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其实,这不过是乾隆的附会之言 ,昭陵在定名时正是大清刚刚打败李自成农民起义军占据北京,此时明朝及李自成仍有很强势力,鹿死谁手尚难定论,很难想像有把清太宗与唐太宗相提并列的必要。乾隆皇帝所以把清太宗与唐太宗并列在于他政治的需要 ,李世民被历代统治一者奉为帝王楷模,他在位二十三年,礼贤下士,纳谏兼听,国富民强,史称其时代为"贞观之治",为盛唐时期经济文化的高度发展奠定了基础。乾隆把今祖与李世民相提并论旨在告慰世人,大清江山也会如同汉唐一样会出现一代新的盛世。





















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ladies and gentlemen :

Today we will visit scenic spots is the Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the first in the Fall, as well as in the world wide to the Great Falls one. In November 1982, the People’s Republic of China State Council approved, Huangguoshu Falls has been listed as a national key scenic spots. Huangguoshu waterfall from the provincial capital of Guiyang City, 137 km, Guizhou Province is located in the western Zhenning Guanling County and the contiguous counties Dabang Baishuihe River on the River tributaries on. Guiyang from traveling to Huangguoshu, about a half-hour or so. Huangguoshu Waterfall have to, you see, this is already the world famous China’s largest waterfall. Huangguoshu Falls 68 meters high, with waterfalls, waterfalls, six meters high total of 74 meters, 81 meters wide, Floodwaters in the summer, If the Yellow River Falls reversing dumping, cliffs shook, the bottom Honglei, ten passage can also hear its roar; Due to the strong impact of water flow, damage the spray can diffuse more than a few hundred meters, so that the waterfall is located on the top of the left Tsaitsu and markets often damage the mist shrouded. Visitors that the "silver rain throwing Street." Small winter and spring water, waterfalls into it from March 5 lock-down pegged to the roof, far from view, a curtain of white floated down, triumphantly Sasa, If the middle of silk, if cents differentiates the breeze held, such as ladies Wun Sha .... For hundreds of years, the majestic appearance Huangguoshu waterfall has been for many writers and scholars have marveled. Guizhou Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher, "Summer Palace" is a misnomer that the amount of those Yan Yin-in "cottage look," wrote the couplet : "White as cotton, and not bow spent shells from casual. Hongxia decorated, Mr need woven days Generation " more vivid image summed up the Huangguoshu Waterfall magnificent scenery. Now, we come to a waterfall fell Department --- rhino Tam.

This takes into account the legend of gods and Tam rhinoceros named hidden underwater. Rhinoceros are no gods, no one has ever seen, but the mysterious and remote lake, there is still, no one stood Here, the chapter will train together. If sunny 10:00 or 16:00 or so, as the sunlight refraction, You can also blow through the waterfall being spun off by the rain and fog, to see which rises from the pit of seven-color rainbow, so that you Fireweed majestic appearance of Earth, Li Zhao Yan days flu. Why has this waterfall named Huangguoshu waterfall, and not what other other waterfall? According to folklore, is a tree in the edge of a waterfall tall Ficus virens, according to the local accent, "Electric" and "fruit" pronunciation, and I used to call on people to Huangguoshu, which is a statement. There is also the view that a long time ago legend waterfall nearby farmers like yellow fruit species, the edge of a waterfall has a large yellow orchards, so they made the Huangguoshu waterfall as a waterfall. And the rest of the world famous Great Falls, the Huangguoshu Falls Although no African Victoria Falls, Niagara Falls, North America, Venezuela Angel Falls is so wide, and highly ambitious, but Huangguoshu Falls has its peculiar, it is the world’s most karst areas at the Falls, is the most spectacular waterfall. The Falls is like a strange magnetic stones, in its ground and underground water, Water also adsorption eyes with a series of voice in the landscape. One of the most magical one is hidden in a waterfall gully holes in the cliff Gallery, as Wisteria cling hole, water pegged Fly, known as "Seorak." This is the world’s other great waterfall not a peculiar landscape. Ladies and gentlemen, "Seorak" has come and the Seorak length of 134 meters, which consists of six holes window 3 units hole vents and six channel formed. According to Chinese legend arranged large television drama "Journey to the West" Seorak a drama, is here filming. This is the first window hole, it’s the lowest position, the pool from the rhino-only 40 meters, but the hole is the most generous windows, 10 meters wide, In the first place, the middle two waterfalls, a river even when 2% of the Water Curtain Falls, the hole will seal all windows; Water was fourth hour began, from a few meters to 10 meters range, Min, as can be arbitrarily CDCC the curtains. This is the second hole window, it is from the window of the first hole only about 4 meters. This is a quiet world, known as the Crystal Palace. It is the heart of Seorak, is 11 meters long, nine meters high and three meters wide. A roadside springs, the clear, bright and clean water in a year round water level. Top of many hanging stalactite, the straw stalactite-like there are precious stone curl. Also on the wall hung countless Shiman, stone screens. This is the third hole window, it highlights the field, much like a balcony. This window is a hole-meter, 3-meter-long, the outside perimeter guard, visitors can stand behind the guardrail hand touch Falls, People here so called "touch waterfall Chinese Taiwan." Ladies and gentlemen, we now visit the landscape is rhino Tam Valley landscape. Look, from the waist down rhino is a one contiguous or water, followed by rhino Lake, the three Beach, Horseshoe Beach, Fish oil wells, and so on. In this series in the lake, of course, is headed by Tan rhinoceros, it was 17.7 meters deep, often splash beads coverage, in the fog Chu drowned. As long as the sun, a waterfall splashes beads often hung colorful rainbow, with people moving and unpredictable. Huangguoshu Waterfall Why so? This is because the Huangguoshu Waterfall located in the Karst region, the flow is caused by erosion. Traceability erosion crack when they arrived at upper reaches of the river erosion along the karst fracture, corrosion, erosion, abrasion, and gradually expand the pipeline, formation of holes and not charged underground river; Form into local river water after the water sink in Liuzitian ratio gradually increased, created the unique karst region capture, in-flow into water sink in Liuzitian, on the formation of water sink in Liuzitian-waterfall.

With water erosion and collapse strategy has steadily increased, more and more underground river cave, So along the surface wadis clustered development of the shaft and skylights, which have continued to expand, merging, Collapse, causing the present magnificent Huangguoshu Falls and Falls downstream deeply dangerous gorge. I hope you raise your camera and shoot Huangguoshu Waterfall, stay in your memory, publicity to more people, because China is the Huangguoshu Waterfall and also belongs to the world.


Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

Today we will go and visit the Nanyue Temple, Nanyue Temple is situated on the northern tip of Nanyue Township and at the southern foot of Chidi Peak. In a layout of nine rows, It is the largest and best-preserved ancient palatial architectural complex of south China. Magnificent and splendid with resplendent upturned eaves. Inside the east in parallel to eight Buddhist palaces on the west, It is indeed a wonder in the history of religion that Taoism. Buddhism and Confucian culture can co-exist within a single temple.

The exact time of the construction of Nanyue Temple is unknown. It existed asearly as in the Qin and Han Dynastis. Originally Located on the summit of Zhurong Peak, The temple was later moved to the mountain foot to facilitate the religious activities. The beginning of the Tang Dynasty witnessed the formal construction of the Heavenly Lord Huo"s Temple" the "Heavenly Master Temple". So as to enshrine and worship the Gods of the five sacred mountains, During the Song Dynasty the immortal of the Hengshan Mountain was revered as the "Heavenly Master Zhaosheng",as a result the temple was gradually expanded and enlarged. Since the Tang Dynasty Nanyue Temple had beed subject to six fires and 16reconstructions all through the Song. Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the 8th year of Emperor Guangxu"s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1882 A.D), the Imperial Court ordered the rbuilding of Nanyue Temple. Which had been ruined by lightning, The project was imitative. Copying the styles of the Imperial Palace. And even to the present day it is still well preserved.

Fenced with red-brick walls.Nanyue Temple ccupies an area of some 70.000 square metres. From north to south lies in sequence nine rows and four courtyards-Lingxing Gate. Kuixing Tower. Chuan Gate. Pavilion of Imperial Study, Main Hall, Dwelling Palace and the Northern Rear Exit. The whole architecture complex stretches across on axis extending from south to north with its halls linked up together. The winding corridors and wing-rooms on both sides merge with each other. Accentuating the magnificence of the stature of the principal part. On the east side of the main temple there are eight Taoist palaces. Coordinating with eight Buddhist palaces on the west side.

The first row is Lingxing Gate. Two gilded Chinese characters "Mountain Temple" are shining on the white marble at the top of the gate. The marble gate stands as high as 20 metres with a width of 1.1 metres and is meant to imply that during the past dynasties all the religious activities were officiated by real knowledgeable people. The second row is kuixing Tower. The most perfectly preserved ancient stage in Human Province.with a breadth of 35metres and a length of 12. Its fa?ade facing the main palace, the stage is the place where people hold religious activities and perform local operas during pilgrimage. Before the tower stands a pair of 2-metre tall stone Kylin (Chinese unicorn). With their furious eyes widely open. They are like two solemn looking sentinels guarding the tower.

The pebble path under the Kuixing Tower leads to the third row-Main Chuan Gate. East and West Gates. The gateway is made of gray bricks with an awesome depth and height of 15 metres. The courtyard within is filled with dense cypress trees and carpeted with green grass. The fourth row is the Pavilion of Imperial Study. Distinguished by its gilded tiles. Octagonal doubleeaved roofs and exquisitely-crafted arches. Inside the pavilion there is a Bixi in the shape of a legendary animal like tortoise. Legend has it that Bixi is the ninth son of the dragon. The Bixi carries an imperial stele on which the full text of On Rebuilding Nanyue Temple was carved in the 47th year of Kangxi"s reign(1780 A.D.) in the Qing dynasty.

The fifth row is Jiaying Gate. Named after the line from The Annals of Han-Books of Rites and Joys: "This row is the place where local magistrates and monks welcomed ritual officials dispatched from the capital. After the Jiaying Gate the sixth row comes into view-Tower of Imperial Study. Which is the storehouse of the collection of imperial calligraphies .messages and inscribed boards concerning the past emperors" ritual presentations to the mountain. Sweeet osmanthus ahead of the tower submerges the building with its refreshing scent when it blossoms every autumn.

The seventh row is the Main Palace. Surrounded by towering old trees. Camphor trees planted in the Song Dynasty and cypress in the Ming Dynasty compete with each other in setting off the beauty of the upturned double-roofs and the splendour of the palace. Adding tremendous awe to the Main Palac. As it stands 29.11 metres, its girandeur rivals that of the Palace of supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Inside the palace there are 72 stone pilliars, standing for the 72 peaks on the Hengshan Mountain. The two huge pillars upholding the main roofs were cut out of a whole granite. Each weighing 14 tons.

Encircled by the balustrades are 144 relief sculptures carved out of white marbles. Based on Shanhai Jing . Pillars on the forefront overlap. Carved on them are 56 historical and legendary thles . On the square door were carved the Images. On the square door were carved the Images of the 24 filial Sons and the Images of the 18 Scholars. Here tourists can get a rough idea of the age-old Chinese Confucian and Taoist cultures. Clay statues-Heavenly King Zhaosheng and General Jin and Wu line up in the palace with their impressively dignified look, calling forth in tourists a feeling of profound respect.

The eighth row is the dwelling Palacewith double roofs and in perfect harmony with the whole mountain. This structure keeps up the architectural style of the Song Dynasty and is decorated with coloured drawings and patterns whichare popular among palaces in the North. giving a sense of gorgeousness to this palace. The ninth row is the Northern Rear Exit. The end of the axial architecture, with Zhusheng Palace to the right and Chief God Palace to the left, At the back of the exit. A path leads farther into the mountain.

Nanyue Temple occupies a prominent position in the history of ancient Chinese architecture. It carries the grandeur characterized by palaces in the North. And at the same time it smacks of the loveliness featured by gardens in the South. The architectural arrangement of the temple is clearly demarcated and gently modulated. Strongly indicating the ingenuity and originality of the craftsmen. Its ground and upper layouts are like an eternal musical movement with its own overture, main body and coda. Demonstrating the excellence of ancient Chinese architecture.

Nanyue Temple carries a profound cultural connotation. It boasts a large number of clay statues. Wood engravings and stone carvings, which are all closely linked up with Chinese tradition and culture. Over 800 dragons of various sizes, which are the symbol of the Chinese nation.can be found everwhere in the temple. The carvings on the roof wood and white marble balustrades are an encyclopedia of ancient history and mythology. There are fairy tales- "Pan Gu Creating the Universe." "Hou Yi Shooting the Suns", "Jing Wei Filling up the Ocean"¡-; real stories about some historical figures- "Su Wu Shepherding Sheep." "sleeping on sticks and Tasting the Gallbladder." "Da MO Crossing the Sea"¡- ; legends extolling filial piety- "Melting the Ice with Body Warmth to Catch Carps." "Weeping on the Bamboo until it Turns into shoots"¡- Most of the carvings are the lgends about the earliest ancestors of Taoist immortals. As early as in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, clay status, wood engraving and stone carving were reputed as "the Three Wonders to the South of the Yangtze River."

All through the dynasties Nanyue Temple has been a thriving place to hold religious activities both for the feudal imperial courts and the ordinary people. Every year the temple greets nearly 1.000.000 pilgrims. The offerings, presentation, titles and other customs are almost the same as they were thousands years ago. There are "bowing pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps , and "hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims bow with each step or with every three steps. "And hunger pilgrimage" in which the pilgrims refrain from food during their trip. More often. Pilgrims would set off in throngs. They wear gray clothes with a red cloth attached to their chest reading "Hengshan Mountain Pilgrimage." Holding buring incenses in hand. Those pious pilgrims chant pilgriming theme" to pray for the peace of the nation and the wealth of people, making it a really spectacular scene on the mountain.


Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, with some fairly beautiful scenery and a once typically Hunan village atmosphere, Shaoshan has been irreparably changed by history. On the 26th December 1893, a baby was born in a little house in this village, to a relatively wealthy peasant couple. The child was to grow up to become China"s Great Helmsman, Chairman Mao Zedong, and it was in this region that he spent his childhood and youth, attending school and helping his father with his work.

As the hometown of the great man of the generation, now Shaoshan is one of the important tourist zones in Hunan province. The major tourist sites including the Former residence of Chairman Mao, Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong, Water-dripping Cave and Steles Forest of Mao"s Poems,and so on.

The former residence of Chairman Mao is the most interesting site. Entered through a courtyard, the house is of a sunny yellow, mud brick walls, with a nicely thatched roof, and is found on a wooded hillside, above some lush paddy fields. There are 13 and one half rooms in the Former residence, which include one and half central room, a kitchen, a dining room, three family bedrooms and a guest room. Within the rooms are various personal effects of Mao and his parents, as well as photos from Mao"s life.

This is the central room, it was used by two families: Mao’s family and their neighbor. So we said that there is only one half of the central room belongs to Mao’s family. And this is there kitchen, where Chairman Mao often helped his mother doing some housework in his childhood. Go through the kitchen was Chairman Mao’s parent"s bedroom, there are two photos of Chairman Mao’s parents on the inner wall, and it was in this room where Chairman Mao was born.

The Dripping Water Cave, about 3 km northwest of the village, is a very popular destination, possibly because of the fact that Mao allegedly spent 11 days here in the early days of the Cultural Revolution Years (1966-76), contemplating the unknown.



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Badaling Great Wall history called the world nine fill one, is the essence of the Great Wall, the Ming Great Wall, alone representation. Badaling Great Wall is the first of the Great Wall to tourist location, badaling scenic spot to the Great Wall at badaling is given priority to, build the badaling hotel, the week theaters and title of Chinas Great Wall museum by President jiang zemin and other full-featured modern tourist service facilities. Badaling scenic spot to its magnificent landscape, perfect facilities is famous in the world and the profound connotation of culture and history.

Badaling geographical environment is superior, since the ancient times is the gateway to shanxi, Inner Mongolia, zhangjiakou traffic arteries. Open to traffic in 98, the badaling expressway, the traffic is very convenient. And the annual mean temperature in badaling more than 3 ℃, lower than the Beijing become the leader of "shall" yanqing tourist.

Badaling Great Wall in yanqing county of Beijing. One is the Great Walls pass. Its GuanCheng is narrow east west wide trapezoid, built during Ming hongzhi 18 years (in 1505), chopped jiajing and wanli period used. Something second east GuanCheng MenE topic "house agent outside the town," carved in the eighteenth year of jiajing (1539); Simon frontal topic "north gate lock-and-key", engraved Yu Wanli ten years (1582). Both doors to the masonry structure, coupons hole as a platform, on the north and south of Chinese Taiwan have their own channels, connection GuanCheng walls, and the stage build by laying bricks or stones around the crenel. Beijing chang road through from the gate, for the throat to Beijing. From the left and right sides of the "north gate lock-and-key" gate tower, the ups and downs, twists and turns of the Great Wall. The Great Wall is 6700 km, is one of the greatness of ancient buildings in the world.

North 8 building is badaling Great Walls highest building, up to 888.9 meters, the building also has distinguishing feature very much. Originally can also be mounted watchtowers view mountain at the scene, but the sealing stair-door to protect cultural relics.

From GuanCheng ChengTai south peak to peak south 4th floor, the walls 685.8 meters long, 142.4 meters height, especially between 3 floor to 4th floor, south south, ridge, narrow, steep the Great Wall it lists more than 400 meters. City top ZuiXian, slope of about 70 degrees, is almost straight on straight down. 1 / f, south and south 2nd floor, all have no repair on the second floor, from the south 3rd floor pillar remaining development, originally also has a room.

South peak highest, 4 / f, south of the Great Wall is 803.6 meters above sea level. Floor overlooking, the Great Wall from southwest to northeast winds on the ridge, like a black dragon, grand magnificent. Make people couldnt help think of the Great Wall of Chinas famous expert Mr Luo xus poems when board the badaling Great Wall; Feng, green jade the commonplace and mountain north shannan peak everywhere. Lock-and-key northward for risk, and a half long zai majestic mountains. From the south to south 7, 4 / f floor, highly gradually decline. South and south between the 6th floor 5 floor on the Great Wall on the ridge of the medial wall from 30 meters, a small white stood on a pavilion, which is in June 1987 completion of memorial pavilion ", "guizhou province repair the Great Wall. South 6th floor shop is a room, the shop is constructed on the top of the upper, the width between the three, the top of the mountain, red pillars, grey tile, small and exquisite. This is probably the "thousand total" command post.



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12月26至12月28号青岛日照三日游,这个团大都是师傅的朋友,所以组织管理起来很困难,因为是师傅介绍来的,所以师傅在整个旅程中都感觉自己功不可没,有很多要求,虽然师傅很辛苦,但是我觉得在我们努力处理好与师傅关系的同时还应该有自己的原则,不卑不亢。在出团第一天,快要走的时候,我要求检查油箱,师傅才告诉我没有加油,要再去加油,首先不说耽误时间,我就是想,如果我忘记检查油箱了,是不是师傅就不加了700多的油呢,所以出发前检查油箱很重要。沿途中,因为师傅介绍的11个人 所带的小孩不是占座的,我们37座的车子坐了41个人,所以秩序很混乱,一路上一直都是很委婉的提醒,而且他们还不遵守时间,引起别的客人的不满,我想我处理问题的能力不过,因为是师傅朋友他们就知道车子一定会等他们,师傅家的孩子也说只要她不走车子就不会走,我知道师傅把工作与私事混在一起,这是最坏的事情,我不想和师傅在旅游途中发生冲突,我只有警告师傅,我们是在工作。导游业务书上所说不准带亲友跟团的原因我终于知道了,太分神了。总结工作就是工作,私事私下解决。




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hua shan is the highest of china’s five sacred mountains. it is 120 kilometers east of xian. it has five peaks that resemble the petals of a flower. the highest peak is 2180 meters (7085 feet).

we had had discussions about going to hua shan with some graduate students from computer science. that didn’t work out due to changes in schedules on both sides. also, they were planning to do the climb at night to be able to reach the peak at sunrise. that did not appeal to us. we wanted to spend a night on the mountain. fran’s department arranged a trip for us, making reservations at the simple hotel on the north peak. they sent two graduate students to accompany us, though they had not been to hua shan before. we met them at 8:00 on saturday morning and took a taxi to the train station. there we asked around and located a mini-bus. the bus made a couple of stops. one was to see a presentation about the traditional medicines grown on the mountain and a chance to buy some of them. it probably would have been interesting if we understood chinese. our guides gave us the general outline about what was said. the other stop was a quick lunch stop.

there are two approaches to hua shan. [chinese proverb: “there is one road and only one road to hua shan,” meaning that sometimes the hard way is the only way.] the west entrance involves 10 kilometers of walking on a road before you start climbing. we went with the east entrance, where the bus brings you to the base of a cable car that goes up to the 1500 meter north peak. our plan was to walk up to the north peak, then climb to the four other peaks the next day and take the cable car down.

we started the climb in the early afternoon. the path consists of stone steps with rough chain link handrails in the narrowest areas (we wore our bicycling gloves for hand protection). physically, it is more like climbing the steps of a skyscraper than trails at home. however, the temperature was about 95 degrees and there was not much shade. we brought lots of water, including some bottles that we froze and some gatorade that we got at the fancy department store in downtown xian. there are plenty of refreshment stands along the way where you can buy bottled water, the chinese equivalent of gatorade, and other drinks or snacks at a premium price.

we reached the north peak before 4:00 pm and rested at the hotel. our room was basic, but comfortable and clean enough. because water is scarce on the mountain, there were neither showers nor sinks available for washing. in that sense the experience felt like camping, but we were sleeping in a big tent!

after dinner at the hotel restaurant, we spent some time talking with our guides. we were a bit surprised to find that they both think of japan negatively, but like the u.s. it seems that japan’s wwii behavior in china has not been forgotten, and is emphasized in school.

we saw a beautiful sunset and watched the sky become resplendent with thousands of stars, including the milky way galaxy. this was the clearest sky that we have seen in china. the fresh air at hua shan is a treat!

our guides had both been planning to get up at 4:00 am to watch the sunrise. fran and i made sleep a priority. we did happen to wake up a bit before sunrise (our room faced east) and went outside to watch the sky become rosy. ironically, our guides missed the sunrise because they had stayed up late watching the european soccer championships on the television in their room

the plan for the day was to climb the other four peaks, but we reserved the right to shorten the route. the first part was a steep climb to middle peak. after the low north peak, all the others are at roughly meters. there were crowds on the way to middle peak – mostly chinese hikers but we did see a few other wai guo (foreigners) as well.

we visited two taoist temples en route to middle peak. each one had an altar with incense and offerings of fruit. the friendly monks invited us to say a prayer or to send blessings to loved ones. fran accepted their invitation. at the first temple, she lit incense sticks and knelt on a cushion in front of the altar saying a silent prayer for our safe journey to the various summits of hua shan (the prayer was answered). at the second temple, she knelt on a cushion in front of the altar and sent silent blessings to several friends who are experiencing challenging situations in their lives at present. after each blessing, she leaned forward and the monk struck a drum.

after middle peak, the crowds got much thinner. the next was east peak, which had a steep ladder climbing rock. fran was dubious about this ascent, but realized that the ladder wasn’t so bad and went for it. that was a good decision because we were then able to do a loop and the trails got almost empty at this point. after skirting the top of a cliff with a steep dropoff on both sides, we had a pleasant walk to south peak and west peak. there was even a small amount of dirt trail! the summit of south peak was the highest point on hua shan, so of course we asked another hiker to take a photo of our guides and us. the views from the tops of each peak were beautiful. hua shan and the surrounding mountains are very rugged and remind us somewhat of hiking in the southwestern united states or the sierras.

we took a route that eventually brought us to the main line returning down from middle to north peak. we were happy to have ascended each of the five peaks (petals) of flower mountain.

by cable car (the longest in asia), it was just 7 minutes down to the park entrance. we caught a shuttle bus into town, then transferred to a bus for xian.

our guides told us that we had walked up and down a total of 4000 stairs! we were glad that we did not have this information when we started. for three days after returning home, our sore leg muscles instructed us to take the elevator to our fifth floor apartment rather than climbing the stairs.



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范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1006 字

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The Six Banyan Pagoda was built for keeping Buddhist relics. According to the records, some holy ashes from Buddha’s teeth, a sword, a bronze tripod and some other Buddhist treasures are buried under the foundation of the pagoda. This octagonal magnificent pagoda, with its blue glazed tiles, vermilion beams, painted walls and red pillars all in good match, looks like a flowery column and so it is often referred to as the “Flowery Pagod”a.

The highlight of the visit to the temple is to climb the pagoda. This 57-meter-high pagoda looks to have only 9 stories on the outside but actually has 17 stories inside. On each of the 9 external floors, there are many entrances leading to its interior but only one is accessible to the staircase.

So, if you lose your way, you just turn around the circle and you will find your way up or down! On the top floor, there is a huge bronze column with 1023 Buddha figurines in relief. Cast in 1358, this bronze column, together with its attachments, weighs over 5 tons



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2319 字

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Hangzhou songcheng scenic area is Chinas most popular theme park, the first batch of national cultural industry demonstration base, visitors will be 3.8 million people in 20xx. Songcheng scenic area by the song dynasty building, on the basis of the song dynasty built the famous painting "on the qingming festival, song dynasty city as far as possible.


We climbed to a little house, on the first saw the small artificial Buddha mountain, and then, we went to a songcheng street, we see a lot of people, they seem to be seeing some interesting things, we also went to see. I found that those who perform looks great, but they have no facial expression. And then, we came to "serial shock" haunted house, lets line up, we opened the curtain found black whirring, mother was away, then, I followed away. Brother six come out later told me, in fact, the ghost dont scare, just sound a little terror.


Songcheng strange street is also very interesting, stealth hut, the phantom of the space, transverse house, house, house, and the labyrinth. And then we came to the "road" dambulla cave temple, dare not walk I go in, because too dark, mother will go with me, when we go out and its time for lunch, because songcheng wasnt fun, so elder brother dad took us to the agriculture docking tea village.


Next to a meal, we came to west mountain forest park to climb the mountain. We walked out of it to rain, we had to hold an umbrella for one person. His umbrella is in the way of dripping with bamboo is really comfortable, but Im a little bit tired today, so I dont want to climb a mountain, there is a little into the final. No walk in the middle, uncle said to bear down, turned out to be too many mosquitoes, time is running out, we want to catch up on go to see the evening show!
