a sacrifice to, all first must in here hold simply paysrespect to the ceremony, therefore before Ming Dynasty, called thiswas " Grass senate pavilion " . When the Ming Dynastyperforms the extension, changes name is " Remote senate pavilion" . Although is a character is easy, the base was reverentactually contains.

The friends, China's ancient architecture has the unique status in theworld construction history, this remote senate pavilion constructionidea already will stem from the ancient rite of making sacrificesgrand ceremony from this but step by step to enter the high tide forthe prelude the need, after also will be esthetics thought manifestingwhich China ancient times first damped raises.

In the right noon time gate was daimiao, was even is a mysterious side.daimiao has the like this charm, decides to it own characteristic.First, its fence then is different with the general temple, the fenceweek 1,300 meters, 5 cornerstones, on build Blue Big the brick, assumesthe trapezoid, gets down the width 17.6 meters, on the width 11meters, the high approximately 10 meters, altogether have 8 gates:Center is the right noon time gate, is daimiao main entrance. Enters bythe right noon time gate daimiao comes, the front surface matches thefontanel, takes " which Kong Zi said; Germany matches world "Meaning. Matches the fontanel two sides, east for Works Three the marquispalace, west for too , between three palaces to the wall isconnected, the constitution daimiao among as soon as enters thecourtyard.

Crossed the kernel peaceful gate, then is grand big Song Tiankuang, itcalls the towering extremely palace, is this temple main body. Day palace surface extravagant 9, 643.67 meters, depth of a house 5, 17.18meters, pass the height 23.3 meters. Everybody looked that, the day palace is situated above the spacious white station base,periphery the stone carving fence surrounds, the cloud shape looksthe column uneven row, caused the day palace to have the marvelouseffect with all around environment.

Around the day palace serves with the winding corridor, has formeda big courtyard, in China's construction, the porch plays enable thespace to have thoroughly, collects was mad, close, is rigorous andalso is rich in the change the role, this is in the world constructionhistory all performs to praise. daimiao the winding corridor closely issurrounding a double-eaved roof Palacebig building, straight and thelofty contrast has aroused the people to day palace revering. Ourcountry the ancient architecture fully realized in world notabsolutely greatly absolutely small, the size is produces from thecontrast, besides all around Even Low the winding corridor, in front ofthe day palace in the platform has also repaired two exquisiteimperial tablets pavilions, both has highlighted the day palace,and to the grand center house holds tranquilly is comfortable,therefore the day palace certainly was not the grand twocharacters may summarize.

slanders the back door from the day to leave, has the bricks andstones road and the latter imperial palace is connected. When songzhenzong seals Taishan, because Taishan will seal will be "Emperor " The emperor must have " Latter " Thereuponthen has matched Madame " for it; Shu next two " . Lookedlike from this point, daimiao if said is the Taoism god governmentoffice, but also was inferior to said likes the imperial palace, thiskind of layout had further disclosed the feudal ruler uses daimiaocarries on the political activity the utility goal.

A moment ago, we were along daimiao main spool thread tour, butadvocates the spool thread two sides, originally in addition has 4individual courtyards, around the east side two courtyards, first is" Chinese cypress courtyard " Hands down 6 copals whichMartial emperor of Han dynasty plants on in this courtyard; Latter is" East imperial place " Is emperor offers a sacrifice to theplace which Taishan stays.

Here was Taishan famous 18. The about 2.5 billion years ago, in timeare called as by the geologist " Taishan movement " In theorogenesis, ancient Taishan first time is vast from a piece rises,later several vicissitudes, Taishan raises submerges, the submersionraises, finally in 30 million year ago " Himalaya Mountainsorogenesis " Center, Taishan finally has formed today appearance.The ancient orogenesis has accomplished south Taishan the foothillsteps and ladders type rise three fault zones, on most from the cloudfoot-bridge fault zone to Goes against Extremely, the elevation suddenly rises morethan 400 rice, causes this region to have the striking contrast withall around the group peak, just like checking of the pagoda, hasformed " East day column " Imposing manner.

Here is tight 18, also was the entire mountaineering Road Plate centermost difficult land sector. Everybody looked that, the cliff antiquityperson's topic engraves: " Diligently climb up " "Wanshan " " Altogether climbs blue scaling ladder " ...... That is encouraging us. Everybody looked again that, thatshoulders hundred catties Selects Shan Gong, again thought the same year didnot have a non- surname Chisel stone to build roads the person... ... Themountain does not have the word, but they can drive the people areupward. The friend, the mountaineering just like does any enterprise,only has is dutifully upward, can defeat difficult, can arrive thehighest boundary!

South the fontanel arrived, we have now placed oneself " Day" Although we have not certainly become an immortal, but weunderstood " in here; Ascends Tianshan but small world "Heroics.

Has entered south the fontanel, relative is the main hall names withit is " Not porch " Porch two sides each has not beenallowed north. Leaves the gate to have a mountain peak toward the westto call " Month view peak " On the mountain has thepavilion, famous month view pavilion. It is said, the clear sky andfresh air late autumn season, also may to as soon as look at " inhere; Yellow River gold brings " Strange landscape: Shines upon inthe setting sun under the backdrop, the big diastrophism has beendark, only some tune yellow river water, reflected sun's glory, likedflash the golden belt, day in place continually in same place. Atnightfall, under the bright moonlight, looks obviously Jinan'slamplights of ten thousand families from this the north, therefore themonth view peak calls " Looks government office mountain " .

South leaves east the fontanel courtyard to fold namely for the daystreet. Day street, space downtown, rich poetic sentiment place.Travels to the East along the day street, center north has a workplace, on the inscribed horizontal tablet the topic has " LooksWu Shengji " This is hands down Kong Zi and Yan Yuan sees WuGuochang outside the gate a white horse's place. North the work placehas the Kong Zi temple.

The day street most east end was the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall, Igave everybody to tell the blue rosy cloud female immortal's story.The blue rosy cloud female immortal's predecessor is the Taishangoddess, is called as in the folk " Angel beautiful woman bluerosy cloud female immortal " Is in common people mind TaishanLord, and is called as " Taishan Grandma " " Taishanold mother " . The populace to the Taishan old mother's period offive days belief and the affection, are burying which one kind ofhistory accumulates down in the people mind in-depth to the mother thelove. How many year, the blue rosy cloud female immortal has woncommon people's love, until now still lorded over summit of theTaishan, was accepting Buddhism believers' incense and candle,summoned is going to the decoy which the township left country's.

Good, lets us enter to the blue rosy cloud temple. 2,500 square metersplaces, have built up the entrance, the main hall, Matches Palace, 3 godsgates, the bell tower, the drumtower, Fragrant Pavilion, long live the building,the extremely heavy tripod with two handles, the fire pond, but alsohas According to Wall, the dance building, the imperial tablet pavilion... ...Moreover is the imperial mountain gust of wind, the palace is Copper Tile,the tablet is a brass casting, glittering, solemn space palace .The Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hall high construction skill wasconsidered was our country ancient times the mountain constructionmodel, the person dances to here goes on a pilgrimage certainly doesnot feel its slightly but sense its is big, the sacred feeling arosespontaneously. Now, in Taishan blue rosy cloud ancestral hallarchitectural complex an alone standard .

Leaves east the blue rosy cloud ancestral hall north the god gate tofold along the winding mountain road on again, obviously a cliffstands rock-firm, on the cliff the carved stone proliferates,spectacular, personal " Big view peak " . West the big viewpeak leans, on several years all stones also all has ancient's writingskill, area this it may be said is the open-air calligraphy artmuseum.

Along the big view peak west the side winding mountain road on, to themost high place, on these road looked resembles the stone stepsfinally arrived terminus, here was Taishan Goes against Extremely -- Jade Emperor goesagainst.

Temple of the Jade Emperor constructs in Goes against Extremely on, the red ocher wallgreen glazed tile picture was has put on a laurel crown to Taishan.Enters the temple by the entrance, first saw is courtyard central" Extremely capstone " . Extremely the capstone lies in center, high not full rice, surface roughness, if in elsewhere,will be together the ordinariest not place stone. But in here, itsside has the tablet is writing: " Taishan Goes against Extremely 1,545meter " . According to the geology analysis, is it, from Sea Troughcenter takes the lead in 30 million years ago to haunch up, it isrooted in to 1 myriameter earth's crust deep place; Is it, has severalhundred square kilometers bases, the entire place mountain is liftingit in the request, causes it to stand tall and erect the cloud day,down to in Temple of the Jade Emperor's Jade Emperor big emperor hassimply become its patron god.

The friends, a day-long travelling schedule already ended. Hoped youcan arrive Taishan to come once again. Thanks everybody!

英文导游词 篇2




Of all the notable mountains in China, Mount Huangshan, to be found in the south of Anhui province, is probably the most famous. Originally known as Mt. Yishan it was renamed Mt. Huangshan in 747 AD in recognition of the legendary Huang Di, who was the reputed ancestor of the Chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

Wu yue is the collective name given to China's most important mountains, namely Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Songshan in Henan Province and Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province. It is said that you won't want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you won't wish to see even wu yue after returning from Mt. Huangshan. This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of Mt. Huangshan. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China.

Mt. Huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site. 朋友们,你们好!现在我们已经到达黄山风景区南边重镇汤口。在这里先向诸位介绍一下黄山风景的概况。



朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫 长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。






为人所不知的是黄山还有第五绝,那就是冬雪,轻盈的雪花纷纷扬扬,夹带着云雾,伴随着山风没在山恋上追逐,在深谷中飞腾。黄山骤然间换了模样,满目的苍绿不见了,到处朴树迷离,一切都是显得晶莹透亮。古人形容说:“一夜寒风起,万树银华开。”整个黄山宛如一个银色的世界,仿佛身处水晶宫。 除了“五绝”之外,黄山的瀑布、日出和晚霞,也是十分壮观和奇丽的。

Friends, Hello! Now that we have arrived at the Huangshan scenic area south of city of tangkou. Here to give you some information about Huangshan scenery's profile.

The yellow mountain, located in the southern part of Anhui Province, is part of the nanling mountains, China, the whole mountain area is about 1200 square kilometers. Middle section of the Huangshan mountains, are the best parts of the yellow mountain, we also want to visit Huangshan scenic area, covering an area of about 154 square kilometers. It internally in Huangshan city, South o she County, Huizhou district, xiuning County and Yixian County, North Huangshan District; the five counties, districts are under the jurisdiction of Huangshan city. Huangshan in China before the Tang dynasty named Black Mountain, black is black, blue black blue black rocks on the Hill, the ancients gave it this name. Legend of Chinese ancestors Emperor Huangdi in the us following the completion of Zhongyuan harmonized working, creating Chinese civilization, came here to herb of immortality, bath in the hot springs, which attained the immortal. Famous Tang dynasty of Emperor Ming Huang Li long JI is believe it, in tempo, six years (747) under the edict, rename the Black Mountain Huangshan. Mean, this mountain is a mountain of Yellow Emperor. From then on, the name Huangshan has been up to now.

Friends, not far from thousands of you, even miles here, will do down and take a look at the beauty of Huangshan? Isn't it just to feel a life happy? Yes, Huangshan is a beautiful beautiful, can be said that the mountain of the day, be able to climb it, and see that it is indeed a great joy in life. In a long, long time ago, in a long geological history, nature's infinite force, shaped Huangshan the exquisite elegance and all sorts of exotic landscapes, stunning, is enchanted.

Here, I put the yellow mountain “four unique” respectively, made a presentation.

Speaking of Huangshan mountain “four”, ranked first was pine. Huangshan songqi in what place? First of all, is singular in its strong vitality, where soil-vegetation and crops, and Ponderosa are long out of the yellow gang of hard rock. Huangshan pines everywhere, they peak, long cliffs, long in shenhe Valley, lush and vibrant. For thousands of years, this is how they burst out from rock, root deep into the crevices of rocks, not afraid of marginal arid, without fear of rain and snow storm, Selsun, tieguzhengzheng. Can you say do not odd? Secondly, Huang Shansong also singular in its unique natural style. In General, Huang Shansong conifer stubby dense, dark green leaf color, branches with curved, Crown flat, showing a simple, robust, powerful and imposing, but every pine tree, each strain pine on the looks, sapling, and spirit, all different, there is a strange beauty. People according to their different patterns and romantic charm, respectively, give them appropriate natural and elegant and interesting names, such as welcoming pine, black tiger pine, pine Pinus, Dragon claw, in Wolong research on Korean pine Pinus, unity, and so on. They are the

Huangshan pine representatives.

Stone, is constituted of scenery in Huangshan mountain and a “must”. In Huangshan everywhere you can see strange and odd-shaped rock, these stones vary, some people, some like, some of it reflects some myths and legends and historical stories, vivid, lively and interesting. Stone at 121, the popularity of higher “flying stone”, “fairy play”, “magpie”, “sea monkey view”, “immortal Sun boots”, “three Penglai island” and “Rooster call gate”.

These rocks have a behemoth, some of Kit Kat exquisite; separate scenes, sometimes combining several ingeniously combined with pine or King. Some formations for viewing location and angle had changed, also changed, became a stone of the second King, such as the “golden rooster called heaven” also called the “five old God”, “magpie” also known as “fairy Guide” is a moving account of the change of scenery. Also had some strange plants, under different conditions, not Lenovo, therefore has a different name, such as “sea monkey view” also known as “monkey Wang Taiping” is.

Clouds again. Although clouds can also see other mountains in China, but none can match the spectacular Huangshan clouds and is constantly changing. About this, there is another name of Huangshan, known as “yellow”. It's not in vain, there is historical evidence. Famous Shi Zhixue called Pan Zhiheng of the Ming dynasty, lived in Huangshan mountain for decades, wrote a voluminous book of 60 volumes--Huangshan mountain records, titles of the Yellow Sea.

Huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many other landscape named with this special “sea” Association, some landscape ornamental in the clouds, to be even more true, charm was also more. These have proved that the “Yellow Sea” that is worthy of the name.

Finally, tell us about the hot springs. We often say, and before the tour of hot springs is the Huangshan Mountain Hotel Spa, in ancient times called tangquan, from purple Pinnacle emission. Named with its hot spring scenic spot, is the first to arrive after entering the southern gate of Huangshan scenic spot. Hot spring water is sufficient, water temperatures remained at about 42 degrees year-round, water well, and contains useful minerals for the human body, there are some medical value, skin diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system, does have a certain effect. But only bath, you cannot drink; said it is drinkable, is not science.

Known unknown is a fifth of Huangshan must, it's winter and snow, snowflakes swirl of light, clamp with mist, accompanied by the mountain breeze didn't love chasing the mountain, fly in a ravine. Huangshan suddenly changed his appearance, land of pale green is gone, Park trees everywhere blurred, everything is shining brilliantly. The ancients described: “one night, chilling trees YINHUA opened. ”Yellow mountain like a silver world as a whole, as if being in a Crystal Palace.

In addition to “land with five unique features”, the waterfall of the yellow mountain, Sunrise and sunset, are spectacular and strange.

英文导游词 篇3

Distinguished visitors, everybody is good! I am a "guide" in the new century travel Wang Ziyang, welcome to follow me to visit the sun yat-sen's mausoleum.

Sun yat-sen's mausoleum is located in the mighty river, is located in China famous ancient capital of nanjing, in the great river has a long history of the development of Chinese history, there are ten dynasties and regime successively established their capitals here, many of the famous figures buried here, the great revolutionary pioneer sun yat-sen mausoleum is located in the east suburb of nanjing zhongshan south. Zhong shan is the highest peak of ning mountain town, about 460 meters above sea level, the east-west, about 7 km long, about 3 km north-south width. Here for the past one thousand years, a variety of social activities, has built many gardens, the first curtilage, temple and the altar table and mausoleum, left numerous historical epic and moving legends.

On March 12, 1925, sun yat-sen died of liver cancer treatment is invalid and Beijing, dying has repeatedly said, let the body like friends as preserved, Lenin buried nanjing purple mountain, according to his wishes, the kuomintang central executive committee unanimously decided to purple mountain in nanjing JianLing, cemetery design scheme is through competition, to get a taken sealing appraisal way, finally, selects the first prize is the Chinese designer Lv Yanchang bell design, the clock has the meaning of "warning" and "freedom", which is the symbol of sun yat-sen led the significance and contribution of the Chinese revolution, in conformity with the tomb is located zhongshan again at the same time, in the specific design, adopted the methods and technology of match well of Chinese and western absorb the experience of the ancient Chinese traditional architecture, the axial symmetry in the total plane layout, in the form of national architectural appearance, simple color, simple decoration and greening methods such as large area, good shows the solemn atmosphere and the cemetery and the immortal spirit of sun yat-sen. Tomb built in the spring of 1926 in, because among warlords and political chaos, the project progress is slow, and March 1929 for completion before, June 1, 1929 held a grand grand in the larger, across the country are immersed in sadness, sun yat-sen's coffin in 12, in 101 ring salute, buried in the grave, a generation of great men to rest in zhong shan south.

Entrance of the tomb is located in the southernmost tip, is a three rooms on the third floor of the glazed tile roof stone memorial arch, on/under, hanging the "universal love" HengBian operation side of the sun yat-sen, continue to, along the pyramid-shaped mound, then to big ling, ling gate 15 meters high, 24 meters wide, deep 8 meters, stately, in the middle of the arch MeiShang inscribed with Mr Zhongshan autograph "world for a few golden characters," robin ling door to stone steps when pavilion, pavilion inner GuiFu set up 8 meters high monument, engraved gold regular script "Chinese nationalist party (KMT) was prime minister Mr. Sun, in the eighteenth year of the republic of China" on June 1st. Since the pavilion farther north, crossing the steps of the class of 290, topped the 135 meters wide, depth of 30 meters big platform, platform is the high ground of the mausoleum, all this vision, spectacular, even close, and appropriate overlook, whether spring, summer, autumn and winter, snow, rain, wind and frost nature fluctuates around to show its endless wonderful scenery. Central platform, is the temple, the eyes connection of the kiosk of trajan positive/engraved with Mr Sun yat-sen's operation "upright" heaven and earth, above three round coupons door, engraved a "civil rights" of "nation" to "the people's livelihood" six, show there were 12 black granite columns, the black marble and protecting, left and right walls engraved with Mr Sun yat-sen's "the outline of the national government's founding" the full text, the central northern place, with the great revolutionaries white marble like a statue, the statue sits up serenely, lifelike.

Wei sun yat-sen's mausoleum, foil the imposing manner of the great character of sun yat-sen, the immortal spirit, also can have, it is the symbol of sun yat-sen's character and spirit, in sun yat-sen's mausoleum solemn atmosphere, for the people to the sun yat-sen infinite admiration.

Sun yat-sen, forerunner of the democratic revolution in China!

英文导游词 篇4

Each passenger:

Everybody is good! Today, you are my beautiful west lake tour guide: Fang Zifang (write your own name!) . Let's start with slowly as the ship started to move, to visit the beautiful west lake!

The west lake is located in: the west of hangzhou city, zhejiang province. The west lake of the water area of 4.37 square kilometers, 15 kilometers lakeshore circumference, level are 2.27 meters deep, the deepest in 5 meters.

First of all, we came to the orioles singing, the willows is nanshan scenic city nearest a park, it is also one of the west lake old ten views. Willow is a main feature in the park. Look at both sides, gathered here the spring of 500 strains of willows, the weeping willow, with one's lot, the willow tree, on both sides of the various, very good-looking, south park inclined rod bending branches of that kind of, in the breeze, the yaw, like a drunken beauty, known as the "drunken liu"

Now, we came to the legend of the white niang son met xu xian the broken bridge. Broken bridge, today is located in the bai causeway eastern end. Many sizes in the ancient west lake bridge, it is most famous. Everyone looked down, below is the sparkling lake, the lake is the sunlight, like many gold sprinkled on the lake, very beautiful! Attention, do not litter, can take pictures here, rest now.

Well, today is here, finally I wish you all: have a good journey, goodbye!

英文导游词 篇5

Ladies and gentlemen, this time we are going to visit the famous PingyaoCounty. Pingyao County is one of the cultural heritages of the world heritagelist. Please keep the floor clean during the tour. If you have any questions,you can ask me.

We first came to the first tourist spot: South Street. The composition ofPingyao County is crisscrossed four streets, eight small streets, seventy-twowinding streets, and now we come to the South Street of four Avenue. You see, onboth sides of the street, old and famous shops are flourishing traditionalcommercial streets. During the Qing Dynasty, South Street controlled more thanfifty percent of the financial institutions in the country.

West Street is known as "the first street of Finance in Qing Dynasty", andit is a main street directly connected with East Street. And the East AvenueNorth and South Street intersection, North Street is to the west centralstreet.

Eight small streets and seventy-two lanes are named in the nearby buildingsor marked signs; some are named in the temple temple; some are named in a cityin the city; and some streets and lanes have been unable to explore the sourceof the name.

There are many beautiful legends in Pingyao County, such as sleeping auntsand drug wives, and burning Town God's Temple. Please take a good tour of thisbeautiful ancient city.

英文导游词 篇6

Ladies and gentlemen, everybody is good:

I am your tour guide, my name is li tao ran, you can call me lee, also can call me xiao li. Today I take you to visit the world-famous lake rock.

Reached the door, you can see a big turtle and a fish dragon. They seem to be welcome you! The big turtle, visual distance, very proud. The fish dragons all covered with the golden fish scales, very terrible.

There is a "mountain" in front of us, far look like a mountain, into a look, no mountain, but a building. A look again carefully, "mountain" ornate gold lacquer that read "earthquake house" three hot stamping. You walk into a look, and you find there have a big seashell, volcanic rock and so on about volcanoes articles or books. Earthquake museum and really "earthquake". If you into the pavilion, the staff will let you experience the earthquake. ? Interesting!!!! If you come, will like.

Went to the paradise on earth - er lake. Ma er lake very magical, if you put a leaf into the lake, the leaves will disappear on the surface of the water, without leaving any trace. Ma er is a crater lake, the eruption was formed after a large hole, when it rains the rain fell into the hole, ma er lake was created. Some people say that the lake has a maelstrom, scared some tourists can't sail. Ma er lake only fish, shrimp, no frogs, leeches, etc. Because rock lake was beautiful and amazing, to attract more tourists to visit.

You carefully appreciate, however, now after two hours, I ask everyone to eat KFC.

英文导游词 篇7

Andy taihe palace, also known as copper tile temple, located in the northern suburb of kunming city fengshan, common name YingWuShan. Sound fengshan mountain, formerly known as phase Ming wanli was taihe palace after mirage, renamed fengshan, since the Ming dynasty famous Taoist temple scenic spot in yunnan province.

Qing guangxu sixteen years (1890) ShuZao "rebuild taihe palace inscriptional record" detailing the taihe palace to create history: "my south yunnan (kunming) will outside the walls of suiyeh, ten miles from the city, there are mountain mingfeng, and the common name YingWuShan. Before Ming wanli nonyl Yin years (in 1602), Taoist Xu Zhengyuan knocking please yunnan provincial governor Chen utilities, in conjunction with the frenzy qian mu chang elementary, this right mu theory, platform guilds and the mountain, liu modeled after HuGuang wudang mountain peak of peak seventy-two built the Forbidden City, the temple copper smelting, casting for zhenwu father of golden body. Name the palace yue tai, is modelled on the wudang mountain 27 palace name. Installation of three yuan, ring cui two palace at that time, and supplied the holy immortal Buddha, various departments, deep worship seems back. And the house, the" taihe palace "series of. Its ground left Yi show of huashan, golden horse tenghui; right near the shore of the sea, green chicken renewal, alone but as a scenic spot and south yunnan. Township of said, or Andy, or jinding, let it loose and out of the ear."

Is described in this section of the inscriptions on the basis of historical materials, imitation of wudang mountain in hubei was kunming golden time taihe palace, the temple founder, copper smelting, true Wu Jinshen Taoist temple scale, and the sound of the phoenix mountain landform. Thirty years Ming wanli (1602) Taoist Xu Zhengyuan attacking "and please use bing" yunnan provincial governor Chen, Chen bin in conjunction with qian 沐昌祚 frenzy, this right MuRui, platform will liu, reach mingfeng mountain, agreed on imitation of mount wudang taihe palace 27 built. This with Ming wanli let-out years (1604 years) in taihe palace with Chen bing, founder of the "ding tai temple built to remember" is the same. ShuZao inscriptional record of the vernacular narrative, popular, easy to read. With Chen bin inscriptional record chronicle of classical Chinese, it is not easy to read.

ShuZao inscription, puts it: "when installation of three yuan, ring cui two palace" period of inaccurate. Actually create taihe palace, in the first seven years has built "ring jade palace". With Chen bin from the jade ring, said: "more than stroke 3 years, yunnan MingGuan in the jade palace built fengshan ring, including for ge, si lu (lu dongbin), two temple, king, TaoTianJun, ho, liu two fairy and si pavilion." With Chen bin, fujian jinjiang, jinshi, Ming wanli 21 years (1593 years) to the right organization platform to the governor of yunnan. With Chen bing "caresses dian 3 years", namely the twenty-third year of wanli (1595), he "MingGuan in sound built fengshan ring jade palace". Thirty years wanli (1602) "knocking" taihe palace with Chen bing built mirage "Taoist Xu Zhengyuan", is the Taoist priest rings jade palace.

As with Chen bin ding tai temple built to remember stated: "the nine years of and caresses dian", namely thirty years wanli (1602), with Chen bin "kai BuSheng dongcheng, of the mountains between the original a few no when a shekel xu, delay in ring, the true qi english-english, even curled jade ring left, ammonites Laura, comfortable colour pheasant from the central disk, jade bureau now, no light yue also Bi to wipe?" With Chen bin kai 沐昌祚, MuRui, liu will climb of the mountain, BuSheng location, jade palace "even curled ring left" is to the mountain. This clear, Ming wanli 30 years with Chen bing site for taihe palace, jade ring. Taihe palace mirage, three yuan gong Ming started building 30 years (1602), "beginning completed, all with Wang Zhengzhi month, just a load and repair". "Wanli let-out, spring the JiDan day" (1604), with Chen bin from the ding tai temple built to remember.

Folklore with Chen bing in fengshan "three meet lu dongbin, is Lv Xian pilot he is singing phoenix mountain" cave ", so he "caresses dian 3 years" or "MingGuan in sound built fengshan ring jade palace", "the cabinet si lu". Ring after the completion of the jade palace, with Chen bing had written the couplet:

Used to dream of spring, charming, swallow the garment, and missed the nine atlas fairy bone, purple devoted chicken calls, the horse on the world of mortals, to the head out of the door?

Empty mountain was about company, seven fujian phrases, phase invited six cups of tea, a letter to the sword shadow cross day, flute blowing sea, where Mr Fly!

With Chen bin in "the gate to the governor of yunnan", is infatuated with officialdom "towards the garment", and Taoism "nine atlas fairy bone", contradictory mood, only excuse me "sword shadow cross day, flute blowing sea" in lu fairy, he should "to the end of the jump out"?

With Chen bin's beginning build taihe palace, was to have such a words: "take an examination of the essence of the xuan emperor day b, take the xuan Xiao when emperor, mark the most in taihe, drawing and also, generation can be enshrined. I have a random, cheng zhu wen emperor jose type profile of its system, through the ages to long how..." Saying is true gen fu emperor is "the fine that day b, xuan Xiao ride when emperor", zhenwu signs, taihe (that is, the wudang mountain) is the most famous mountains. Since the tang dynasty years, generations of si. Ming emperor zhenwu Zhu Dichong letter, edict to overhaul wudang mountain, historic grand FengSi zhenwu. Mount wudang "god zhenwu, yongle like" legend, after the zhenwu palace in the world are according to the "yongle like" plastic zhenwu.

Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved to the hall struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, annals inscriptional record contained are consistent. Ming chongzhen decade (1637), the governor of yunnan Zhang Feng He will tianzhufeng tongdian moved to struck binchuan chicken foot mountain. Tianzhufeng is also called "jinding" for this purpose. Chicken feet mount tongdian destroyed in 1966 during the "cultural revolution" sweep "capitalism". Move Zhang Feng He tongdian, taihe palace tongdian base is not opened, the lower platform sandstone reliefs railings, survived.

The qing emperor kangxi years to rebuild fengshan tongdian taihe palace, "fan of copper to more than five hundred" (250 tons). Tongdian soot cleaning dirt in 1980 found that bronze on the ridge purlin is connect body covered with inscriptions, soot was sunk panel cover beam in the middle of the word, I climbed up to see is "the qing emperor kangxi 10 years were the big ten there are six days ji lu month day prince of wu sangui to build". Inscriptions confirmed nine years of the reign of emperor kangxi (1670) repair wu sangui taihe palace, rebuild the zhenwu bronze, bronze statues, vertical "copper trail of rod more than ten zhangs, graceful tenet". Kangxi decade (1671) completed October 16. For twelve years wu sangui kangxi (1673) there's clear, therefore, local Chronicles inscriptional record only said "recasting" nine years of the reign of emperor kangxi, avoidance is the wu sangui recasting bronze.

Wu sangui reconstruction after the zhenwu bronze, cast a mouthful of "seven swords" suspension in bronze, this is the inscriptional record contained in zhenwu "hui sword hung, often ghost and monster". Wu sangui and it used a wooden broadsword, weighs 12 kg (6 kg) in taihe palace, in order to show off its wuwei.

JiaQu tongdian positive, the qing emperor kangxi 33 years (1694) yungui governor king following documents hanging brass plate inscribed "namo amitayus". "Amitayus" namely "amitabha", many people wondered, generation of MingRu yungui governor, why in zhenwu palace hanging plaque of Buddhism? Wudang mountain, yongle 14 (1416) wudang zhenwu bronze, sky column peak built peaks near turf has boundless longevity Buddha hall of Buddhism, Buddha's path to outdo each other. That built a tongdian holy will, the buddhist compromise, "let not the Buddha," true Wu Dian "amitayus" plaque hanging on the end, worship zhenwu, at the same time also praise "namo amitayus". Singing phoenix mountain tai temple mount wudang 27 building, hanging plaque ji-wen wang on the basis of wudang mountain and their stories.

Qing daoguang twenty-five years (1845) "rebuild two tianmen inscriptional record" recorded in the qing dynasty in kunming two earthquakes: "qianlong years, yunnan provincial earthquake, xinqi save, jue have the spirit of". The earthquake had little impact. Light "thirteen years (1833) of July 23, to yunnan to flame, retrieval temple memorial arch, guest waiter, jolt to destroy." Taihe palace greater disaster the xianfeng years, taihe palace destroyed by BingXian, three yuan house reduced to ashes. Each damage, after repair in different degrees. , guangxu sixteen years (1890 years) to guangxu thirty-one years (1905 years) before and after 15 years, tai temple abbot ming-qing li fundraising "several Wang Chi, Yu An turn oversee animate yunnan mineral, former governor Tang Gongjiong, but cast copper ten thousand catties, and an appointment again, holding donations. Casting pavilion, serve gods, tiles, and entrance, memorial arch, a house, all for the new."

Taihe palace Andy military takeover in 1950, as the "kunming golden area". Successively belonging to bureau of culture and education, culture bureau, construction bureau, bureau of parks and woods management. In 1966 during the "cultural revolution" sweep "capitalism", the temple clay statues are destroyed, and the collapse of the house, HuangYan creeping weed. And placing the taihe palace belong to kunming in 1968 tire factory dormitory, in 1970 by the city of kunming city construction bureau.

After the downfall of the gang of four, year after year to repair ancient buildings, rebuild the thunder temple temple, old gentleman, sanfeng temple, renovate three doors, lingxingmeng door, new gallery pavilions, local repair wall of Ming dynasty. Build peak tower, 1983, to protect the original kunming city of the Ming dynasty yongle xuanhua floor clock.

From 1983 to 1991, in the south east of phoenix mountain, new requisition of land of 273 mu, the building covers an area of 500 mu of the size of the kunming botanical garden landscape. Botanical garden landscape is divided into twelve theme park flowers tea garden, greenhouse flowers, azalea garden, water garden, magnolia garden, rose garden, bamboo botanical garden, naked seed plant area, rare and endangered plants area, demonstration area, the parrot garden lawn garden (bonsai area) and cedar. Provincial, municipal government investment of more than 800 ten thousand yuan.

For the 1999 world horticultural exposition in kunming, from 1997 to 1999, the municipal government successively in fengshan Andy investment of 20 million yuan, a comprehensive maintenance taihe palace ancient architectural complexes, and repair tower, open up the tower travel services, to build a large greenhouse, new cuckoo boutique garden, botanical garden development orchid nursery and ferns, rebuild the autumn garden restaurant, travel hostel, reconstruction of campus tourism toilet. Andy self-raised funds to build "China golden expo garden", on the basis of the further development of golden bronze cultural tourist attractions... To build the regulation for taihe palace mirage created in four hundred to one of the largest repair and building. Andy spot among the first-class scenic spot in yunnan province in 1999.

英文导游词 篇8

HI,everbody! My name is your tour guide, Zhu Rui refined, today I will take you to visit the Palace Museum, you can call me zhu guide.

Now let me make a brief introduction for you, the imperial palace is one of the world's largest existing ancient royal palace buildings, the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City. "Purple" is the color of heaven Kings palace, then of course the human emperor with the purple words. "Forbidden" refers to where the heavily guarded, don't say it's ordinary people, even the senior official without the emperor summoned or into the city will not be accepted, otherwise it will be for revenge, "ban" royal, so also called the Forbidden City, the whole city was built in 1420, is located in the north of tiananmen square. The entire courtyard is divided into two parts, namely the "power" and "bed". "Power" is the place where the emperor held a grand ceremony, in taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace and mandarin house on either side of the things and the hall of martial valor. After the "bed" emperors and empresses, underage children where they live, mainly dry, tai qing temple, palace of earthly tranquility and natural things. In addition, there are many other various inside the imperial palace, have different USES the size of the palace. It is said that when there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine palace, the Forbidden City enough! In 1911, sun yat-sen led the revolution overthrew the feudal society of China for more than two thousand years. Qing emperor abdicated in 1912. On October 10, 1925, the national Palace Museum opened to the public for the first time. In 1949, after the founding of new China many times to repair of the Forbidden City, to make it more brilliant. The Forbidden City in Beijing in 1987 by UNESCO "world heritage list".

You see, the Forbidden City around some purple color of wall, it is about 10 meters high, about 3.5 kilometers long. Walls were built all around tall gate, south palace front door for the meridian gate. The north gate of creature, four corner of the wall stands a unique style, modelling beautiful turrets. Wall surrounding a is 52 meters wide moat, make the palace a fortified castle.

Next, you with me to see the most gorgeous architecture, the defendant is called "during" the hall of supreme harmony. This is the place where the emperor held a ceremony, to see you, hall 28 meters high, 63 meters wide from east to west, north and south, 35 meters long, there are 1 meter in diameter big column 92, around the throne of six pillar of big call "PanLongZhu", is made of drain powder gold lacquer. Right in front of us is the emperor's seats - the throne, located in inside is 2 meters high on the stage, the former has a pleasing cranes, furnace, the tripod with two handles, the throne is a gold plated, armrest is silver plated, four incense burner is made of wood, is gorgeous. Work behind the folding screen. The whole hall decorated splendid and solemn gorgeous.

Finished visiting the hall of supreme harmony, everyone with me to go back again, to go look at zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace. The three temple construction, zhonghe palace is take a break before the emperor went to the hall of supreme harmony held a ceremony etiquette and exercise. Baohe Palace is the emperor fete nobility of sweet and wenwu minister in Beijing. Baohe Palace is the most amazing behind a piece of stone. Stone 16.57 meters long, 3.07 meters wide, 1.7 meters thick, more than 200 tons. Vulture on the rough sea, walking on dragons. Hear here, everyone can not help but want to say truly was China's valuable cultural heritage of the imperial palace!

In the Palace Museum collection of precious relics, a total of more than 1052653 pieces according to the statistics, 1/6 of the total number of national cultural relics, there are a lot of thing is a unique national treasure. Set up past dynasties in several Palace Museum, pride, watches and clocks, etc., of the people can go to a free enjoy, to deepen our understanding of the Forbidden City.

To this end, the interpretation of good, I please visit freely, remember to pay attention to health, in addition to the photos, you don't take anything; Besides, you don't leave anything. At 11 in front of the Baohe Palace collection, don't delay!

OK, you can now free, optional tour. After three hours set here. I wish you all have fun.

英文导游词 篇9

Everybody is good! Welcome to the famous old town of lijiang world culture heritage. I am Chen Yihan, you can call me xiao Chen, today by me to accompany you come to lijiang.

Lijiang also known as dayan town, it is located in the middle of lijiang dam, xiangshan, Jin Hongshan, west to the north pillow of sierra leone, the fertile land in the southeast face dozens of example. Lijiang is the second batch of approved one of the famous historical and cultural city in China, is also China to the United Nations to declare world cultural heritage succeed one of the ancient city.

Now I came to the old town of lijiang. In the streets of the ancient city of lijiang built according to the mountain, and with the current set, breccia paved with red, not muddy the rainy season, dry fly ash, stone patterns vivid, natural elegant, very delicate, and the whole city environment bring out the best in each other, that is the square street. Sifang street is a representative of lijiang five-arched, located at the core of the ancient city of location. Sifang street is a small square, trapezoid five marble floor, the stores one on both sides of the street. From the square street corners of the extended four big main street: righteousness wruyi street, July 1 street, street light, xinhua street, and from the four main splits into so many streets, like a spider web crisscross, ease, to form a square street as the center, extension of careful step by step along the street and open landscape. YuHe in lijiang river over 354 Bridges, on average every 93 square kilometers. A stone bridge, masonry bridge, roads and other bridge. You can look at the scenery here, take a photo.

Please be touring here, thank you for coming, everyone in the process of play, pay attention to safety, pay attention to the environmental health, wish you have fun!

英文导游词 篇10

Shanhaiguan scenic spot is a world cultural heritage, a national keycultural relics protection unit, and an advanced unit in creating a nationalcivilized scenic spot. "In the boundless Jieshi East, this pass is made byheaven. "The first pass in the world" is the first pass at the eastern startingpoint of the Great Wall. It is the dividing line between the inside and outsideof the pass and an important barrier for Beijing, the capital of the MingDynasty. It's close to the mountain and the sea. It's easy to defend but hard toattack. Built in 1381 A.D., Guancheng is a scientific, complete and strictmilitary defense system composed of Guancheng, Wengcheng, Luocheng, Yicheng,Shaocheng, beacon towers and piers of Xingluo Qibu. Because of its uniqueconstruction, it stands out from many dangerous passes of the Great Wall in theMing Dynasty and is known as "the key of the two capitals and the first pass ofthe Great Wall".

Shanhaiguan, with its ancient life experience, has recorded thevicissitudes of more than 600 years and become a witness of history. Manyemperors and generals left their footprints here: Emperor Qinshihuang's questfor immortality, Emperor Weiwu's eastward expedition, Emperor Taizong'sexpedition to Korea, and the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty's stay There havealso been many major historical events here: Xu Dajian's establishment of agarrison, the Jiashen war in the late Ming Dynasty, the invasion of the EightAllied forces, the second Zhifeng war, and the first shot of the Great Wall AntiJapanese war. Laolongtou scenic spot is located on the coast of Bohai Sea, 5kmsouth of Shanhaiguan city. It is composed of Ninghai City, stone city into thesea, chenghailou, nanhaikouguan, longwuying, Haishen temple, etc.

Like a giant dragon, the Great Wall stretches across the land of China. Itseast end is 4 kilometers south of Shanhaiguan City, and it is inserted into thesea. Like the dragon head, it becomes the eastern starting point of the greatwall of Ming Dynasty, so it is called the old dragon head. Chenghai tower is thecommanding height of the old dragon head, and it is a resort to view the sea.Mengjiangnu temple is located in Fenghuang mountain, 6.5km east of Shanhaiguan,which is composed of zhennu temple and mengjiangnu garden. In front of thetemple, there are 108 steps leading to the mountain gate. Inside the red wall ofthe temple, there are two halls, bell tower, Zhenyi Pavilion, Wangfu stone, etc.In the back of the temple, there is a garden area of Jiangnan style, MengJiangnu yuan and the east west side hall, which reproduces the panoramic view of"Meng Jiangnu's story", the first of the four folklores in China.

英文导游词 篇11

Dear friends

Hello, everyone. On behalf of Jingshan travel agency, I welcome you all. Myname is Yu Ping. You can call me Xiao Yu. I'm glad to serve you. If you have anyquestions, please feel free to raise them. As long as they are reasonable andpossible, I will try my best to solve them for you. Next, I'll take you toXiangshan scenic spot. I hope my explanation can satisfy you. I also wish youhave a good time there!

Today's tour route is arranged as follows: first, we mainly visit Longquanpark. Starting from the gate of Longquan Park, we go directly to the bonsaigarden. Then we go to the beautiful civilized lake to see the cultural relicsthere. Finally, we go up to Laolaizi villa, the founder of Taoist school.

Longquan park is a new comprehensive park with a planning area of 78hectares. It was built in 1986 and opened in early 1987. It is a newcomprehensive park with historical and cultural connotation as the backgroundand rich cultural landscape as a whole. In 1999, it ranked among the "100 famousgardens in China". We are now walking on the main road of the park. The locationof the park is the amusement park. There are more than 30 kinds of gamefacilities in the amusement park, which can meet the needs of tourists ofdifferent ages. In front of us on the left, you can see a Wenfeng tower, builtin the first year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty. The whole tower has fivefloors and eight sides, with cornices on each floor and niches on each other.The stone carving on the tower wall is unique. After seeing Wenfeng tower, wecame to the bonsai garden. The whole basin garden covers an area of 1 hectare,which is the garden of Longquan park. Now let's take a look in the garden. Thecypress tree in front of us, which is more than 20 meters high, was transplantedfrom Jingshan mountain in the spring of 1999 in Longquan Park in order torestore the Tang'an ancient cypress landscape.

If Xiangshan scenic spot is a bright pearl embedded in Jingmen City, thenWenming lake is an emerald in Longquan park. Wenming lake is as clear as amirror, rippling green waves, 50 meters wide from east to west, 200 meters longfrom north to south, and 3 meters deep. It was built by Shu Chenglong, thegovernor of Jingmen Prefecture, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.The low-lying land excavated by stone quarrying along the mountain was renovatedand diked. It has a history of more than 250 years. The water of civilized lakeis warm in winter and cool in summer. Every morning in winter, the lake is foggyand never frozen.

The bridge we see now is the Qinghe bridge, where the story of Yang Youji,a famous general of the state of Chu, duels with Yin, an order of the state ofChu. In 605 B.C., when Yang Youji served as the commander of the Guard Academyof King Zhuang of Chu, the state of Chu ordered Yin doujiao to revolt. Then KingZhuang of Chu sent Yang Youji to duel with him by arrow. The place was at theQinghe bridge. Yang Youji's arrow technique was very powerful. With one arrow,he shot doujiao in the throat and easily pacified the rebellion. We Jingmenlocal opera and this

The traditional play is called "Qinghe bridge comparing arrows"

Next, please follow me to visit the four springs of dragon, Mongolia, Huiand Shun in the north corner of civilized lake.

This is Huiquan. Huiquan is warmer in winter, because it benefits thepeople, so it is called Huiquan. Longquan was named Longquan by Shu Chenglong,the governor of Jingmen, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Mengquan is the first spring in Xiangshan, because it nestles at the footof Mengshan, so it gets its name. You can see that the place where the waterflows is the spring eye. The flow of Mengquan is the largest and the clearest ofthe four springs. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition todragon, Mengquan and Hui, there is a Shunquan in the courtyard of the watersupply company.

As the saying goes: "if the mountain is not high, there will be immortals;if the water is not deep, there will be dragons." Although Laolaizi villa is notbig, it is famous. It is a famous philosopher and founder of Taoist school inthe spring and Autumn period. Lao laizi lived in seclusion in the manor where hecultivated and respected his parents. It has a history of more than 2500 years.Laolaizi villa, where we are now, was rebuilt in 1933, covering an area of 2500square meters.

Laolaizi is one of the "twenty four filial piety" in Chinese folklore. Itis said that when he lived in seclusion in Mengshan, King Hui of Chu came toJingmen to invite him out of the mountain to serve the increasingly powerfulstate of Chu because he valued his knowledge and noble character. However,because Laolaizi was tired of competing for power in the world, he refused thehigh official position of the king of Chu and lived in seclusion with his wifeand children.

The twenty four filial piety wax museum here shows us the story oftwenty-four filial sons known to women and children in Chinese history in arealistic way. These filial sons, from the emperor to the people, show thetraditional virtue of respecting the old and loving the young of the Chinesepeople in spite of their different status. Please see, this is Lao laizi's waxfigure. Lao laizi is 70 years old. In order to win the joy of his aging parents,he deliberately wears children's clothes, plays with some gadgets, and plays infront of his parents, pretending to be innocent. He also deliberately broughtwater to the hall and pretended to fall in front of his parents, which made themlaugh. This is the story of "Lao Lai Banyi, being filial to his parents" whichhas been popular among the people for thousands of years.

All right, friends, give you half an hour of free time. We'll meet here atfour o'clock.

Good time always makes people feel short, our tour of Xiangshan is over sosoon. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in my work. If I haveanything wrong, please criticize and correct me. I hope to meet you again in thefuture. Finally, I wish you all good health and all the best. bye.

英文导游词 篇12

Summer Palace

The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) in the northwestern suburb of Beijing was built in 1750. by far the best-preserved imperial garden in China, it was endorsed by the UNESCO in 1998 as a world cultural heritage site.

As a paragon of Chinese gardens, this huge garden includes Longevity Hill, whose beauty is set off by a multitude of halls, kiosks and trees, and Kunming Lake, a huge body of liquid silver.

Major tourist attractions are Tower of Buddhist Incense, 17-Span Bridge, Long Gallery, Cloud Dispelling Hall, Marble Boat, Beamless Hall, Garden of Harmonious Delights, the theatre in the Garden of Moral Harmony, and Suzhou Street.

The entire place is a de facto museum of China's classical architecture. Housed in these buildings are an immense collection of treasures and cultural artifacts.

英文导游词 篇13

Shiyan is located in the middle and low mountain area at the north foot ofWudang Mountain and the South Bank of Hanjiang River. It has a north subtropicalmonsoon climate with an average temperature of 15.2 ℃ and an average annualrainfall of 828 mm. Shiyan is an important automobile production and scientificresearch base in China, and an important economic, political, cultural andtechnological center in Northwest China. The total area is 1190 squarekilometers, and the urban area is 203 square kilometers. The total population is406900, and the urban population is 293300. It is an open city on the border ofHubei, Henan, Sichuan and Shaanxi.

From the Shang Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, Shiyan was under thejurisdiction of Yunxian County, Yunyang Prefecture. In the middle of the QingDynasty, people here built dams on the Baier River and the Zhihe Riversuccessively to store water and irrigate farmland. The dams were called Shiyan.There were ten dams built on the two rivers, so it was named Shiyan.

Shiyan is one of the tourism center cities in Northwest Hubei. In the East,there is Wudang Mountain, which is famous for its "Xianshan qiongge"; in thesouth, there is Shennongjia, a mysterious natural animal and botanical garden;in the west, there is the site of the great wall of Chu in Zhuxi County; in thenorth, there is the vast Hanjiang River. In the city, there are Saiwudang naturereserve, which is dominated by forest, cloud, peak and waterfall. There arefamous religious temples such as Baima temple, Huilong Temple and mosque.

Shiyan is a famous automobile city at home and abroad. Dongfeng MotorCompany, one of the world's three largest truck factories, and Dongfeng TireFactory, one of China's four largest tire factories, are all built here."Automobile industry development and opening experimental zone" is open to theworld. Now we have established friendly relations with Nantong and chiricosui.Shiyan automobile industry as the main body, rubber, textile, electronics, foodand other industries also develop.

Shiyan is a unique "hundred Li Garden City". Surrounded by green mountains,fresh air, convenient transportation, clean city appearance, stable order,civilized atmosphere, spacious and comfortable housing. With the rapiddevelopment of culture, education, health and sports, cultural and recreationalfacilities are scattered all over the world.

英文导游词 篇14

Hello everyone! I'm your guide Zhou Keyu. You can call me Xiao Zhou. We aregoing to Juyongguan Great Wall. Juyongguan Great Wall is located in ChangpingCounty, Beijing. There are many flowers and trees around it. It will make youfeel comfortable there. How did the great wall of Juyongguan get its name? It issaid that when the first emperor of Qin built the Great Wall, many prisonerswere held here. Soldiers and civil servants lived here, which means "to be anapprentice to Juyongguan", so it was named Juyongguan.

Genghis Khan entered the pass from then on and destroyed the kingdom ofJin. Here is also a very familiar sad story. It's said that when Qin Shihuangwas building the Great Wall, he caught civilian men everywhere. The officers andsoldiers took away a husband named Meng Jiangnu. Since then, there was no news.She decided to go to her husband. When she came to the Great Wall, she saw manypeople working and dying underground. She asked an old man who was working. Theold man said, "he died soon after he arrived, and the body filled the wall."Meng Jiangnu was so sad that she began to cry. She cried for three days andthree nights, only to hear the thunder. The wall collapsed by lightning,revealing her husband's body. Qin Shihuang was also moved by her and said, "I'llgive you a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Please go."

Meng Jiangnu said, "I won't go. I want to be with my husband forever." Withthat, she committed suicide. Now, we are at the foot of the Great Wall. We alllook up. On the top of the tower is written a few big words: "the most powerfulgate in the world.". We have climbed the great wall and come to the hero slope.Here, we can see the famous sentence "no man is not a hero until he reaches theGreat Wall", which was written by Chairman Mao himself. Now, you can have a resthere and take photos in front of the monument, but please don't go far. In fiveminutes, we will move on. Standing high, you can see the beacon tower in thedistance. The function of beacon towers is that when the enemy comes, the beacontowers on both sides can echo and support each other.

Now we have come to the beacon tower. We can walk inside and have a look atthe scenery outside. We will walk back from here. You can enjoy the sceneryinside and outside the great wall while you walk, and meet at the gate in halfan hour. In the process of free activities, please pay attention to: do notlitter, do not scribble on the bricks. We are going back to the hotel. I hopethe beautiful scenery here can bring you a good dream.

英文导游词 篇15

Ladies and gentlemen

Now we come to Famen Temple, which is known as "the ancestor of GuanzhongPagoda Temple"

This is the gate square of Famen temple cultural scenic spot. It is locatedin Famen Town, 10 kilometers north of Fufeng County, 120 kilometers east ofXi'an city and 96 kilometers west of Baoji City.

In recent years, the Shaanxi government has devoted itself to buildingFamen Temple into a veritable Buddha capital of the world, making it the "secondcultural symbol of Shaanxi" after the terracotta warriors and horses. The Famentemple cultural scenic spot is composed of Shanmen square, Foguang Avenue, FamenTemple, Heshi relic tower, numerous artistic Buddha statues and gardensculptures. It comprehensively displays the achievements of Buddhist culture inphilosophy, politics and art, and highlights the splendid history and culture ofthe Chinese nation. Now in front of us is the Mountain Gate of Famen Temple,which is also known as the "three gates". You can see this

The three doors are big in the middle and small on both sides. The emptydoor is in the middle, and the Wuzuo door and Wuxiang door are on both sides. Wegenerally refer to becoming a monk as stepping into the empty door, probablyfrom this.

Famen Temple is famous for its placement of Sakyamuni's Buddha finger relicsince ancient times

The gate temple is also built because of the relic and becomes a templebecause of the pagoda. In 485 BC, Sakyamuni Miedu, King Ashoka of the PeacockDynasty of India's mogatuo state unified India. In order to promote Buddhism, heordered people to divide the Buddha bones into 84000 parts, which were stored invarious parts of the world, and built 84000 sitting towers. In China, there are19 Buddha finger relic towers, the fifth of which is Famen Temple envoy. It hasa history of more than 1700 years. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was calledasokang temple. In the Sui Dynasty, it was renamed Chengbao temple. In the TangDynasty, Li Yuan was renamed Famen Temple. During the 200 years of the TangDynasty, eight emperors successively opened the Underground Palace seven times,welcomed and sent off the Buddha's finger relic six times. Each time theywelcomed and sent off the Buddha's finger relic, they made a great impact on thegovernment and the public, and the emperor worshiped them. There was no otheremperor of high rank. During the reign of emperor Zong of Tang Dynasty, thepagoda of Famen Temple was regarded as the "real body pagoda" to protect thecountry. This shows how prosperous Famen Temple was in the Tang Dynasty. Butafter the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Famen Temple gradually declined.

During the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty, after hundreds of years ofhistory, the four level wooden tower of the Tang Dynasty collapsed. Later, localgentlemen donated money to repair the tower. After 30 years, a 13 level bricktower with eight edges was built. However, in the Qing Dynasty, it was tiltedand cracked because of the earthquake. In 1939, under the leadership of Mr. Zhuziqiao, a patriot, the largest repair was completed in the late Ming Dynasty.But in 1981, the tower collapsed in half. In 1985, the local government preparedto rebuild it. In 1987, the underground palace was discovered by accident whileclearing the foundation of the tower. After the silence of 1113 years, 2999pieces of national treasures of the Tang Dynasty, surrounded by Buddha's realfinger bones, returned to the world. The rare treasures unearthed in theunderground palace are of great value in the study of Chinese social andpolitical history, cultural history, science and technology history, Chinese andforeign exchange history, art history and other aspects. Now let's go to theunderground palace to see the Buddha finger relic. The underground palace ofFamen Temple is the oldest, largest and highest level pagoda underground palacein the world. The Buddha finger relic unearthed from the underground palace isthe real body relic of Sakyamuni Buddha, which has been found in the world andconfirmed by documents and inscriptions. It is the highest sacred object in theBuddhist world. There are four Buddha finger relic, of which the third one isspirit bone, and the other three are shadow bone. Spirit bone is Sakyamuni'sreal Buddha finger, and the other three are imitated by Tang emperor in order toprotect spirit bone. Among more than 27000 coins unearthed from the undergroundpalace, 13 tortoiseshell Kaiyuan Tongbao coins are the earliest and uniquetortoiseshell coins found in the world. The 13 pieces of palace secret colorporcelain unearthed from the underground palace are the earliest in the worldand confirmed by inscriptions. Secret color porcelain is a kind of celadon,which is specially made for the royal family. Due to its complex process andsecret formula, it is called secret color porcelain. The double wheel 12 ringsunearthed from the underground palace

The big stick is the earliest, the largest, the highest grade and the mostexquisite Buddhist weapon found in the world. Then, some of the rare treasures Ijust mentioned have been looked at by you just now, and others are treasured inthe Famen Temple Museum nearby. Let's go and have a look.

Coming out of the underground palace, in front of it is the Hexi relictower of Famen Temple. It took three years to build. The tower is 148 metershigh. You can see that the shape of the tower is like the hands of Hexi. Doesthe hollow out part in the middle look like a traditional tower of the TangDynasty? The broad road we just walked is the Foguang Avenue. With a totallength of 1230 meters, a width of 108 meters and an area of about 140000 squaremeters, Foguang Avenue is not only a way to become a Buddha, but also the mainlandscape axis of the scenic spot. The two ends of Foguang Avenue are connectedwith Shanmen square and pilgrimage square, which can accommodate 100000 people.We compare the mountain gate to this shore, which is the present world. Theavenue of Buddha's light leads all living beings to the other shore, which meansthe ten stupas.

Now we come to the Famen Temple Museum, which consists of four exhibitionrooms: the historical exhibition of Famen Temple, the Buddhist cultureexhibition of Famen Temple, the mandala culture exhibition of Famen Temple andthe treasure exhibition of Famen Temple.

The historical display tube of Famen Temple mainly shows people thehistorical cause of the construction of Famen Temple and the historical objectsof the construction of Famen Temple in various historical dynasties

There are 44 national treasure level cultural relics and 99 first-classcultural relics in the Famen Temple Museum of Tang Dynasty treasures. It is thelargest proportion of China's treasure level cultural relics among the 88museums in Shaanxi Province. You can see the secret color porcelain I justmentioned here, and you can also see the treasures of Tang Dynasty silkproducts: gold cluster embroidery, which refers to the pattern of flowers formedby gold silk plate fixed to silk The top of the silk. Silk is not easy topreserve, many of them are weathered. The first thing that makes gold clusterembroidery valuable is that it is as well preserved as new. The second thing isits production technology. Now there are 20 gold threads in Japan and 70 inChina, but in the ancient Tang Dynasty, this drawing technology has reached6.

Next, let's visit the treasure Pavilion. One of them is the king of thefour drums and twelve rings. The so-called staff, in fact, is not made of tin,but when you shake it, it will make a sound. This staff is made of 2 taels ofgold and 58 taels of silver, which represents the highest mana in Buddhism.

Well, out of the treasure Pavilion, our trip to Famen Temple is coming toan end. I hope my explanation will leave you a good memory.

英文导游词 篇16

Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to the beautiful Summer Palace to go sightseeing. I am the sun travel guide, surnamed Lin, you can call me xiao Lin. Accompany you visit the Summer Palace together today, hope to be able to spend time here.

The Summer Palace is one of the world cultural heritage, is also a beautiful big park.

Dear visitors, now we walk into the door to the Summer Palace, around the temple, is the famous long corridor. You look at the green column and red railing, endless blocks, a total of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Now we came to the foot of longevity hill, look up look up, you can see the Buddha incense stands halfway up the mountain, yellow glazed tile. Downwards see again, the rows of resplendent and magnificent row of cloud temple, how spectacular! Now we boarded the longevity hill, standing in front of the Buddha incense, looking down, the Summer Palace scenery panoramic view. Look straight ahead, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade. Looking east, vaguely can see several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.

Now come down from longevity hill, came to kunming lake. Banks have several different designs on the stone bridge, involves numerous weeping willows on both sides. Visitors can walk long stone bridge is to play in the island. There are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge, called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.

Dear visitors, tourists to the Summer Palace, it is worthwhile. Finally, I want to remind everyone: love the Summer Palace, civilization. Now you can free activities, six o 'clock in the evening on time collection in front of the gate! Wish you to play fun!

英文导游词 篇17

The alley ways of Beijing a dime a dozen, had eight hutongs world-famous. Because in those days, there was a tobacco LiuHang pronoun. "Eight hutongs" at the top of west pearl street, north of cycas, south of diagonal. "Eight" is refers to, the area at least 15 hutongs of old Beijing "red light district". Recognized as one of the eight hutongs are: best suitable hutong, rouge hutong, Han Gutan (now known as Korea's hutong), shanxi lane, stone hutong, Wang Guangfu diagonal (now known as palm diagonal), zhujiajian hutong, lee shamao hutong (now known as hutong, small hutong) energetically. In the alley outside of the eight lanes, also there are nearly hundred size brothels. Just then, the eight hutongs brothels are second-class, more prostitutes "class" is more high, so it is so famous. Eight hutongs in the past hundred along the hutongs, rouge hutong, Han Gutan, shaanxi lane, focus on the first class brothel; Stone hutong with numerous "teahouse", second class brothel; Wang Guangfu byway, zhujiajian hutong, lee shamao hutong, many scattered third-class brothels.

Yi yuan, such as the golden flower to live in is now a shanxi lane hotel; Small class of cloud, impatiens lived is now a painting; CAI and small impatiens double habitat of cherry byway 11 building, now a long palace hotel...

Eight hutongs, not "red light district" at the beginning, but besides the location of the troupe. The qing dynasty, a policy of "flag of the people points city", the eight banners lived in the inner city of Beijing, han people moved to the front door. Eight hutongs are initially offer vocational school choice in residence, hotels are the properties of the outdoor playhouses concentrated in dashilan, actors have been selected in the dashilan, xinhua street, east to the south of the eight hutongs. "When HuiBan besides just staying at the eight hutongs Han Gutan, best suitable hutong area, then four xi, the stage of spring up one after another in Beijing troupe, best suitable at eight hutongs hutongs, shanxi lane and li3 tie3 turn byway. So the old Beijing has a saying: the way to the tiger to mountain, singing opera from the shun, Han Gutan. Visible eight hutongs and drama activities.

"" xianggong" is developed by drama activity. The characteristics of the qing dynasty is very special, the forbidden SuChang and brothel origin, liyuan pederasty daxing, find '" xianggong "' became the vogue of the upper class, slowly developed into a same-sex love relationship to each other." "Xianggong", "is the male prostitutes, the ancient called" rabbit ", "small singing", or "little sexual abuse", there are also called "small hands", later said, "like the gu", that is like a girl's meaning, then a homonym for "" xianggong". "some even have" first lady "in the title.

In the late qing and early republic, brothels are mainly concentrated in the front door avenue, because here are near the inner city, officials out of the city, and enjoy more convenient; Second, there is the railway station, distributes the passengers; Three is the front door avenue is a famous business street, quite busy; Four is in this area is the concentrated outdoor playhouses, teahouse, restaurant, eat, drink, and be merry, form an organic whole.

, according to a statistics of the 30 s "eight big hutong" was registered on the business of the brothel amounted to 117, prostitutes, more than 750 people, this is just a formal "quotation", not "prostitutes" and "were observed.

Old Beijing prostitutes are divided into "the class" and "north" class two kinds, in general, "south class" prostitute is mainly women in jiangnan area, some high level, not only the color, and talented. The prostitute accompany many dignitaries, such as the national capital famous prostitute "golden flower, small impatiens, etc. "The class" prostitute is given priority to with Yellow River north of woman, looks good, but some poor literacy. "Eight hutongs" prostitutes in the majority with "south" class, so much for one, second-class brothels. And in other parts of the brothel, most is the "north". At that time, many high rank and doing business in the capital city is from the south, as a result, "the eight hutongs" as the border of the dignitaries frequented.

英文导游词 篇18

You must have seen Shaolin Temple, right? You will be deeply impressed bythe exquisite martial arts of Shaolin disciples and the ancient and simpleflavor of Shaolin Temple. Since the film became popular, Shaolin Temple hasgained a great reputation, and there has been an endless stream of tourists athome and abroad. In recent years, Henan Province has vigorously developedtourism with martial arts as the media, and held "Shaolin International MartialArts Festival" every two years, which not only attracts many overseas martialarts groups to participate, but also drives the development of regionaleconomy.

Shaolin Temple is located at the West foot of Songshan Mountain, about 13kilometers northwest of Dengfeng City. In 495 ad, Emperor Xiaowen of theNorthern Wei dynasty built this temple to settle Indian monk Batuo and spreadBuddhism. Because it is located in the dense forest of Shaoshi mountain, it isnamed "Shaolin Temple". Thirty two years later (527), another Indian monk,Dharma, came to Shaolin Temple. He believed in Mahayana Buddhism and advocateduniversal salvation. He gathered many believers in Shaolin Temple and spread Zenfor the first time. Later, Zen spread all over the country. Shaolin Temple isknown as the ancestral hall of Zen. At the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginningof Tang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple was highly praised by the imperial court for its13 stick monks' meritorious service in rescuing Li Shimin, the king of TangDynasty. Shaolin martial arts became famous all over the world, and the templealso developed rapidly, known as "the most famous Temple in the world". Theseare the reasons why Shaolin Temple is famous. If we summarize them in two terms,they are "Zen" and "martial arts".

Zen is an important sect in Buddhism. It is formed by integrating Chinesereligion and Confucianism, which has a great influence on Chinese culture. "Zen"is the meaning of ordinary mind, feeling without attachment, excluding allthoughts, not persistent. There is a story that illustrates this truth. Zenmaster Zhao Zhou traveled all his life to spread Zen. He said, "if a child cansurpass me, I will worship him as a teacher. If an old man is inferior to me, Iwill teach him." One day, a group of monks came to worship. Zhao Zhou asked oneof them, "have you ever been here?" "I've been here.". Zhao Zhou said, "go totea." He asked the second and said, "I haven't been here yet." Zhao Zhou alsosaid: "tea." The master didn't understand. He asked the master, why do you askthose who have been here to have tea? Zen master Zhao Zhou still said, "go totea!" That is to say, Zen in daily life, Zen is not learned, but realized,carrying water, cutting firewood, eating and drinking tea, all have Zen.Ordinary heart in daily life, indifferent and peaceful feelings, is the essenceof life, when all people are the same. OK, what we just said is Zen. What is themethod of practice of Zen? Yes, it's meditation, that is, sitting in front ofthe wall to get rid of distractions. It's said that Dharma, the founder of ZenBuddhism, had been facing the wall for nine years, and his shadow was deeplyimprinted on the stone wall opposite him. The one and only deep mountains andforests, wild animals, and the wild animals came to life. Damour created a setof gymnastics and taught the disciples to exercise. When Shaolin Temple waslocated in the mountains and forests, wild animals came and went, some practicalcombat techniques were added to defend themselves. After thousands of years ofevolution, they merged into the essence of China's major martial arts schools,and became a unique earthquake. It's time to go back to martial arts. Let's goto Shaolin Temple today. First, we can understand "Zen" and second, we canappreciate "martial arts". I believe that after the tour, we will not onlyunderstand Zen Buddhism, but also have three moves and two styles.

Well, I'll introduce you to the general situation of Shaolin Temple. Thetour guide of Shaolin Temple will give you a detailed explanation about ShaolinTemple's frequent hospitalization. OK, tourists, Shaolin Temple is coming soon.Please take your belongings and get ready to get off.

英文导游词 篇19

Gold Chang in northwest area is located in suzhou city, the ancient city, east moat outside the east coast and cross yanghe, east and at pingkiang area adjacent; West to the grand canal west world, and suzhou high new technical industrial zone river; South bridge across the river in small day, three road, tung many in the east coast and double river and is bounded canglang; North to central triangle mouth the water surface, the borders of the city.

Gold Chang area of the tourism resources, huqiu, hanshan temple, lingering garden, west park and so on historical and cultural relics is the pride of suzhou. "Swim in suzhou and not swim huqiu, but pity." Is the symbol of the ancient city of suzhou huqiu tower is famous world culture heritage, the annual traditional temple fair and huqiu show attracted millions of Chinese and foreign tourists. Is located in the ancient city in the west of the hanshan temple with a poetry of the present paper arrives at an inter pretation "and famous, each ring, people always want to hanshan temple

Suzhou belongs to north subtropical monsoon climate, the spring and autumn season for travel.

In October 1955, suzhou city, the city name change, west renamed Chang zone of gold. In August 1956, the area before the view (the former central) revoked, the area, respectively, into the north tower area (north) peace river area (east). In July 1958, revocation of the north tower area, the area of peach dock, Chang door and changchun street office Chang area (most) into gold. Founded in November the same year, the city people's communes, a district social unity. In July 1960, suzhou city, the original three area is adjusted for six, gold Chang area in two, set up two gold Chang, peach dock area (communes). In July 1962, suzhou cancel each urban commune system. In March 1963, restore to establish three city, peach dock area withdraw into gold Chang area. Gold Chang area during the "cultural revolution" was renamed yan 'an area. On June 9, 1980, approved by jiangsu province people's government: suzhou yanan area changed its name to gold Chang area. On September 1, 20xx, suzhou city held a press conference, announced the cancellation of suzhou canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area, set up in suzhou gusu area, with the original canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area administrative areas for administrative areas in gusu area.

英文导游词 篇20

Shanxi taihang grand canyon national forest park is located in the east of huguan JinYu area between the two provinces, north of HuGuan town 30 kilometers, Yin Lin, fu chuan road, pot, purple plate of tourist highway across the flat road, rural roads throughout the country, the position is superior, the transportation is convenient. In recent years, the taihang grand canyon tourist visitors.

Taihang grand canyon national forest park, involving the three villages and towns 23 village, covers an area of 4389.4 hectares, the forest area of 3287.6 hectares, the forest coverage rate is as high as 74.9%. Park landscape, natural landscape and human landscape is very rich in resources. Planning to five fingers three grand canyon gorge, gorge, five mang gorge longquan as the main line, open up purple cloud cave, and cloud cover temple, water demon hole and really ze palace four major scenic spots. Total of gorge landscape, waterscape, mountain, stone, tree view, 44 Lin Jinghe places of historic interest in landscape, more than 400 attractions. Lin hai, with the green wave monstrous knife cut appeared cliff, various rocks, such as practice like silver waterfall, the rippling deep pools, spectacular temples, spectacular caves, fascinating legends. Attractions have actual virtual, bright dark, a light colored, there are odd risk, wonderful artical excelling nature, make the park's natural landscape and human landscape, set each other off becomes an interest. Taihang grand canyon park scenic spots are mainly concentrated in the purple mountain.

Linzhou city of north taihang grand canyon village Angle back mountain, Shanxi Province on the south pingshun bottom village, north and south 30 kilometers long, 200 meters wide, the narrowest place 60 meters. Due to the mountain named ZiQi fills the air in groups. Wanfeng abrupt mountains, fangyuan thyme. Being held calves, scene is a perfect, have "south five yi (mountain), north to embrace dozen (mountain)", is the scenic spot of "of collecting rare". Celebrate it poetry in the history of more than hundred and 36 landscape poetry handed down from ancient times. There are mainly eight scenery: xian weng, cloud cover temple, zhaobi mountain cliff, lean on xiufeng, south and garden, Tang Ya tablet, general peak, and white longtan CuiWei hole. Cloud cover temple on the mountain, also called the cloud temple, have two into the courtyard of south buddhist temple construction, stone layer of the hall, woodiness valuable.such handiwork, especially in the four groups of drama brick carvings. Chinese which is also called purple ball hole, hole road flyover is the Chinese side wall. Hole like a maze, size is, the top of more than 50 meters, more than 30 meters at its widest point, the lowest point is just let one side in. Hole has a "god", "ocean's", "sea", "yulong holds shou" lava layer spots in 151, has developed 1500 meters, the reception of the guests. True ze palace scenic spot in jersey palace as the center, in a purple mountain town of palm tree god rural village. Intrauterine honours's two fairy, also known as "the second fairy grandmother temple", "two Confucian temple". The magnificent palace aross solemn, internal dao, ingenious structure, covers an area of 7000 square meters, built build by laying bricks or stones into five mountain into the yard, a school than a court. Are teachers, memorial arch, entrance, central temple, Wan Shouting, drum tower, on either side of the bedroom, the male female hall and in the palace, with Yang palace, Yin house, baby palace, the palace of milk, dressing floor, etc., make the whole building unified in the environment of primitive simplicity and elegant, strewn at random discretion. Taihang mountain valley, ancient have the laudatory title of "land of undiscovered talent". Taihang canyon forest park, soon will be shown with the atmosphere of "nature" in front of the world, for visitors to appreciate and favor.

Taihang mountains stretches far away, like a green dragon, entrenched in henan, shanxi, hebei provinces on the vast earth. Located in linzhou city a known as the south in the west of the taihang Lin Lvshan. Known as "artificial tianhe" - the red flag canal, build in lei mountain cliffs. As a result, the scenic spot named as "the red flag canal, Lin Lvshan scenic area". Here is the state-level scenic Mei area, also is "first in Asia, the world first-class" gliding base. The main scenic spot is the area of 100 square kilometers. Jin township in China was known as the "north male south show" and Lin Lvshan is the north wind and the light the most wins.

Lin Lvshan is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate, its highest peak 1675 meters above sea level, form the unique mountain climate characteristics. The average annual rainfall of 670 mm or so. Less distinct seasons, sufficient sunlight, spring rain, the air cool autumn, the average temperature of 12.7. C. Lin Lvshan has a long history and the unique natural landscape and human landscape in one, there are 10 cultural relics protection units at or above the provincial level, city and county more than 71 of cultural relics protection units, rich tourism resources. From the northern and southern dynasties, there has been a high-profile tourist resort.

Taihang grand canyon had left every emperor group, a rich, wise men writers, martial arts, celebrities monk, offering a skillful craftsman, footprints have their beautiful and magical legend story. In shang dynasty king scripts, 22 provinces by his father to Wang Xiangyan and civilian slaves live together, in the slaves met fu said, found his very talented, he acceded to the throne after three years of silence, the courtiers to persuade, please say mountain and worshipped as prime minister, fu fu said assisted the scripts, realized the "Renaissance" Yin road, in the history of China. In the eastern han dynasty, the son of a Xia Fu under the imperial palace, this to the name of any refuge, ruins remain now. Zhao road flyover jiajing years to travel to show in the mountains, in accordance with cliff built, hard elixir and tower is still save the teacher and pupil's tomb.

Taihang grand canyon great momentums, scenery. After recent years of development, has formed the "artificial tianhe" red flag canal, the taihang grand canyon, the soul of the tai Wang Xiangyan, summer and winter inversion peach blossom valley, Lin Lvshan international gliding base, TianKaiTuHua yellow mountain, cultural relic treasure GuHongGu mountain, the north wind and light day hirayama, cypress garden Long Fengshan, shek mun, yongquan Wan Quanshan, longdong overpass king longdong landscape as the main body of the unique scenic spot. This book focuses on the taihang grand canyon scenery.

The taihang grand canyon rich natural landscape and cultural landscape attraction for visitors quartet. Every year reception tourist camping, Hugh recuperate, hang gliding, rock climbing etc. Large Numbers of tourists. Now Beijing, henan, Shanghai, guangzhou and other various television stations, film studios to the outside, television, movies, famous brand "shuang-shuang li" and show the story unforgettable years - the red flag canal is taken here. For every year a large number of fine arts colleges and universities teachers and students, to the sketch drawing, create numerous excellent art works.

The taihang grand canyon, the ancient have the laudatory title of "land of undiscovered talent". Taihang grand canyon forest park, soon will be shown with the atmosphere of "nature" in front of the world, for visitors to appreciate and favor. Welcome all visitors to shanxi taihang grand canyon tourist.

英文导游词 篇21

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Please allow me on behalf of China International Travel Service to extend our sincere welcome to you! I’m your tour guide today, Miss Wang. You can call me Xiao Wang. Today, we will visit the well-known architecture in Fujian province. I’ll try my best to make your stay of Yongding Tulou pleasant and enjoyable. When you are in Fujian, this is a place you won’t want to miss. First, I’ll give you a general introduction of the Yongding Tolou.

Yongding Earth Buildings were first built in the Tang dynasty. They are the unique residential buildings in the world, which are located in the mountainous areas in southern and western Fujian and constructed of rammed earth. They are praised as an extraordinary architectural work of village house in the world for their long history. The main styles of Yongding Tulou are square and round with thick walls and various functions, such as, defending against the enemies, quakeproof, fire prevention, guarding against wild animals and good ventilation and lighting.

First, I want to ask you a question. Do you know how many Tolou sites exist in Yongding? You can guess it. Yes, there are more than 20xx0 still standing today. Amazing, isn’t it? Since there are so many earth buildings, it is impossible to visit all, so I choose one typical architectural to you. I hope you will have a good time!

Ok, my dear guests, look, this is Zhencheng Building--- the most famous round building, which is called as “the prince of earth building”. It is built in 1912 and cost 5 years to finish. The building covers an area of 5000 square meters and cost 80 thousand silver dollars. Zhencheng Building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure.

The outer circle has four floors. Kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the fourth floor. There are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building.

Now let’s go into the building. Do you feel warm? Yes, since the wall is brick, it can prevent heat and keep warm. So it’s warm in winter and cool in summer. You see, the inner circle has two floors, comprising a wheat barn, an ancestral temple, a theater, a school and a garden. Seeing its wing-rooms on the two sides all together, do you think it looks like a governor’s hat in the ancient time? It implies that the owner hoped that this offspring could be so remarkable as to become officials.

The Zhencheng Tower is the best embodiment of “Integration of Heaven, Earth, and Man”. The earth tower is built up according to the Eight Diagrams that you should never forget to take a look at.

How times flies! The travel to the earth buildings is not just for sightseeing, it is more important to put scenery, history and fun into teaching and to purify souls of you in this simple natural scenery. I hope you can have a good memory in this journey. At the end of the tour, on behalf of China International Travel Service again, I am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building. Thank you.
