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Tourist friends, you are good, welcome you to the north sea park visit tour.

When you walk into the royal garden with a history of nearly one thousand years, when you look at the beautiful white pagoda fairyland feeling beautiful, eager to want to walk into the garden to enjoy the north sea scenery, I suggest you stop to stay, in a few minutes of your time, listen to me introduce with an overview of the north sea park, do a tour guide for you.

Beihai park is the oldest and one of the best-preserved imperial garden. This has nearly one thousand years of history of garden development began in the liao, in conjunction with the first year (AD 938), Jin Dading six years to 19 years (1166-1179) the sejong yan hong harmony (not ng y) and build up a scale on the basis of the liao start-up grand royal detached palace - so the kremlin. So the kremlin lineage Chinese royal garden "a pool of three mountains" regulation, that is, the north sea and China shipping is too liquid pool, jade island such as "penglai", TuanCheng as "ying ying, continent", China shipping rhinoceros (x) and mountain like "abbot". And will the bian city gen (gen) yue palace garden of taihu and moved the jade island. To yuan four years (AD 1267), back most of Kublai Khan construction, will be designated as emperor jade island and the lake, longevity hill, too fluid pool name. In the eighteenth year of yongle (AD 1420) Ming dynasty moved the capital Beijing, longevity hill, too fluid pool become YuYuan west of the Forbidden City, according to the west. From the west in the Ming dynasty, qing dynasty emperor qianlong seven years - 44 years (AD 1742-1779) to massive rebuilding of the north sea, laid the scale and structure of ever since.

After the xinhai revolution in 1925, the north sea park opening to the outside world. After the founding of new China, the party and the government to protect the beihai park, are of the utmost importance to dial a huge sum of money to repair, published by the state council in 1961 as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

The north sea is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Dominated covers an area of 690000 square meters (including the surface area of 390000 square meters), is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot.

Walked by the white marble carving yongan bridge, through the heap of cloud arched, you came to the jade island. Jade verdant trees on the island, temple comb (zhi) than, pavilions, strewn at random have send, white tower stands a mountain, as the symbol of the park. Walk into YongAnSi entrance, pick up order and you can get on white pagoda. Ons spectacular YongAnSi when I will arrive in your details. You walk down the white tower along the island on foot, you can enjoy some beautiful scenery. On the west side, where there is famous "read ancient building" three memory hall include, it is famous in the worlds most famous calligraphy integration. Northwest surrounded by a group of lake promenade, north hillside, visible to the legend of qin and han dynasties relics "copper bearing dew dish"; At the foot of the mountain on the east side is QiongDao spring Yin tablet, it is one of the famous old Beijing yanjing eight sights. "Half moon city" which is also called prajnaparamita incense holders, built in dongpo mountain; Below is "prajnaparamita arched", "mountain bridge accompanied fold and came to the north east coast scenic spot.

Lake with Beijings oldest dock; Along the east coast of the sequences of the weeping willows with a famous scenic spot -- city which, original lent.

Between city which is a horseshoe hill into the pool, in the artificial construction of royal garden shows its unique delight. By between city which is the original north zhai, the famous ancient tree -- Tang Huai among them, the original monastery with its quiet, quiet and tastefully laid out and the famous Chinese and foreign in the garden. The original lent Simon can see the entrance to the qing dynasty "silkworm first altar". Starting with silkworm altar north across the bridge to the west to reach the north scenic spot.

North shore scenic area from the east side to the west is full of attractions: the east has lent to meditation - called "qianlong garden", the great buddhist paradise spots there are buddhist paradise monasteries lama temple buildings, arched, "great", "China CangJie" gold-rimmed nanmu built "the great halls of goodness as", nine dragon screen and other buildings; Southwest of nine dragon screen is "quick snow hall", "iron" screen, and then to the west you can see the north sea in the five dragon pavilions, (ch) m: n f temple, the buddhist paradise, and many other famous attractions.

Small buddhist paradise heaven temple out toward the south, and from the north sea park garden, Simon might ride back to jade island yacht by the south gate out of the garden.

Hong kuo momentum of eclecticism, north sea garden has the north gardens and jiangnan graceful and restrained the charm of the spectacular private gardens, and magnificent imperial palaces and religious temple solemn, diversity and one integrated mass, is the treasure of the Chinese garden art. You every to a scenic, I will be with you, for you to do a more detailed explanation.



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走了大约有十几分钟,前面没有台阶了,眼前又出现同样的景象:几座红色的庙,一个“八卦炉”。“到玉皇顶了!”我大叫。抬头看天,我看不见,只见得云雾在头顶飘荡,站在顶峰,觉得风很大。神仙就住在上面么?我已逝去的亲人是不是就在上面笑咪咪地望着我? 在山顶停留了半个多小时,我们准备下山了。刚下一个台阶,我便觉得腿酸痛难耐,我只好一瘸一拐难堪下山。




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华山,古称“西岳”,是我国著名的五岳之一,位于陕西省华阴市境内,距西安 120公里。它南接秦岭,北瞰黄渭,扼守着大西北进出中原的门户,素有“奇险天下第一山”之称。华山有东、西、南、北、中五峰,“势飞白云外影倒黄河里”,虎踞龙盘,气象森森,因山上气候多变,形成“云华山”、“雨华山”、“雾华山”、“雪华山”给人以仙境美感。是所谓的西京王气之所系。

华山是中华民族文化的发祥地之一,据清代著名学者章太炎先生考证,“中华”、“华夏”皆因华山而得名;《史记》中也有黄帝、尧、舜华山巡游的事迹;秦始皇、汉武帝、武则天、唐玄宗等十数位帝王也曾到华山进行过大规模祭祀活动。华山还是道教胜地,为“第四洞天”,山上现存七十二个半悬空洞,道观 20 余座,其中玉泉院、东道院、镇岳宫被列为全国重点道教宫观。

留下了无数名人的足迹,也留下了无数故事和古迹。自隋唐以来,李白、杜甫等文人墨客咏华山的诗歌、碑记和游记不下千余篇,摩岩石刻多达上千处。而在华山诸多故事中,流传最为广泛的有神话故事有“巨灵劈山”、“沉香劈山救母”、“吹萧引凤”等。华山的著名景区多达 210余处,有凌空架设的长空栈道,三面临空的鹞子翻身,以及在峭壁绝崖上凿出的千尺幢、百尺峡、老君犁沟等。其中华岳仙掌被列为关中八景之首。



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诸位游客,大家好。 我国历史文化名城平遥就要到了, 右前方那高耸的砖墙就是我国现存较为完整的四座古 城池之一平遏城。1997 年 12 月 3 日,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会通过决议,将我国 云南省丽江古城、山西省平迢古城和江苏省苏州古典园林列入《世界遗产名录》 。现在大家 可以观赏一下古城的远景和比较完整的外观。 平遥古城,历史悠久。据载:西周时期周宣工为抵御北方游牧民族的侵扰,曾派兵北伐 萨犹,并修建了京陵城。京陵城就建在今平远县城东北约 7 公里的京陵衬,京陵二字作为地 名一直沿用至今。这可以说是平遥建城的开端,也是现在乎迢城的前身。从那时起,至今已 有 2800 年左右历史了。 现在这座平送城始建于何时,历史上没有明确记载。大约在北魏太武帝朽跋燕时,为避 名讳, 将原来的平陶县改为乎迢县. 并把县治从别处迁到这里。 建城时间应该是这以后的事。 在湿长的历史岁月中.这里曾有过她的繁华,也曾多次道受战火的破坏。我们现在看到的这 座城墙,是明代洪武三年,即 1370 年把原来的土城墙加高加厚加砖扩建而成的,明清以来 虽曾数次维修,但风格未变。 平遥城内古建筑保存很多,像文庙大成殿、清虚观、市楼、城隆庙、武庙戏台等。

就是 街道民居.也基本保存明清时代风貌。漫步街头,还会看到各种古色古香的院门、院埔、秸 雕细刻的古建筑装饰,甚至还能看到门前的接马石桩、下马石等,一派古城风貌。 平遏不仅历史悠久.而且名人辈出。是敢于不顾“满门抄斩”的恐吓、秉笔直书的若名 晋代史学家孙盛、以“映雪读书”流传千古的孙康等古代名人,当代已故中科院历史研究所 所长侯外庐、 已故语言研究所副所长侯秸一、 已歇中国文学研究会会长王瑶、 著名画家李苟、 著名歌唱家郎兰英等都出生在这片古老的土地上。平适古城不愧为历史文化名城。 (过急济桥) 我们现在正行驶在惠济桥上,惠济桥是一座九拱石桥,修建于清代康熙年间,同治年间 重建。清代名宿博山先生曾亲笔为它写道碑记。这座桥规模不等大.历史也不算很长,但造 型优美.桥面平坦,没有像一般石桥那样高高隆起,便于车马行走。而且更有一个奇处,就 是这座桥下还有一座桥。下面的桥不见文字记载,人们原来也不知道。1977 年 8 月,一场 暴雨造成特大洪灾,滚滚洪水带走了不少淤积多年的河沙。水退后,人们惊奇地发现:原来 惠济桥叠架在旧桥的桥面上, 形成桥上桥的奇观。 利用旧桥做新桥的牢固基础, 既节省财力、 人力,又省时间,多聪明的构思叼!这在造桥史上也是一个奇迹。 平迢古城到了.请大家随我上城墙参观。 (过急济桥) 我们现在正行驶在惠济桥上,惠济桥是一座九拱石桥,修建于清代康熙年间,同治年间 重建。清代名宿博山先生曾亲笔为它写道碑记。这座桥规模不等大.历史也不算很长,但造 型优美.桥面平坦,没有像一般石桥那样高高隆起,便于车马行走。而且更有一个奇处,就 是这座桥下还有一座桥。

下面的桥不见文字记载,人们原来也不知道。1977 年 8 月,一场 暴雨造成特大洪灾,滚滚洪水带走了不少淤积多年的河沙。水退后,人们惊奇地发现:原来 惠济桥叠架在旧桥的桥面上, 形成桥上桥的奇观。 利用旧桥做新桥的牢固基础, 既节省财力、 人力,又省时间,多聪明的构思叼!这在造桥史上也是一个奇迹。 平迢古城到了.请大家随我上城墙参观。 (带游客进“下东门”) 这里就是乎迢方城的“下东门” 。大家看这高达 12 米的城墙多雄伟、多壮观。在城外, 本来还有护城河.城门处架有吊桥.在古代战乱的日子里.这的确是一道难以逾越的防线。 我们进来朗这个地方是下东门瓮城, 它是为保卫城门而设立的。 城门是城墙上的薄弱环 节,有了瓮城.就大大增强了城池的防卫手段。这里地方根小,四周为高墙围护,即便敌人 攻入瓮城也只能进来少数人,而且立即陷入包围之中,成为瓮中之鳖。有的瓮城门并不是开 在城门对面,而是拐个弯开在旁边.更可防止冲入的敌兵一较作气冲到城门下.通过拐弯来 消解敌兵锐气。这些设计思想都是古人在长期实战经验中总结出来的。 大家看.瓮城里还有一个建造讲究而小巧的院落.这是干什么的呢?原来这是一座小关 帝庙。关帝是武圣人.把关庙修进瓮城里,却是平迢人的独特创造。请大家随我进城,上城 墙参观。 现在我们已经在城上了,这里本来还有城楼.在战争中毁掉了。

这座建在城墙上的台, 传说就是尹吉甫的点将台。 尹吉甫是周宣王的大将, 在历史上游藩有名, 《律经冲的 《较高》 、 《冠 R2 等几首诗就是他作的、 前面提到的那有名的对北方游牧民族 0l 犹的北伐, 就是由他 指挥的。为了巩固北伐的成果,他还在这里修建了京陵城。尹吉甫遗迹这里还有多处。在京 陵村附近还有一处村茁叫尹村,传说是尹吉甫当年驻兵酌地方。在上东门外有尹吉甫募,募 前一通明代石碑上大书“周卿士 ZJ 吉甫神道”八字。上东门里还有一座纪念尹吉甫的小庙。 请大家随我观赏一下古城的建构。 (带游客向南浸步.边走边说,约走 2—3 个墩台即可停下) 我们看城墙上两边各有一道短堵,叫女儿墙,为什么叫女儿墙呢?宋代官府编写的《营 造法式》上有个书面解释: “言其卑小。比之于城,若女子与丈夫也。 ”意思是说城墙高大厚 实,保伟丈夫;女墙单薄短小,像弱女子。民间有的地方却流传着这样的故事:早先城上并 没有女儿墙,有一次一个老人被拉来做工,和他相依为命的小孙女也天天随他来到城上.坐 在旁边观看。一天,一位累极了的民工昏昏沉沉中竞走到城墙边上,小女孩伯他掉下城去, 用力向里推他,不料用力过大,民工虽得救了,小女孩却摔死了。

为了纪念她,工匠们在城 上修起了矮墙,并把它叫做女儿墙。这实在是个感人的故事,但确实说明了女儿墙的保护性 功能。我们看:两边的女儿场并不一样,向外的女儿墙上还修筑了垛口,垛口还留着供臆望 和射击使用的小孔.这当然是为了实战的需要。 大家都注意到了,城墙每闲一段,就有一个向外突出的部分,这叫做墩台.墩台是干什 么的呢 7 它是保卫城墙的。我们知道.古代攻守城他的主要武器是弓箭和弯机,上面既可射 下去,下面也可射上来,因此守城的士兵轻易不敢探出身去。这样,城墙脚下反丽成丁防御 的死角。有了墩台.就可以弥补这个不足、从三面组成一个强大的立体射击网,城防力量大 大加强。在每个塌台上,还修有一座敌楼,上面有孔,也是为观察和射击用的。 干遥古城除了具备这些共性持点外,还有自己独特的地方。 城墙本是战争的产物, 平逗人却偏偏喜欢给抹上一层浓浓的文化色彩. 把象征文化星官 的魁星楼修在丁城墙东南角上(指形状独特的魁星楼)。据统计,古城上共有 3000 个垛口、 72 废敌楼,那是象征着文圣人孔夫子的三千弟子七十二贤人。 乎遥俯视似龟形,历来有龟城之称.据说是取神龟寿水长存之意。



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在泰山的日观峰看日出是壮观而动人心弦的,是岱顶奇观之一,也是泰山的重要标志,随着旭日发出的第一缕曙光撕破黎明前的黑暗,从而使东方天幕由漆黑而逐渐转为鱼肚白、红色,直至耀眼的金黄,喷射出万道霞光,最后,一轮火球跃出水面,腾空而起,整个过程象一个技艺高超的魔术师,在瞬息间变幻出千万种多姿多彩的画面, 令人叹为观止。岱顶观日历来为游人所向往,也使许多文人墨客为之高歌。




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看!前面就是雄伟的峨眉山了,峨眉山是蜚声中外的旅游胜地,位于神秘的北纬30度附近,在四川省西南部,以其‘雄、秀、神、奇、灵’和深厚的佛教文化。游客你们猜一猜 ,峨眉山景区面积是多少平方公里呢?答对了!峨眉山景区面积是154平方公里,峨眉山分别有四个山,大峨、二峨、三峨、四峨四座大山。大峨山为峨眉山的主峰,峨眉山就是指的大峨山。大峨、二峨两山相对,远远望去,犹如画眉,这种陡峭险峻、横空出世的雄伟气势。弥漫山间的云雾,变化万千,把峨眉山装点得婀娜多姿。



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Dear tourists

Im very happy to be your guide today. When you know that Wudang Mountainis a famous Taoist mountain, you can feel that the fresh air nourishes your bodyand relieves your fatigue. Do you know what this means? This is a gift of healthand longevity given by Wudang people when they welcome you. I hope you can enjoyit during your visit to Wudang Mountain To the Sutra of prolonging life. Well,let me give you a brief introduction to Wudang Mountain.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain, also known as Taihe mountain, is located in DanjiangkouCity, Shiyan City, Hubei Province. Neijiaquan is a famous Taoist Holy Land inChina. It is the birthplace of neijiaquan. With its gorgeous natural scenery,rare ancient architecture, profound Taoist culture and mysterious Wudang martialarts, it forms an ideal fairyland of Taoism and the unity of heaven and man.They are listed as "national key cultural relics protection units, national keyscenic spots, National Wushu hometown, national 4A tourist area and worldcultural heritage" respectively.

Around eight hundred million BC, the mountain rose from the ancient ocean.About thirty thousand years ago, the Indochina plate collided with the Eurasiancontinent, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau rose strongly, and the Wudang Mountains andthe Dabashan Mountain Rose simultaneously, making it an integral part of thesecond steps of our country. The main peak, Tianzhu peak, stands at 1612 metersabove sea level, straight into the sky, and the rest of the peaks vie forgreatness and wonder. It integrates the beauty of Emei, the danger of Huashan,the seclusion of Lushan, and the greatness of Huangshan into one, forming amagnificent landscape with the main feature of strangeness, masculinity, danger,seclusion, and beauty. It was worshipped by countless literati and poets, and byemperors of all dynasties. The great calligraphers of Song Dynasty praised it as"the first mountain", and the Yongle Emperor of Ming Dynasty named it "the greatmountain Taihe mountain", which means that Wudang Mountain is not among the fivemountains, but it is above them. Wudang Mountain is backed by Daba Mountain ofQinling Mountains, facing the broad Jianghan Plain, with the Han Riverstretching thousands of miles on the left and the Yangtze River flowingthousands of miles on the right.

The peculiar natural landscape of Wudang Mountain always fascinates people.The main scenic spots are: 72 peaks, 36 rocks, 24 streams, 11 caves, 3 pools, 9springs, 10 stones, 9 wells, 9 palaces, 9 temples, 36 nunneries, 72 rocktemples, etc. Wudang Mountain is located in the hinterland of central China witha pleasant climate. Animals and plants from north and South can grow andmultiply here. In spring, the mountains are green and the flowers are beautiful;in summer, the wind and thunder are stirring and the clouds are shrouded; inautumn, the trees are sparse and the leaves are red and fresh; in winter,icicles are propping up the sky and Qiongyao are everywhere. Wang Shizhen, awriter of the Ming Dynasty, praised Wudang Mountain highly: "the victory of themountain is the best in the world.".

Wudang Wushu is a famous school of Chinese Wushu, known as "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Neijiaquan founded by Zhang Sanfeng has its ownsystem of Taiji, Xingyi and Bagua due to the inheritance and development ofcelebrities in the past dynasties. Especially Taijiquan has a wide range ofdevelopment with its own characteristics. It has formed many schools, such asChen style, Yang style, sun style, Wu style, etc Fitness, self-defense,longevity for the purpose, widely accepted by people, is the most preciouscultural heritage of all mankind. According to statistics, there are nearly 500million people practicing Taijiquan all over the world. As the ancestor ofTaijiquan, Wudang Mountain shoulders the historical responsibility ofinheritance and promotion. On May 26, 1999, when Comrade Jiang Zemin inspectedWudang Mountain, he said: Wudang boxing is good. Everyone should practice it andkeep fit.

Wudang Mountain is known as the "natural medicine storehouse". Li Shizhen,a medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, visited famous mountains and rivers allover the world and found Mantuoluo flower in Wudang Mountain, which solved a bigproblem of Chinese surgical anesthetics shortage. He also recorded more than 400kinds of Wudang Mountain herbs in compendium of materia medica. WudangMountains famous herbs include seven leaves and one branch of flower, one pearlon the head, a bowl of water by the river and a pen by King Wen And so on,Huangjing, Ganoderma lucidum, golden fork and other precious medicinal materialswere all tributes in the Imperial Palace at that time.

When you come to Wudang Mountain, you can not only visit mountains, butalso play with water. The largest man-made freshwater lake in Asia is located atthe foot of Wudang Mountain. It is like a colorful ribbon that makes WudangMountain look enchanting. The mountains and rivers are connected, and they areeach others wonders. The lakes and mountains echo each other from afar. Themiddle route of South-to-North Water Diversion lies here. In the Ming Dynasty,Wudang was built in the South and the Forbidden City was built in the north. Inthe present period, the vast projects of "Wudang South Water Diversion" and"Beijing for North Water Diversion" have been carried out. History always actsas a matchmaker (beauty), linking Beijing with Wudang Mountain and forming anindissoluble bond.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to our hotel. My name is Yu. As people often say,meeting is fate. I feel very honored to meet you in the beautiful Jiangcheng andspend this wonderful time with you. This is our driver, Master Wang. We willserve you today. If you have any questions, you can raise them. We will try ourbest to help you solve them. We hope to exchange our enthusiasm, patience andcarefulness for your confidence and happiness.

Today, I will take you to visit Wudang Mountain. Lets enjoy its beautifulnatural scenery and rich Taoist culture.

The situation of Wudang Mountain

Wudang Mountain is located in Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province. TheDanjiangkou reservoir, facing the rippling blue waves, is backed by the vastShennongjia forest region, covering more than 400 kilometers. The scenery hereis beautiful, and the four seasons are different: prosperous in spring, lushmountains in summer, fragrant osmanthus in autumn and white snow in winter. Nomatter when we come, we can appreciate her beauty. There is a saying that "theworlds famous mountains are occupied by Buddhas", but in Wudang Mountain,Taoism dominates the world. It is said that the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountainwas originally occupied by Wuliang Buddha. Later, Emperor Zhenwu was able tocultivate immortals and traveled here. He saw that there were many peaks here.Tianzhu peak, the main peak, towered into the clouds. Around 72 peaks, he bentover each other, forming a spectacle of "72 peaks facing the great summit".Emperor Zhenwu fell in love with this treasure land, so he went to Tianzhu peakto discuss with Wuliang Buddha about borrowing the land, and proposed to borrowonly eight steps. When Wuliang Buddha saw that he didnt have much, he agreed.Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhenwu had boundless power. He took eight steps from thetop of Tianzhu peak, 100 Li at a time. Eight steps actually took the whole ofWudang and won the right of permanent residence. Therefore, Wudang Mountainbecame the site of Taoism.

Its not only the incense resort of Taoism, but also the hometown of Wudangboxing. There has always been a saying in Chinese Wulin that "Shaolin in thenorth, Wudang in the South". Many people do not know Wudang Mountain but knowWudang boxing. It is said that the founder of Wudang boxing is Zhang Sanfeng, afamous Taoist in the Ming Dynasty. I think friends who like martial arts mayknow something about this through novels. It is said that when he was practicinghere, he saw the scene of fighting between cranes and snakes. He was inspiredand realized the thirteen forms of Tai Chi. Therefore, he was respected as thefounder of Wudang school.

Having said so much, I think you cant wait. Now that we are at the foot ofWudang Mountain, please take your belongings and get out of the car to start ourpilgrimage

Zixiao Palace

Now the green glazed tile hall in front of us is Zixiao palace. Because thehills around this place naturally formed a treasure chair for Erlong Xizhu, andEmperor Yongle named it "Zixiao blessed land". In the shrine on the stone Xumiseat in the hall, the statues of Zhenwu God in old age, middle age and youth andthe sitting statues of Wenwu immortal are worshipped. They are different inshape and lifelike, which are the art treasures of Ming Dynasty. It is said thatthe fir which is several feet long on my right hand side suddenly came fromafar, so it is called Feilai fir. It is said that if you tap one end of the fir,you can hear a clear sound at the other end, so it is also called xianglingshan.As for why it flies here, I think it is also attracted by its beautifulscenery

Nan Yan

There are 36 rocks in Wudang Mountain. Now we come to Nanyan, which isconsidered to be the most beautiful of the 36 rocks. Wudang Mountains naturallandscape and exquisite architecture are integrated, which can be fullyreflected here. The stone hall on the cliff was built in the Yuan Dynasty. Thereis a carved dragon stone beam beside the cliff. The stone beam stretches out 2.9meters and is only 30 cm wide. The top of the dragon head is carved with acenser, which is the famous "dragon head incense". In the past, some pilgrimsrisked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show their piety, which showstheir deep belief in Taoism. For the sake of safety, if we all want to make awish and pray, we can go to other places. If we are sincere, we will be wise

(for example, 36 rock in Wudang Mountain is a great spectacle. What we seenow is the most beautiful Nanyan rock among 36 rocks. This stone hall, whichstands on the edge of Nanyan cliff, was built in the Yuan Dynasty. On the edgeof the cliff of the stone hall, this small building is carved dragon stone beam.The stone beam stretches out 2.9 meters in the air and is only 30 cm wide. Thereis a dragon carved on the stone beam and a censer carved on the top of thedragon head. This is the stone hall The famous "dragon head incense", it leapsout of the sky, next to the deep valley, has a high artistic and scientific. Inthe past, some pilgrims risked their lives to burn Longtou incense to show theirpiety. It can be seen that they have a deep faith in Taoism. Because they areclose to the abyss, for safetys sake, if you want to make a wish, you can go toother places, because if you are sincere, you will be wise. ))

Tianzhu peak (Jinding)

After a lot of efforts, we finally climbed the main peak Tianzhu peak.Tianzhu peak is 1612 meters above sea level, known as "a pillar of heaven".Standing here, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of "72 peaks facing thetop". And the golden palace on the top of Tianzhu peak is the golden palace.Jindian is the largest gilded hall in China, built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall didnt use a nail. It was made by casting all the partsand then transporting them up the mountain. The mortars and mortars were verytight. It seemed to be an integral whole. Look, its said that the ever burninglamp here never goes out. So the mountain top is open and windy. Why cant it beblown out by the wind? Its said that its because of the "fairy bead" on thecaisson. It is said that this fairy bead can suppress the mountain wind andprevent the wind from blowing into the hall, thus ensuring the brightness of themagic lamp. In fact, the real reason why the lamp is always bright is that allthe castings of the temple door are very strict and accurate, which can changethe direction of the wind. This shows the wisdom and skills of the ancientworking people in China

(dear tourists, the glittering statues you see now are in the stone hall.They also bear witness to the historical and artistic value of the stone hall,which is full of Taoist culture. We generally follow a bottom-up route. Lookingback at Nanyan, after some efforts, we have now climbed the Tianzhu peak with analtitude of 1612 meters, which is known as "one pillar supporting the sky": ifyou stand on Tianzhu peak, you can clearly see the spectacular scene of"seventy-two peaks towards the top", and on the top of Tianzhu peak stands amagnificent palace, that is everyone Now you can see the golden hall. It isanother famous palace in Wudang Mountain. The golden hall is Chinas largestHall of steel casting and gold gilding. It was built in the 14th year of Yongle.The whole golden hall was built without a nail. It was all cast and thentransported up the mountain. It was riveted tightly. It looks like an integralwhole. You can also enter the hall to pray for happiness and health. ))

OK, everybody follow me to Jinding. Now its Nantianmen. There are threedoors in Nantianmen. Why dont the two doors open? Theres something particularabout it. In the middle is the gate of heaven, also known as the gate of God,where God goes in and out. Mortals cant go, only emperors, Queens, princes andgrandchildren can. A door over there is a ghost door. Of course, the ghost doorcant be opened to let people go. The door we go through is called "peoplesdoor".

Well, friends, we are now standing on the top of the Golden Summit to seethe clouds floating and the mountains coming. Its spectacular. Its interestingto see all the mountains are small. Every peak inclines to Jinding, so there are72 peaks facing Dading. Here, you can enjoy the natural Xuanwu, which is made upof Jinding, Taihe palace, Tianzhu peak, the Forbidden City wall, and thesurrounding mountains. It is both mysterious and ingenious.

The main building in Jinding is Jindian. On the left is qianfang and on theright is Xiangfang. The golden hall is the essence of Wudang Mountains. MingChengzus concern for the golden hall can be said to be meticulous. Hepersonally arranged every link from the casting of the Golden Hall components tothe escort installation. According to the craftsmans principle, the hall ismade of copper, with double eaves and double arches_ With the imperial edict of"golden fan, gold statue of Emperor Xuan, left and right Lingguan, jade girl,holding sword to hold flag and sky general", after casting all the components inBeijing, He Jun, the imperial governor, issued the imperial edict on the ninthday of September in the fourteenth year of Yongle (1416): "today I will escortthe ships of the golden hall to Nanjing, and the ships along the way should becareful. When the sky is clear, feng shui will go smoothly. The ship should bevery clean. Therefore, the imperial edict was issued From the canal to theYangtze River and Hanjiang River in Nanjing, the components were escorted toWudang Mountain, then tenoned and welded.

On the top of Tianzhu peak, the peak of Wudang, stands a palace likebuilding with bronze gilding and wood imitation structure. This splendid anddazzling palace built in the Ming Dynasty weighs more than 100 tons, which isunique in the world. How was such a huge integral component cast and transportedto the peak of 1612m?

The golden hall and statues are national first-class cultural relics, whichare very precious. There are 7.44 taels of gold per square meter. After 400years of history, they are still brilliant. There are many magical legends andtrue stories about the golden palace. An oil lamp was lit in the 14th year ofYongle in the Ming Dynasty (1416). No matter how strong the wind is, it isalways full of flames. It never shakes and never goes out. It has continued tothis day. It hasnt been put out for more than 600 years. This lamp is dedicatedto the altar in the golden hall. It is the lamp under the bead of Dingfeng fairyin journey to the west, in which Monkey King visits Wudang Mountain and asksXuanwu emperor for help. Is Dingfeng Xianzhu able to suppress the mountainbreeze, or is it due to other reasons that the magic lamp has remained brightfor more than 500 years? In fact, the structure of the golden hall is ingenious,airtight and can not form convection, so the lamp will not go out naturally.

In order to prevent people from stealing from the golden hall, it is saidthat Thor often visits the golden hall and washes the hall with electricity andfire to warn villains that if they dare to steal from emperor Zhenwu, they willnot be spared. Under the lightning strike, the golden hall is as new as ever.Surprisingly, the golden hall is not damaged by lightning strike. The secret ofthis is difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is the famous "thunderfire Lian Dian" spectacle. "Thunder fire refining hall", that is, the fireballformed by lightning rolling on the golden hall, is very spectacular.

Transit Hall

Now, were at the transit hall. Zhenwu, Jintong, Yunv and Shuihuo areworshipped in the hall. They are all made of copper and gilded with exquisiteworkmanship. This bronze hall was cast in Wuchang in the Yuan Dynasty and is theoldest existing one in China. It is known as "the first copper hall in China".It has the style of Buddhist architecture, but it is skillfully combined withTaoist architecture, and is regarded as "transit hall" by countless believers.How did the first copper hall in China become the palace of the palace? Letsguess. The reason why this hall is called transshipment hall is that people arelooking forward to good luck. I hope my friends who are always lucky can go inand walk around, and remind them that when you walk around, you will hear theold Taoist priest ask, "did you turn around?" you should shout "turn around,turn around." Luck will turn better and better with you.

Concluding remarks

Wudang Mountain stretches eight hundred Li. Dear tourist friends. Aftervisiting Wudang Mountain, the "fairy mountain Pavilion" with high peaks andcloud all the year round, are you interested in the majestic momentum of themountains and the Taoist culture with secluded immortal bones_ Todaysexplanation can make you have a deeper impression on Wudang Mountain. Finally, Iwish you all happiness, good luck and a happy family!



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大家好,欢迎大家参加今天的澳门环岛游,我是今天的导游小徐。 现在我们的船已离开了珠海九洲港码头,向澳门方向行使。 请大家看,船的左边有一座小岛是珠海有名的九州岛,极目远眺,隔水相望的便是深圳和香港,从这里乘船一小时左右就可以到达深圳和香港了。




澳门包括澳门半岛和大凼仔岛、路环岛两个岛屿。从17世纪开始填海,1989年为21平方公里,现在澳门的总面积达27平方公里。 澳门坐落在中国的南海之滨。有人说它像一个烛台;“镜海红灯,永照今古。”有人说它像一朵莲花;“三面云山四面楼,帆墙出没绕濠河,海上仙山何处是,并蒂莲花开青州。”

澳门古称“青州”。澳门的意思是可以泊船,故也有香山澳之称。 澳门有两个门;一个是山门。另一个是水门。有歌日;澳门!澳门!山如门,水如门,好一座中国的南大门,中国对外开放的第一门。 16世纪初,澳门还是一个小鱼村,最早的小渔港在妈祖庙这一带。当时,葡人以登陆晒货为名,在此居住进行贸易。















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来到海南,你就来到了海的世界,看海,听海,玩海自然是必不可少的。假日海滩就是这么一处可以让我们与大海亲近的地方。它可是我省唯一的开放性,公众性的国家4A景区。假日海滩旅游区位于海口市西北部;北部和我国第三大海峡——琼州海峡相邻,眼力好的朋友说不定能看到雷州半岛哦;它的东边起源于全国唯一的国家级帆板冬训基地——西秀海滩;而南边与滨海大道相依。海滩全长7公里,陆地面积约33公顷,距离海口市中心只有十分钟的路程。是海口人民休闲度假的好去处哦。整个旅游区由西秀海滩公园、“印象海南岛”剧场、假日海滩这三个部分所组成。 西秀海滩公园







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Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the childrensparadise. Its said that the childrens paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! Its beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists cant help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! Its so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. Its 10 hectares.

Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andIm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. Its safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.
