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Yangshan, nine mountain jiuhua mountain called ling, for nine peaks shaped like a lotus, began years (742 ~ 756) renamed the jiuhua mountain. For the three big mountains of inclined column in the south of anhui (one of the huangshan mountain and jiuhua mountain, b). Located in chizhou anhui province county territory, on the other side of the Yangtze river and the tianzhu mountain in northwest, southeast of the huangshan taiping lake and the happiness, is a "two mountain lake" in anhui, huangshan mountain and jiuhuashan mountain, taiping lake) gold tourist area north of the main entrance, the main scenic spots. 120 kilometers, the total area of 120 square kilometers, the highest peak 1342 meters above sea level, the center of jiu hua street geographical coordinates for longitude 117 °, 30 ° latitude.

Jiuhua mountain main body is composed of yanshan period granite, give priority to with peak, valley basin, mix water fountain. Ermeishan mountain rocky cragginess, a total of 99 peaks, of which tiantai, sky column, ten Kings, lotus, lohan, esteems, lotus and other nine peaks are most magnificent. Ten wang feng, highest elevation 1342 meters. Mainly concentrated in 100 square kilometers, within the scope of the scenery has nine son springs sound stream, five mountains, sea of clouds, flat, snow lotus peak, tiantai xiao day, month ShuTan seal, MinYuan bamboo sea, phoenix ancient pine trees, etc. High mountain monastery, cigarette smoke, and ancient towering, quiet, witty, known as the "lotus buddhist," said. Existing temple, 78, Buddha more than 78. The temples of the famous sweet dew temple, temple city, only garden temple, an ancient name for sandalwood, centenarians palace, meditation room, Lin hui ju temple, such as collection of thousands of pieces of cultural relics. In the mountains and money tree, jingle birds, giant salamander and other rare animals and plants.

In the mountain under well, cloud above the table, the different shape of overlapping peaks, the number nine, so the number nine mountain. Began years great poet-saint Li Baiceng number of jiuhua mountain, see the mountain show, nine peaks such as lotus, want to sing with my friends in the "change son nine mountain jiuhua interference and preface of yue:" miao have two gas, lingshan jiu hua ", so "nine mountain" instead of "jiuhua mountain". Li Baiyin jiuhua did: "yesterday in jiujiang (Yangtze river), far out at nine huafeng, tianhe hangs green water, showing nine lotus. I would like to a wave of his hand, who can phase from? Jun as the host, the lie chamaecyparis pisifera." "Tianhe hangs green water, show nine lotus" verse be depicted of the beautiful scenery of the jiuhua mountain song.

Liu yuxi in tang dynasty mountain at the praise: "qifeng saw surprised soul", "naturally endowed a stunner. "A river of wang wei painting, stone for Li Baishi". Jiuhua mountain, around a deep ditch canyon, hang down deep pools, the water flowing waterfall, spectacular, just like a picture of a pure and fresh and natural landscape picture scroll. The view is it everywhere, people moving scene change, the qing dynasty summed up there are ten views "9". After the opening to the outside world, the new monarch eight scenic spots, hundreds of new attractions. Old and new attractions in photograph reflect, natural xiuse accommodation with human landscape, combined with the four seasons, when the scene, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, rime, snow, sleet, Buddhas light and other wonders, beautiful, amazing, linger. Known as "southeast first mountain", "jiangnan first mountain" of reputation.



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Dear friends hello! Welcome to join our business travel agency zhouzhuang day trip. I am your the zhouzhuang tour guide, my name is, a haze haze. Guide also can call me when you can call me LAN LAN.

We arranged like this is todays schedule, we give priority to with scenic spots in the morning, so after a moment into the scenic spot, first please follow small beatiful visit scenic spots to visit? I can do for you in the process of related sites, because today is Saturday (days), tourists is more, easy to produce crowded, easy to get lost, so small beatiful here again with tight, please make sure you have eaten lunch we will free activities. We are fixed-point dont order a meal for lunch. Below please out his phone and write down my phone number... If got lost, dont be afraid to just call me Ill find you the first time the oh, if I couldnt get through just a few more times. If anyone is not clear? (no) echo before into the scenic spot, we are going to take a free photo first, whats the use of this? It is mainly used for separated from zhouzhuang in residential areas. To facilitate check-in. In front of me also said that today people is more, the team is very much also, queue, so please dont crowded. Patience to wait. If there is anything that xiao zhu where our thoughtlessness, please forgive me.

Good! Here, I give you to introduce our waterfront town, zhouzhuang. We visit today zhouzhuang is located in kunshan city, suzhou, wujiang, Shanghai qingpu at the boundary of three counties, the east is the famous dianshan lake, not far from here by bus to Shanghai grand view garden only need ten minutes. So someone said: "zhouzhuang is a pearl of dianshan lake."

Zhouzhuang, which is a jiangnan ancient town with a history of more than nine hundred years, it has a long tradition, simple morals, ancient architecture, the famous ancient architecture expert who said; "Zhouzhuang is not only a treasure in jiangsu province, and it is a treasure of the country." Chinese Taiwan jinwei magazine called zhouzhuang is "Chinas first water town". After a lot of guests visited zhouzhuang, said: "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou, there is also a zhouzhuang in the middle." To zhouzhuang holds so many buildings in the Ming and qing dynasties and admiration, for "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" exquisite pattern and dazzled.

Zhouzhuang why called zhouzhuang, we just as its name implies is zhou family estate. Actually, zhouzhuang in the earliest time that once called zhenfengli, nine hundred years ago in the area of ones family name is zhou di lang to donate the two hundred mu built QuanFu temple, the local people in order to commemorate him, once called zhenfengli renamed in zhouzhuang.

Today we mainly visit scenic spots have a hall, shen hall, build, and so on. This rich shen was the hall of shen three thousand estate. When Shen Wanshan use zhouzhuang channel to do foreign trade, foreign to zhouzhuang of rapid economic development, also make the rich themselves. Shen hall for the folk houses. Shen hall is "seven into five gate house", its seven can be divided into three parts, the first is the first part, is the place that greeted her guests; The second, three, four into shen is the second part of the hall, is where the guests; Fifth, six and seven is the third part, is the place where shenyang living. In short, it can use four word can be summed up in three parts: "front desk".

Zhang hall is zhouzhuang one of only a few buildings of Ming dynasty, for jiangsu province key cultural relics protection units. A hall for the Ming dynasty ZhongShanWang managed brother Xu Mengqing offspring. Xu Gujians supposedly named xu hall, why call zhang hall? When it was in the early years of the qing dynasty, the xu decline, will sell the house to the zhang family, was renamed the hall.

Zhouzhuang is belonged to one of the most famous build up. This is why, that is from a pair of words, it was the spring of 1984, Shanghai famous contemporary painter Chen come to zhouzhuang, in a small boat to see the build, feel it brought back memories of childhood. Then, in order to build as the background, create a title for the memory of hometown of painting. Later, the painting along with 37 pieces of his works in the western oil companies in the United States President armando. Hammers name hammer on display in the gallery. This painting caused a great sensation at the time, then, was armand. Hammer with high purchase hide. In the same year in November, Mr Hammer when they visit China, send the painting to the deng xiaoping. In 1985, the painting again after Chen processing become at that time, the UNs first day cover design, favored by stamp collectors and people from all walks of life. By the news media publicity, zhouzhuang town. Chens painting to make the unknown build towards the world. Key bridge is not the key is better than the key, because it opens the door to zhouzhuang and international association of friendship.



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广州香港街 景区是中国好莱坞-横店影视城六大经典景区之一。是于1996年8月为拍摄历史巨片《鸦片战争》而建;香港街景区于1998年9月建成,她们以逼真的实景建筑,艺术地再现了1840年前后的羊城旧貌和香江风韵。





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过去的地理划分到现时仍保留了不少痕迹,包括位于天后的铜锣湾街市、铜锣湾消防局及再向东行与海逸君绰酒店相对的民政事务总署铜锣湾社区中心、位于铜锣湾崇光百货附近的东角道,以及东角Laforet商场(原为东角NuFace Sogo)。




铜 锣湾维多利亚公园最受欢迎的休息场所,每天清晨,不少市民会在那里练太极拳;每逢春节、中秋节、圣诞节及大除夕等重要节日,都会有成千上万的市民聚集于此举行庆祝活动。公园里设有游泳池、慢跑道和网球场,这里经常是举行国际网球赛事的场地。铜锣湾区另一著名的建筑物乃香港大球场,其设施达国际标准,可容纳观众4万人。位于铜锣湾和湾仔之间的是跑马地。每年9月至翌年6月是赛马季节。旅客更可参观位于马场内快活看台二楼的香港赛马博物馆。









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云台山历史文化积淀浑厚。作为儒、释、道景观并存的宗教名山,这里不仅有汉献帝的避暑台和陵墓;中国山水园林文化鼻祖竹林七贤得隐居地(至今还有刘伶醒酒台、嵇康醉剑池、孙登啸台等遗迹)和唐代药王孙思邈采药炼丹的洞府,而且还有唐代大诗人王维吟诵的“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲,遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人”的佳话…可谓名副其实的:避暑有楼,醒酒有台,载文咏诗有碑碣。 云台山山清水秀,气候宜人,水源丰富,植被茂盛,原始次生林覆盖整座山峦,名木古树,奇花异草遍布其间;种类可达400余种,中药材蕴藏量丰富,除人参,灵芝外,还有闻名国内外的四大怀药———怀地黄、怀牛膝、怀菊花、怀山药以及茱萸、连翘、天麻、当归等名贵中药材200多种,至今还有流传着药王孙思邈在此炼丹采药、服丹成仙的动人故事。





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Friend, have you ever been to sanya? Sanya is a sea breeze blow gently, picturesque seaside tourist city. There are many loved by Chinese and foreign tourists in the scenic area: beautiful seaside park -- -- -- -- -- "dadonghai," world famous "tianyahaijiao", has a magical legend "touching", also known as the "Oriental Hawaii" "yalong bay"... They will make you regretted leaving, deeply intoxicated.

Everyone who has visited the dadonghai, can not shout: this is a beautiful seaside park! That red green trees, the dove in the blue sky, green water, silvery white beach, compose a beautiful seaside scenery figure. The soft sand beach is a favorite haunt of people. Stand above that hits the tall coconut trees, the beach is full of colors and forms of seashells. Visitors like to lie on the beach, enjoy the beautiful sun.

Standing on the beach, looking at the blue sea water reflected the cbsi sky, the harmony, mutual set off, a lasting pleasant taste. Wind, waves surging waves one after another beach, imposing manner is very spectacular. In the endless sea, do you think will be bright and broad.

If "dadonghai" is her beauty praise by visitors, that "the ends of the earth" with her magical glamour occupy peoples heart. It does not add any artificial vulture act the role ofing, completely is a primitive natural "map" of the sea. The straight coastline, huge magic stones on the beach, colorful shells, constitute the natural beauty of the "ends of the earth". In a lot of stone, engraved with "tianya" is the most popular and the wording "cape" stones. People often leave JingYing here, also left a good memory.

When people visit tired, be sure to find a comfortable place to meimeis rest. Sanya has a lot of equipment structure fancy hotels, hotel, resort, for visitors to enjoy.

In the clouds of hotel, holiday village, the most strange luxury "nanshan resort". Because of its roof, doors and Windows, unique design, especially in the south China sea guanyin neighbors, biggest houses built around the mountain. People stay was wonderful.

Boarded the "touching," look, see the sea in sanya city arms: buildings, streets, traffic, a scene of prosperity.

Standing here I would like to: sanya in the near future will certainly build a better, attracting more visitors.



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大家好,欢迎大家来到丽江游玩,我是导游李思思,请多多关照。好了,现在我们将进入丽江古城转转,请跟我来! 现在我们正漫步古城,眼前已呈现一幅古朴、典雅、幽静的画面。大家看,纳西风格的民居鳞次栉比,清清的溪流穿街过巷,一座座小桥如彩虹横跨小溪,一排排垂柳在清风中摇曳。还有更好的呢!大家跟紧我!看看两旁,古城中店铺林立,各式商品琳琅满目,尤其是那光亮的各式铜器及花样翻新的各色皮革时装,一直都是广大游客所称道的。这么多精致的商品,大家是不是想仔细欣赏一番呢?好吧,那我们先分散一会,各自选购,十分钟后在这里集合。





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Suzhou is Chinas important historical and cultural city, the famous scenic tourist city, is also the first Chinese excellent tourism city. Suzhou is located in the middle of the Yangtze river delta, east Chinas largest industrial, financial and trade center of Shanghai, the south zhejiang, west taihu lake, in the north the Yangtze river. Districts with a total area of 8488 square kilometers and a population of 5.839 million people, including 2.124 million people in the city. Now administer, zhangjiagang, changshu, kunshan, taicang, wujiang city, wuzhong district, suzhou city, at pingkiang area, canglang district, gold Chang area, and suzhou industrial park, suzhou high-tech zone. Suzhou in a temperate climate, fertile land, rich products, since the ancient times known as "paradise on earth".

Suzhou is an old city, was founded in 514 BC, more than 2500 years of history, is located on the location of the spring and autumn period, basic maintained a "surface parallel, river street" that face the double chessboard pattern and "small bridge, flowing water, somebody else" of of primitive simplicity style. Within the territory of 487 cultural relics, including national level 15, 101 at the provincial level. In China only the most intact water gates - pan gate is located in the south of the ancient city of suzhou panmen gate scenic spot.

Suzhou is east shuicheng. Water area accounts for 42% of the total area, lakes and rivers dotted, one of Chinas four largest fresh water lake taihu lake, four 5 of the waters within their borders, dongshan, xishan, light blessing, the existing shek wu, yushan, shanghu lake scenic area distribution, meanwhile, the world-famous the beijing-hangzhou grand canal runs through the north and south.

The city of suzhou is a garden. Classical gardens in the city is the treasure of world culture and art, embodied the essence of Oriental gardening art. Now well-preserved classical garden has more than 60 place, Chinas four big gardens, the humble administrators garden, lingering garden two. Humble administrators garden, lingering garden, mountain villa with embracing beauty, master of the nets garden, lion grove, nursery, decoupling garden, surging wave pavilion, scientific park nine classical garden has been UNESCO world heritage list.

It is the birthplace of celebrities.of in suzhou. Literary world in the history of sage, painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, poetry genre. Pingtan, kunqu opera, Su Ju is regarded as a "three flowers" suzhou culture, kunqu opera is a "human oral and non-material heritage representative work"; Suzhou embroidery, k o-ssu, jade carving, clay sculpture, wood carving and {sung} brocade exquisite handicrafts enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad; Classical architecture, like the ancient temples, pagodas, ancient bridge has a very high historical position.

Suzhou is a model of jiangnan water town, which is representative of kunshan zhouzhuang, jinxi, the mudu wuzhong, Lu straight, wujiang tongli. These ancient town in full, a large number of houses of the Ming and qing dynasties, maintained the original ancient style, water features, folk customs and pastoral scenery, has a high cultural value, social and cultural research value and value in architectural art.

Dedicated to the protection of the ancient city of suzhou, development and utilization, is returning to seven shan in the original historical style and features, mining and finishing around the distribution in ancient village. Built opera, crafts, folk custom, the botanical garden, suzhou embroidery, inscriptions, silk and other 12 museum. At the same time, the comprehensive control on the river, open water travel with distinctive features, and formed a batch of tourism, culture, trade in one of the characteristics of block.

Travel to suzhou, not only can appreciate the extensive and profound of celebrities.of, experience the wonderful hard-currency step one scene, still can enjoy.



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景区20xx年被国家旅游局评为首批AAAA级旅游景区、全国十五家[保护旅游者合法权益示范单位]、重庆市最佳旅游景区等称号。公司所属的汇丰国际旅游社一九九八年被评为中国国际旅行社综合效益100强,丰都名山旅行社有限公司为重庆十强国内旅行社。 名山旅游集团公司,还有一批业务技术过硬的高素质人才和经验丰富的高级专业管理人员。公司以[质量第一,信誉第一]为宗旨,竭诚为国内外旅客提供一流服务.















丰都鬼城丰都鬼城位于四川盆地东南边缘,地处长江上游。是七里的故乡。它是一 座依山面水的古城,春秋时称“巴子别都”,它是从重庆顺游长江三峡的第一个旅游景区。传说这里是人死后灵魂归宿的地方。“鬼城”丰都,名山上古木参天,寺庙林立,在庞大的阴曹地府里仙道释儒,诸神众鬼盘踞各庙,等级森严,各司其职并以苛刑峻法统治着传说中的幽灵世界。






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Evening Scenes of Chongqing

The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in theEling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintagepoints for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of Chongqing. Atnight the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, which form a colorfulthree-dimensional painting, with waves of the Yangtze and Jialing riversglistening against the moonlit, star spangled sky.

Sites of the Provisional Capital

Chongqing figured importantly in modem Chinese history. During the War ofResistance against Japan, it was the "provisional capital" of China under theKuomintang rule from November 1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that period arestill there in and around the city. These include the Red Crag Village and 50Zengjiayan, as well as Chiang Kai-sheks mansion, Guiyuan Garden, LinyuanGarden, and the mansion of C.C. Kong, the embassies of various countries toChina, as well as former residences of important politicians, generals andcultural figures.

Martyrs Mausoleum at Mount Gele

The former headquarters, radio station and prison of the Bureau ofInvestigation and Statistics of the Military Council (a colossal secret serviceof the Kuomintang) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District havebecome the mausoleum for those who died a martyrs death there in Chinas darkdays. In the dying years of World War 11, it was the site of the "Sino0USInstitute for Cooperation in Special Technology".

Dazu Grottoes

The Dazu Grottoes in the county of the same name is best known for thestone carvings on the Baodingshan and Beishan mountains, which are fine exampleof grotto sculpture in the late years of Chinese feudalism. The sculptures, donein fastidious chisel work and gracious imagery, are marked by a new sculpturallanguage that eschews religious taboos and espouses true life.

Yangtze Rivers Three Gorges

Sailong down the Yangtze from Chongqing to Yichang allows visitors to seethe spectacular scenery of the Three Gorges along with its splendid culturalheritage and fabled local folklore. The cruise, which combines sightseeing withscientific, artistic and folklore exploration, is a national-caliber touristprogram. The 193-km-long Three Gorges, consisting of the majestic Qutangxia,statuesque Wuxia and ferocious Xilingxia gorges, is one of and ferociousXilongxia gorges, is one of the worlds major canyons. Along the way there aresuch scenic attractions as the Fengdu Mountain. Baidi city, Shibao village,Zhang Fels Temple, Qu Yuans Temple, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Lesser Three Gorges

The Daning River is the largest Yangtze tributary, which rises in thesouthern side of the Daba Mountain and flows for 250km before emptying itselfinto the Yangtze at the western entrance to the Wuxia Gorge. The Lesser ThreeGorges on the Daning River, a 50km-long affair covering the Longmenxia, Bawuxiaand Dicuixia gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is billed as one ofChinas 40 best scenic resorts thanks to its gorgeous mountains, elegant peaks,turbulent rapids, limpid water, exotic rock imagery and serene scenery.

Diaoyu City, Hechuan

Established in 1242, or the 2nd year of the Chunyou reign of the SouthernSong, Diaoyu City covers 2.5 square km up the Diaoyu Mountain on the southernshore of the Jialing River in Hechuan Citys Heyang Town. In 1258, the Mongolslaunched a three-way attack on the Song, and in February the next year DiaoyuCity found itself besieged. The Song army mounted a valiant counterattack thatlast3ed for 36 years, and made world war history by rebuffing a strong enemywith a weak force. This prompted some European historians to laud Diaoyu City asthe "Mecca of the East" and "Where God broke his whip". The ruins of the ancientbattlefield of Diaoyu City are well kept there.

Jinyun Mountain

Nicknamed "Less Mount Emei", Jinyun Mountain is a national scenic resort55km from downtown Chongqing.

Furong Cave, Wulung

The Furong (Hibiscus) Cave is located by the Furong River in Wulung County.The main part of the cave is 2,700 metres in length and 3.7 square metres inarea. The Splendid Cave is the most impressive. Housed in it are nearly 30varieties of stalactites chiseled into every manner of exotic imagery by thecunning labor of nature. Major attractions are Gold Throne Hall, Leifeng Pagodaand Sky-reaching Jade Pillar.


Friends, hello! Now we already arrived the Huangshan Mountain scenic spotsouthern region strategic place soup mouth. First introduces the HuangshanMountain scenery in here to you the survey.

Huangshan Mountain, is located south the Chinese Anhui Province, is theChinese Nanling sierra the part, entire mountain area approximately 1,200 squarekilometers. The Huangshan Mountain mountain system center-section, is HuangshanMountain’s essence are partial, also Huangshan Mountain scenic spot which musttour on us, area approximately 154 square kilometers. It within the boundariesof Huangshan Mountain city, south neighbour She county, Huizhou area, XiuningCounty and Yi Xian, north continually yellow mountainous area; These fivecounties, the area also all belong to the Huangshan Mountain cityjurisdiction.

Huangshan Mountain in Chinese Tang Dynasty before is called the mountain,is the black appearance, because on the mountain the rock blue black is blueblack, the ancient gives it such name. The fable we Chinese race’s ancestorshaft Yellow Emperor in completes the area south of Yellow River to unify afterindustry, founds the Chinese civilization, arrives here to pick the medicine tobuild up Dan, takes a bath in the hot spring, thus obtains enlightenment theimmortal. Tang Dynasty renowned Emperor Ming Huangli the prosperous baseextremely will believe this view, (747 years) has gotten down together theimperial edict in six years, the mountain will change name Huangshan Mountain.The meaning is, this mountain is Yellow Emperor’s mountain. From then on,Huangshan Mountain this name one until now.

The friends, you are not far thousand, even Wan Lidao here, must look atHuangshan Mountain with own eyes the America? Not is must feel a time of life tobe joyful? Yes, Huangshan Mountain is certainly beautiful certainly beautiful,may say the day wonderful mountain, can ascend a height to get a broad view it,has a look it with own eyes, truly is a life big happy event. Before the verylong long time, in the long geologic history generation, the nature infinitestrength, has molded the Huangshan Mountain that certainly beautiful elegantdemeanour and all sorts of unusual landscapes very much, makes one fall, iselated.

Huangshan Mountain’s America, first on beautifully in its high peak. Herecompetes Xiu, Feng Feng expresses admiration, respectively has thecharacteristic, each charm. The Huangshan Mountain high peak has how many, butalso does not have an accurate numeral. In the history successively names has 36big peaks, 36 small peaks, recent years also had 10 famous peaks to be selected"the Huangshan Mountain Will". This more than 80 mountain peaks highoverwhelming majority above the elevation kilometer, lotus flower peak is allhighest (1,864 meters), the light goes against is next (1,841 meters), the dayall peak rank (1829.5 meters), these three big peaks and the graceful bearingoutstanding beginning letter peak (1,683 meters), are Huangshan Mountain’sfriends, even if mounts in these four high peaks, also calculated.

Under, I "four certainly" separately make again Huangshan Mountain anintroduction.

Said Huangshan Mountain "four certainly", arranges at first working as isthe wonderful pine. Yellow pinus montana wonderfully in what place? First iswonderfully in it vitality, you saw have had no alternative but to expressadmiration. Generally said that, every has the earth the side to be able toleave the vegetation and the crops, but the yellow pine is long comes out fromthe hard yellow hillock rock. Huangshan Mountain everywhere all is growing thepine tree, their long peak, the long sheer precipice, is long in the glen, greenand luxuriant, full of vitality. Since 1100, they were split open like this fromthe rock, the root deep deeply gripped in the rock seam, did not fear barren wasarid, did not fear the wind and thunder sleet, natural, unyielding. You can sayis not wonderful? Next is, yellow pinus montana also wonderfully in it thatunique natural modelling. From generally speaking, yellow pinus montana’s needleshort and heavy dense, Ye Senong green, the trunk and branches tune lives, crownflat, appears one kind simply, steady, the vigorous imposing manner, but eachpine tree, each pine tree, in the appearance, is mad in the rhyme, also is eachevery different, all some one kind of unusual America. The people according tothem the different shape and the charm, separately gave them to get up has beenappropriate from however the elegant interesting name, like received a guest thepine, the black tiger pine, the pine, Long Zhuasong, searches Korean pine, unitypine and so on. They are the Huangshan Mountain wonderful pine’srepresentative.

The strange stone, is constitutes the Huangshan Mountain beautiful sceneryone "certainly". Everywhere all may see in Huangshan Mountain wonderful shapestrange rock, these strange stone appearances infinitely varied, some picturepeople, some picture thing, some have the reflection certain myth fables and thehistorical story, lifelike, vivid were all interesting. In 121 famous stones,well-knownness higher some having "fly the stone", "immortal play chess", "themagpie ascend the plum", "the monkey view sea", "immortal expose to the sun theboots", "the Penglai three islands", "the golden rooster are called thefontanel" and so on. These strange stones have are the colossi, some marvelousexquisite; Some independences become the scenery, some are several combinationsor with the wonderful pine ingenious knot synthesis scenery. Also a strangestone because watched the position and the angle has changed, the appearancealso had the change, has become stone two scenery, if "the golden rooster wascalled the fontanel" also to call "five old heavens all", "the magpie to ascendthe plum" also to be called "immortal to refer to the road" is moves step tradesthe scenery the reason. Also some strange factories, looked under the dissimilarcondition, can produce cannot association, thus also had the different name, if"the monkey view sea" also is called "the monkey to look peace" then is.


Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide.Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, whichare the most famous here.

As we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a briefintoduction of Tengchong. Tengchong is located in the southwest of China andoccupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. There are 23 nationalities here,such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When we mentioned Tengchong, threethings will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100years.

Later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now I can tellyou something about the latter two ones. They all can reflect the long historyTengchong has. Tengchong is a city on boarder. And because of its location, ithas been an important place for military reasons. And that’s a part of itshistory. It’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown ofso many famous people. And another part of its history is that Tengchong is onetrade center of jade between China and Burma. So don’t forget to get a round tothe jade fair. I think you will feel interested.

OK, everyone, here is the Library of the Volcanoes. Now let’s have a lookat .The volcanoes in Tengchong are famous in China, and it’s one of the fourgroups of volcanoes in China. The strong extravasations are the cause of thelandform of Tengchong. There is a lieder in Tengchong saying that:” Such a placeTengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” It’s very vivid, from that youcan see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchongnow with high value of tourism and scientific research.


Welcome to Yunnan, Welcome to Tengchong! It’s my honor to be your guide.Today we are going to visit the volcanoes and hot springs in Tengchong, whichare the most famous here.

As we will get there in a few minutes, first allow me to give you a briefintoduction of Tengchong. Tengchong is located in the southwest of China andoccupies an area of 5800 square kilometers. There are 23 nationalities here,such as 汉、傣、回、白 nationalities and so on. When we mentioned Tengchong, threethings will come into mind, which are: the volcanoes and hot springs having10,000 years, the border city having 1,000 years and the fair of jade having 100years.

Later we will get to the volcanoes and the hot spring, so now I can tellyou something about the latter two ones. They all can reflect the long historyTengchong has. Tengchong is a city on boarder. And because of its location, ithas been an important place for military reasons. And that’s a part of itshistory. It’s also regarded as the county of manners, and it is the hometown ofso many famous people. And another part of its history is that Tengchong is onetrade center of jade between China and Burma. So don’t forget to get a round tothe jade fair. I think you will feel interested.

OK, everyone, here is the Library of the Volcanoes. Now let’s have a lookat .The volcanoes in Tengchong are famous in China, and it’s one of the fourgroups of volcanoes in China. The strong extravasations are the cause of thelandform of Tengchong. There is a lieder in Tengchong saying that:” Such a placeTengchong, nine in ten mountains have no peaks.” It’s very vivid, from that youcan see so many volcanoes are in Tengchong. There are 97 volcanoes in Tengchongnow with high value of tourism and scientific research.


fellow friends:

hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanitieslandscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dalisamerica of scenery.first, we ride the yacht to go to the erhai park. the erhaipark othername group mountain park, is l ocated the hsiakuan city northeast2kilometers place groups mountains. north it near ocean waves wan qingerhai,west and cangshan southend setting sun peak relative. whennanzhao country, hereis kings deer park. in 1976 here newly wardedoff for the park, occupiesdi 1,600chinese acres. on the mountain has thezoo and the plant nursery flower-bed,broadly plants the dali areaeach kind of precious flower different plant, isvery good rests placeof the tour.

now the pleasure boat to the erhai park near the sea causeway, wecameashore to the ship, this is under the group foot of a hill binhai tourareaalong 270 multistage stone steps ascendslevel on, we arrive the summit.everybodylooked that, this curls upwardsangle upturned eave pavilion is looks theseabuilding, the eave hangs from above the plaque, submits a writtenstatement: jadeer silver dark green ", the black bottom goldcharacter, vigorous is classicallyelegant, it is the chinese inadmiration of somebodys fame painter wu zuorenswriting skill. looksthe sea building is understands "the jade er silver darkgreen"happiest extent, leans against a railing looks out into the distance:eastside erhai vast, boundless, west cangshan is continuous,luxuriant is gray.

fellow friends, let us go on board once more, roams through to erhaiin. buti first must to everybody introduction be actually amcangshan. formerly, we inthe dali city, under on the dark green footof a hill road, have not been able tolook at carefully the cangshangrand appearance well. just like the ancient said"does not know thetruth about the matter, only reason body in this mountain";looks thesea building in the erhai park, the angle of view inclines, alsoonlycan see the cangshan terminal. now, unceasingly leads the way alongwith thepleasure boat, in our eye cangshan is not clearer? somepeople said that, ahengduan pulse condition great arm, the tibetplateau extended west yunnan from"the roof of the world" to thesouth, cangshan was in this world famous sierra acloud range branch.

cangshan, also names the diancang, is green because of its mountaincolor,the mountain apex acquires fame in vain. cangshan altogetherhas 19 peaks. this19 peaks from the north to the south order are: thecloud makes, green, five, thelotus flower, the white clouds, thecrane cloud, three positive, the blue peak,the snowman, should behappy, the goddess of mercy, center and, longquan, thejade bureau,malone, the saint should, buddha go against, ma er, the settingsun.in 19 peaks, the malone peak is highest, elevation 4,122 meters. thecangshan19 peaks, two peaks clamp a brook, altogether 18 brooks; eastthe mountain streamflows, pours into erhai, 18 brooks from north tosouth, the base arrangement is:south the rosy cloud moves, wan hua,the positive brook, the awn wells up, thebrocade brook, the spiritspring, the white stone, the double mandarin duck,hides the immortal,mei xi, the peach brook, center the brook, the emerald,longxi, clearblue, remnant, pavilion mouth, is not positive.

the cangshan scenery by the snow, the cloud, springstone is famous. ifirstintroduce cangshan to everybody the snow. after the summer needlesscangshansnow, is dali "the love affair" four given names scenery. thesnow white cangshansnow, all previous dynasties article literatiapproves the refined language quitea lot, the folklore also many. thethe ming dynasty writer li yuanyang oncepraised: "date li cangshansnow, precioustai 19 peaks".

cangshans cloud is the famous biography is far and wide. the cloudgathersthe cloud to disperse, sometimes the pale like light smoke,sometimes is thicklike splashes ink. in fluctuates varied center, what is most mysterious is"looks the husband cloud" and "thejade belt cloud". so-called "looks the husbandcloud" is referswhenever the winter spring the season, the cangshan jade bureaupeakregular meeting appears a lonely cloud, suddenly remembers suddenlyfalls,about flutters, if hoped if attends to. unusual occupying to anits appearance,the diancang then suddenly gets up the storm, blows toerhai. so-called "jadebelt cloud", is refers whenever at the end ofthe summer fallinitially, afterrainfirst clear, between the cangshan 19 peakshalfways up the mountainside oftencan appear white clouds, the cloudsgatherscollects, slowly pulls open, if thepure white jade belt horizontallyties the green mountainside. is continuousdozens of miles,unexpectedly the date does not dissipate. marvelous is, "thejade beltcloud" meets the omen agriculture abundant harvest: it appearsthenumber of times to be many, same year on good crop weather. localpainationality has the farmers proverb: "cangshan is the jade belt, thehungrydog eats the rice".



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Welcome to our beautiful golden city Lanzhou. Im your tour guide_ You cancall me Xiaojing. The driver next to him is Wang. So Wang is an excellent coachdriver in Lanzhou. He was rated as "three good masters". Which three are good?He has a good temper, good technology and good service. I believe I am lucky tobe here with you today, but you are even luckier. Im lucky that Ive met agroup of friends from afar, and youre lucky not only because you met a luckyguide, but also because you came to a lucky city. Why do you say that. If youlook at the map of China, you will find that the shape of Gansu is like a handlesymbolizing the good luck of everything; if you look at the map of Lanzhou City,you will find that it is also a handle of good luck. Lanzhou is located in themiddle of Gansu Province, just like a big Ruyi contains a small Ruyi, so manypeople call Lanzhou the place of Ruyi. Next, lets talk about Lanzhou with thefive elements.

Lanzhou was called Jincheng in ancient times, and gold is the first elementof Lanzhou. There are many different opinions on the origin of it. Some peoplesay that gold was dug out when the city was built at the beginning of that year;some people say that it was taken from the allusion of "Jincheng Tangchi";others say that it was taken from the five elements, and the West belonged togold, while Lanzhou was located in the west of the capital Changan in the HanDynasty. No matter what kind of view, it reflects that Lanzhou has been full ofgold since ancient times. Among the five elements, the West belongs to Jin, whois also in charge of war. Lanzhou is located in the northwest, with convenienttransportation and extremely dangerous terrain. Since its establishment for morethan 20__ years, it has been a must for military strategists of all dynasties.Today, the headquarters of Lanzhou Military Region, one of Chinas seven majormilitary regions, is also located in this city. Gold also means wealth andprosperity. In the fashionable words, it means a high level of GDP. In the HanDynasty, Lanzhou, together with Dunhuang, Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei, was knownas the five counties of Hexi. It was at the throat of the Silk Road anddeveloped trade with the western regions and Guanzhong. In our words, it was atthe forefront of reform and opening up. So at that time, the quality of life ofour people in Lanzhou was at the forefront of the country, which was worthy ofthe name of Jincheng. You may have to say that it was more than 20__ years ago.Now it can be called Jincheng. Hey, good question. In recent years, we Lanzhouin urban construction, economic and cultural development and many other aspectshave been earth shaking changes. Lanzhou people believe that, especially withthe upcoming second round of spring breeze of the western development, ourLanzhou will remain golden and wonderful. When you come to Lanzhou, you mustabsorb the golden atmosphere of Lanzhou and enjoy the splendor of Lanzhou.

The biggest witness of Lanzhous history is the ancient trees all over thecity. Take a look at the north and south of the city, where the two mountainsare green and lush. Take a look at the fragrant locust flowers and toweringvegetation on both sides of the road. You will pass the ancient locust tree inthe cool when the poet of Tang Dynasty went west, and you will pass the willowplanted by Zuo Zongtang himself. This is the wood element of Lanzhou, the greenof Lanzhou, the cool of Lanzhou, the refreshing of Lanzhou. Lanzhou is not onlyfull of gold and wood, but also a city with pleasant water. The scenic spots weare going to visit are the famous Baili Yellow River style line in Lanzhou, thesculpture of the Yellow River mother, the first bridge of the Yellow River inthe world Zhongshan Bridge, the ancient waterwheel, and the unique Yellow Riversheepskin raft. These landscapes carrying the Yellow River style will bring youNew Visual enjoyment one by one. Since Lanzhou has such a rich water culture,there wont be too many fire elements in Lanzhou. You dont say that in Lanzhou,you can not find anything with fire except railway station and hot pot shop. Butwe Lanzhou has a different fire, fire all over the river, leading the hot trend.Our hosts in Lanzhou are popular all over the country, especially in CCTV,including Zhu Jun in variety show, Shui Junyi in high-end interview, Li Xiupingin news network, Pei Xinhua in weather forecast, and Zhang Li in military world;our beautiful men and beautiful women in Lanzhou are popular all over China, WeiChen, the second runner up of happy boys, and Li Xiaoyun, the second runner upof happy girls, affect the hearts of thousands of young men and girls. Readersmagazines are popular all over the world, and beef Ramen is popular all over theworld. The heavy ion accelerator cancer treatment hospital that we startedconstruction last year also attracted worldwide attention. Lanzhou is like this,always with the spirit of fire forward. As for the earth elements in Lanzhou,you need to taste them carefully. Feel the historical scenery of Lanzhou, touchthe peoples customs of Lanzhou, taste the local snacks of Lanzhou, and takeaway the local specialties of Lanzhou.

Lanzhou has a history of two thousand years. It was called "Jincheng" inancient times. Ying Xuns annotation in geography annals of the Han Dynastysaid: "the city was built in the early days and got gold, so it is calledJincheng." There is also an allusion to "Jincheng pond soup", which is namedafter its firmness. In the Han Dynasty, Jincheng county was established. In theSui Dynasty, it was renamed Lanzhou because of Gaolan mountain in the south ofthe city. Later, after several changes, it became Lanzhou government in QingDynasty. After the revolution of 1911, Lanzhou became the capital of GansuProvince. Lanzhou has a long history and culture. As early as 5000 years ago inthe Neolithic age, our ancestors lived here, engaged in hunting and farming, andcreated splendid Majiayao, Banshan, Machang and Qijia cultures. During the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Qiang and Rong people, who took the Yan Emperor ofShennong family as their ancestral God, lived here. Since the Han and TangDynasties, Lanzhou has played an important role in the communication betweenChina and the west, economic and cultural exchanges, and friendship andcooperation between the Chinese people and the people of Asian, African andEuropean countries.

Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the city.You can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, waterwheel garden,statue of the Yellow River mother, Zhongshan Iron Bridge along the greencorridor of Binhe Road, and visit Baita Mountain, Provincial Museum, Wuquanmountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic spots. In suburban counties, there areXinglong Mountain, Lu Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, water diversion project fromDatong to Qin. When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to YongjingBingling temple, Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai tal temple and Tianshui MaijiMountain. Lanzhou has relatively convenient transportation. Zhongchuan airporthas more than 20 routes leading to major cities in China; four nationalhighways, including 312, pass through the territory; four major railway lines,Longhai, Lanxin, Lanqing and Baotou Lanzhou, meet here. There are 15 starhotels, 11 international travel agencies, 32 domestic travel agencies, 3 travelvehicle companies and 15 designated travel shops in Lanzhou, forming a completetourism reception network. Lanzhou is also an important industrial base,scientific research and education center and business center in Northwest China.Lanzhou is a city where five elements gather and wish you all the best. Isincerely wish you a happy and lucky day here



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越秀公园位于广州市内北部、广州火车站东南约一公里处, 是全市最大的公园,面积达92万平方米。除越秀山处,还包括周围的6个小山岗及东秀湖、南秀湖、北秀湖3个人工湖。









五羊仙子降临广州,给羊城人民带来了吉祥与幸福,他们赠稻于民,并祝“愿此闤闠(huan hui,意为街市),永无饥荒”,然后腾空而去,五羊化为巨石。








